
Interview: Neal Petersen | Part 1


World renowned adventurer and award-winning author Neal Petersen delivered a fascinating speech during the Start Summit held at St. Gallen, Switzerland on 15-16 March, 2018. He spoke extensively about the challenges of having your own business, and what it takes to be a successful self-made investor starting from scratch. Despite encountering numerous challenges throughout his life, Neal went on to become one of the best known adventurers of our time, having competed in some of the most fierce racing competitions around the globe.

Agrocenta, startup Ghanaise de l’agri tech, a été sacrée Seedstars Global Winner 2018 et a ainsi remporté une promesse d’investissement en capitaux propres pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 500 000 USD de la part du fond d’investissement de Seedstars.


(English) (عربي)


Seedstars World, la plus grande compétition de startups de marchés émergents, clôture sa cinquième édition avec un Seedstars Summit haut en couleur. Après avoir organisé des compétitions locales pour dénicher les meilleures startups des pays émergents dans plus de 65 pays en 2017, Seedstars a invité les startups finalistes au Seedstars Summit à Lausanne, pendant lequel se déroule la grande finale et sont remis pas moins de 9 prix supportant les meilleures innovations.


Bien plus qu'une conférence Tech, le Seedstars Summit est l'occasion pour tous les acteurs des écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux des pays émergents de se réunir et d’échanger sur les problématiques et enjeux actuels de ces pays.


Avant la grande finale de Seedstars World le 12 avril, les entrepreneurs finalistes ont eu l’occasion de participer à un bootcamp privé de deux jours et à un forum d’investisseurs où ils ont eu la chance de rencontrer des investisseurs et mentors spécifiques à leur région et industrie. En tout plus de 700 rencontres ont eu lieu entre investisseurs et entrepreneurs. 12 startups ont été sélectionnées par les investisseurs pour pitcher sur scène devant plus de 1000 personnes réunissant investisseurs, membres de gouvernements et d’entreprises lors du 4ème jour du Seedstars Summit. Le jury composé de Benjamin Benaïm, Nikunj Jinsi and Theta Aye a désigné la startup Agrocenta, originaire du Ghana, Global Winner de l’édition 2018 de Seedstars World.


Francis Obirikorang a fondé Agrocenta dans le but de connecter les agriculteurs indépendants directement aux consommateurs dans le but d’encourager le commerce équitable en Afrique. Selon Pierre-Alain Masson, co-fondateur de Seedstars, Agrocenta a remporté le prix de Global Winner 2018 pour le potentiel d’impact que la plateforme peut avoir sur la population africaine. Il a aussi rappelé l’importance de montrer aux investisseurs du monde entier qu’il y a des innovations et des technologies qui peuvent améliorer des milliards de vies dans ces pays, que ce soit dans l’agriculture, l’éducation, la santé ou l’énergie.


Pour la startup Agrocenta, “Gagner le Global Winner Prize du Seedstars Summit aura un énorme impact sur le futur et le succès de l’entreprise pour les prochaines années. Je suis convaincu que, comme les années précédentes, ce sera l’occasion de bénéficier d’investissements, d’apprentissage et d’opportunités de croissance. Dans les pays émergents, nous manquons de ce genre d’événements propices au networking et d’infrastructures qui supportent l’entrepreneuriat. Le réseau Seedstars a une influence considérable et porte la voix de l”’impact investing”. J’ai hâte de profiter de ces nouvelles opportunités.”


En plus de la promesse d’investissement jusqu’à 500 000 USD pour le gagnant du Seedstars Global Winner, les partenaires de Seedstars ont remis 7 prix:

  • Edves, startup originaire du Nigeria, a remporté le “Transforming Education Prize”, remis par TRECC (Transforming Education in Cocoa Communities) et l’école de Management de Fribourg (HEG Fribourg), donnant accès au programme d’accélération de Seedstars d’une valeur de 50 000 USD.
  • FinChat, startup originaire de Singapour, a remporté le BBVA Open Talent Fintech Prize, donnant accès au BBVA Open Summit annuel et au réseau d’acteurs de la FinTech de BBVA.
  • Solar Freeze, startup originaire du Kenya, a remporté le Africa Energy Prize remis par Enel X, qui a félicité la startup pour sa solution innovante de coffres de réfrigération fonctionnants à l’énergie solaire. Solar Freeze a également gagné l’accès à un programme d’accélération de 3 mois d’une valeur de 50 000 USD.
  • EMGuidance, la startup finaliste Sud-Africaine s’est vue remettre le Health Tech Prize par Merck. Le prix donne accès à faire partie de l’accélérateur de Merck avec un support financier de 50 000 € et un bureau au Merck Innovation Center ainsi que du mentoring et du coaching.
  • TAG Heuer, le “Time Keeper” officiel du Seedstars Summit, a remis trois prix, sous forme de montres aux startups suivantes :
    • Mesdaf, la startup Nigérienne, a reçu le prix de Best Woman Entrepreneur.
    • Alquilando, la startup Argentine qui simplifie la location d’immobilier en limitant les risques et en prenant soin du paiement, a reçu le prix de “Time Saviour”. Pour TAG Heuer, c’est l’innovation qui permet de faire gagner le plus de temps aux particuliers en Amérique latine.
    • CMED Health, la startup finaliste Bangladeshi a remporté le Innovation Prize.
  • Le prix de vote du Public a été remis par Raphaël Conz, responsable du Bureau des affaires économiques (SPECo) à Junkbot Robotics. Les 1000 participants du Seedstars Summit ont pu voter via la Seedstars App pour élire leur finaliste préféré.


Les 12 finalistes qui ont pitché sur scène le jeudi 12 avril sont:

  • CMED, startup finaliste du Bangladesh
  • Celcoin, startup finaliste du Brésil
  • Agrocenta, startup finaliste du Ghana
  • Junkbot Robotics, startup finaliste des Emirats Arabes Unis
  • Redcapital, startup finaliste du Chili
  • Payit, startup finaliste du Mexique
  • calls, startup finaliste de l’Ukraine
  • GiftedMom, startup finaliste du Cameroon
  • KarGo, startup finaliste du Myanmar
  • Medsaf, startup finaliste du Nigeria
  • SayurBox, startup finaliste d’Indonesie
  • EMGuidance, startup finaliste d’Afrique du sud


La Suisse est connue pour être l’un des pays les plus innovants du monde et la région du Canton de Vaud contribue en particulier à cette réputation. Un quart des 100 premières start-ups suisses sont basées dans le Canton, dont 6 des 10 meilleures en 2017, ainsi que près de 2 000 entreprises high-tech. Pour Raphäel Conz, responsable du Bureau des affaires économiques (SPoE), «Soutenir Seedstars s'inscrit parfaitement dans notre vision de promotion de l'entrepreneuriat, qui offre à la société de nouvelles solutions innovantes, crée de l’emploi et forme un développement économique durable.”


Outre le Bureau des affaires économiques, la mission de Seedstars est soutenue par de grands partenaires tels que: Innovaud, CVCI (Chambre Vaudoise du Commerce et de l'Industrie), Enel X, Ecole de Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg), TRECC, Merck, UNFPA, Tag Heuer, BBVA Open Innovation, Continental, EPFL (École Polytechnique de Lausanne), Ville de Lausanne, Région de Lausanne, Swisscom et Nespresso. Ensemble, Seedstars et ses partenaires ont pu rassembler plus de 1000 acteurs pour l’impact positif dans les pays émergents à Lausanne.




« They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds.» - Proverbe mexicain

Seedstars est un groupe suisse qui a pour mission dimpacter la vie des populations de pays émergents grâce à la technologie et l’entrepreneuriat. Seedstars met en contact différentes parties prenantes (gouvernements, investisseurs, entrepreneurs, entreprises, associations), crée des entreprises de toutes pièces avec l’aide de partenaires privés et publics, et investit dans des startups à fort potentiel de croissance au sein de ces écosystèmes. Par le biais de différentes activités, allant de la recherche des meilleurs startups des pays émergents à la création d’entreprises en passant par des programmes d’accélération, notre équipe a su construire le plus grand réseau d’entrepreneurs, investisseurs, incubateurs, entreprises et représentants gouvernementaux originaires de plus de 65 économies à forte croissance à travers le monde. Le groupe Seedstars est composé de Seedstars World, la plus grande compétition internationale de startups des pays émergents ; Seedstars Growth, un programme d’accélération virtuel de trois mois et un fond d’investissements; Seedspace, un réseau de hubs d’entrepreneurs présent dans plus de 35 pays, et Seedstars Academy, une formation intensive de six mois pour de jeunes entrepreneurs des pays émergents. Seedstars compte, parmi ses principaux partenaires, Enel (énergie), School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) & TRECC - Jacobs Foundation (éducation), BBVA (finance), Tag Heuer (entrepreneuriat féminin et innovation) et Merck KGaA (santé).



Seedstars World est la seule compétition mondiale de startups qui se focalise sur l’impact créé dans les pays émergents et en développement. Ces 5 dernières années, Seedstars World a construit un réseau global à travers plus de 65 pays, en parcourant le monde à la recherche d’opportunités d’investissement et de développement à impact social. Nous organisons chaque année plus de 80 compétitions locales, afin d’identifier les meilleures startups en phase de démarrage, ainsi que des bootcamps afin de transmettre aux entrepreneurs des méthodes de croissance rapide pour leurs startups.Nous organisons également 5 Forums régionaux, durant lesquels nous réunissons tous les gagnants des compétitions locales de chaque région afin de leur faire rencontrer les personnalités importantes de leur région :investisseurs, entreprises, incubateurs, accélérateurs et gouvernements. Enfin, le Seedstars Summit héberge la finale de notre compétition. C’est un évènement majeur avec des orateurs renommés , des tables rondes, des ateliers sur des thématiques spécifiques et des présentations des startups les plus prometteuses des pays émergents ! Au cours de l’évènement, les gagnants des compétitions locales tenteront de remporter le titre de Seedstars World Global Winner et autres prix représentant un montant d’$1M d’investissement. En parallèle, notre programme d’accélération de trois mois se concentre sur la croissance accélérée d’une quinzaine de gagnants choisis parmi les startups sélectionnées suite aux compétitions locales. Il inclut un investissement de $50K, dont $20K servent à financer le programme. Plus d’informations sont disponibles ici.

Agrocenta, the startup which is tackling food access and stock flow issues across Ghana communities, won up to $500,000 in equity investment and some unique growth opportunities at the Seedstars Summit 2018.


(Français) (عربي)


Seedstars World, the biggest startup competition focused only in emerging markets, closed its fifth edition with a huge celebratory Seedstars Summit. After covering 65+ countries during 2017, Seedstars invited and sponsored the coming of 65+ local startup winners to Lausanne, Switzerland, where they had the chance to compete for different prizes, up to $1mn in equity investment and the title of Seedstars Global Winner.


Much more than a conference, the Seedstars Summit is an opportunity for stakeholders in impact investment, tech and entrepreneurship in and from emerging markets to network and profit from a unique hands-on growth experience. Startups participated in a two-day bootcamp; a private Investor Forum where they had the chance to pitch to be considered one of the 12 finalists to compete on the main stage and attended more than 700 one-on-one sessions with investors. On the Summit Day, the finalist startups pitched on the main stage in front of more than 1,000 hand-picked participants, investors, startup enthusiasts and some of the most prominent names of tech and entrepreneurship in emerging markets. The jury, an international panel which included Benjamin Benaïm, from Seedstars, Nikunj Jinsi and Theta Capital Group decided that this year’s investment will go to Agrocenta from Ghana.


Francis Obirikorang founded Agrocenta having in mind to create an online sales platform that could connect smallholder farmers directly to an online market which has wider geographic size to sell their commodities. According to Pierre-Alain Masson, co-founder at Seedstars, “Agrocenta won this prize because of the disruption they are creating in the farming industry. It’s very important that investors know that talent is everywhere and that the way startups and tech entrepreneurs in emerging markets are addressing the underlying social challenges in their home countries, be it agriculture or access to finance, basic education, healthcare or energy supply is a tremendous business trend and opportunity.”


For Francis Obirikorang, “winning at the Seedstars Summit will have an enormous impact in my company’s growth and success for the next years. I am sure that, just like other previous winners, it will open funding, learning and growth opportunities. In emerging economies, we lack not only the infrastructure, but also access to some fundamental tools like networking and mentoring. Seedstars team is spreading the word about our talent and ideas to their international network dedicated to impact investment and I know I’ll be able to profit from this. Can’t wait to start building on this momentum!”


On top of the $500,000 investment prize for the Seedstars Global Winner, Seedstars and its partners awarded 7 additional prizes:

  • EDVES, from Nigeria, was awarded the Transforming Education Prize, by TRECC (Transforming Education in Cocoa Communities) and School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg), winning access to the Seedstars Growth Program worth $50,000.
  • Finchat Technologies, from Singapore, won the BBVA Open Innovation Prize, receiving an opportunity to participate at their annual BBVA Open Summit in Madrid and network with the most relevant players from their international fintech network
  • Solar Freeze, from Kenya, was the winner of the Africa Energy Prize by Enel X, which rewards the startup for its innovative solution to provide solar-powered cold storage units to smallholder farmers with no need for grid connection in Sub-Saharan Africa. Solar Freeze won access to a three-month programme worth $50,000 in acceleration services.
  • EMGuidance, from South Africa, was awarded the Health Tech prize by Merck. The prize combines joining Merck Accelerator with financial support of up to €50,000 and office space at the Merck Innovation Center, mentoring, and coaching.
  • TAG Heuer, Seedstars World official time keeper, decided to partner with Seedstars Summit to highlight the role of women entrepreneurs in their own ecosystems and awarded Medsaf, from Nigeria, the Best Woman Entrepreneur prize.
  • Alquilando, from Argentina, won the Time Saviour Prize, by TAG Heuer, for their solution to simplify rental process, minimize risk and guarantee rent payments on time, considered to be the one which allows users to save more time of their lives.
  • Innovation Prize, also by TAG Heuer, was awarded to CMED, from Bangladesh.
  • Public Prize: one of the highlights of the day is when the public gets to vote for its favourite startup. This year, the Office for Economic Affairs (SPECo) has decided to power it by bestowing the winner, Junkbot Robotics, with a premium gift from Veuve Clicquot, a company from Switzerland and all the support from Canton de Vaud in the future.


The 12 finalist startups were:

  • CMED, finalist startup from Bangladesh
  • Celcoin, finalist startup from Brazil
  • Agrocenta, finalist startup from Ghana
  • Junkbot Robotics, finalist startup from United Arab Emirates
  • Redcapital, finalist startup from Chile
  • Payit, finalist startup from Mexico
  • calls, finalist startup from Ukraine
  • GiftedMom, finalist startup from Cameroon
  • KarGo, finalist startup from Myanmar
  • Medsaf, finalist startup from Nigeria
  • SayurBox, finalist startup from Indonesia
  • EMGuidance, finalist startup from South Africa

It is known that Switzerland is, by many metrics, the most innovative country in the world and Vaud is contributing a lot to this status quo. A quarter of the 100 top Swiss startups is based in the Canton, including 6 of the 10 top best ones in 2017, as well as about 2,000 high-tech companies. For Raphäel Conz, Head of the Office for Economic Affairs (SPECo), “Supporting Seedstars is perfectly aligned with our vision to promote entrepreneurship, which ultimately provide society with new solutions and more job opportunities and will eventually shape a sustainable economic development.”


Besides the Office for Economic Affairs, Seedstars’ mission counts with the support of great partners: Innovaud, CVCI (Chambre Vaudoise du Commerce et de l’Industrie), Enel X, School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) & TRECC, Merck KGaA, UNFPA, Tag Heuer, BBVA Open Innovation, Continental, EPFL (École Polytéchnique de Lausanne), City of Lausanne, Region of Lausanne, Swisscom and Nespresso. Together, Seedstars and its partners have been impacting billions of lives in emerging markets successfully for 5 years now and it will not stop here. Seedstars has just been awarded, by the Yangon Innovation Gonvernment (Myanmar), the opportunity to manage the Yangon Innovation Centre, playing an important role in the development of the startup ecosystem in the region along with its partner Thura Swiss.


"They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds." - Mexican proverb

Seedstars is a Swiss based group with the mission to impact people’s lives in emerging markets through technology and entrepreneurship. Seedstars connects stakeholders, builds companies from scratch with public and private partners and invests in high growth startups within these ecosystems. Through different activities, that range from startup scouting to company building and acceleration programs, the team has built the most powerful network of entrepreneurs, investors, incubators, corporations and government officials from 65+ fast growing economies around the globe. Seedstars group includes Seedstars World, a worldwide startup competition, sourcing the top talent in technology and entrepreneurship in emerging markets; Seedstars Growth Program, a three month virtual acceleration program; Seedspace, a network of coworking and co-living spaces now in 35+ countries and Seedstars Academy, a six months intensive training for aspiring local entrepreneurs on how to build sustainable businesses. Some of Seedstars main partners are Enel (Energy), School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) & TRECC - Transforming Education in Cocoa Communities (Education), BBVA (Finance), Tag Heuer (Fempreneurship and Innovation) and Merck KGaA (Health).



Seedstars World is the first global startup competition focused on emerging and fast-growing markets. For five years now, it has built a network in 65+ countries, with the teams traveling the world to source innovative startup investment opportunities. We run 80+ local competitions to identify the best seed-stage startups and host an inspirational set of disruptive tech and networking sessions. We also organise 5 regional Summits, reuniting all local winners of each region to network with speakers, investors, corporates, incubators, accelerators, governments and all other relevant stakeholders. Finally, Seedstars Summit, the competition’s final, is our exciting flagship event filled with breakout sessions, panel discussions, specialized workshops and the best minds from emerging markets, where local winners compete to be crowned Seedstars World Global Winner and win up to $1M in investment. In parallel, our virtual three month growth program focuses on improving the growth and traction for 10-20 startups selected from the local winners. More info here.




أجرت منصة رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين (SA Entrepreneurs) لقاءً مع راي دارغام (Ray Dargham)، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة STEP، وذلك على هامش مؤتمر STEP Start 2018 في دبي لمناقشة المشهد الريادي في المنطقة والمآلات المستقبلية لهذا القطاع المتسارع النمو.

The fifth edition of the Seedstars Summit announced for the 12th of April in Lausanne



12th of April 2018

SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL

Lausanne – Switzerland

(we are a media partner to this event, the organizers offer a 10% discount to our network)


After a year of roaming the world and analyzing startup ecosystems in fast growing economies,

Seedstars is proud to present the grand finale of Seedstars World, the largest emerging markets startup competition. For its fifth anniversary, Seedstars promises its very best Summit to date, gathering 65+ handpicked startups coming from Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Africa. Spanning a wide variety of verticals, from Fin-tech to Ed-tech, Med/Bio-tech, Agri-tech, Insure-tech, Clean-tech and High/Nano-tech, they will reunite in the SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne, Switzerland to compete for different prizes and the title of Seedstars Global Winner, qualifying to win up to $1M in equity investment.


The 2018 edition will also attract startups enthusiasts, investors, business angels, government officials, incubators, NGOs and journalists from all over the world for an international and unique hands-on networking experience.


84% of the world’s population is located in emerging markets and 59% of global GDP comes from these markets. Figures and statistics confirm it, emerging markets are the future. Did you know that by 2025 annual consumption in emerging markets will reach $30trn? And that two-thirds of the global growth is coming from emerging markets?1


Realizing that these figures represent opportunities to impact billions of lives, Seedstars has been connecting with the digital changemakers of the emerging world, to provide them with access to high growth opportunities. That is why, with the help of partners such as Innovaud, City of Lausanne, Enel, School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) & TRECC (Transforming Education in Cocoa Communities program, part of the Jacobs Foundation), BBVA, Tag Heuer, Merck KGaA and CVCI (Chambre Vaudoise du Commerce et de l’Industrie), the fifth edition of Seedstars Summit will be celebrated with the purpose to address crucial questions: where do we want to be five years from now regarding technology and innovation? How will the entrepreneurship from fast-growing markets impact the world economy?


The 2017 Seedstars Summit was a success, with more than 1’000 attendees from all over the world, around 60 startup finalists and 116 investors, who took part in more than 450 one-on-one meetings.


Speakers such as Bob Collymore , CEO of Safaricom, and Alexander Galitsky, Managing Partner of Almaz Capital, animated discussions around major themes of fast growing markets. The Best Woman Entrepreneur prize was awarded to Monica Abarca, from qAIRa (Peru), an air-pollution monitoring drone, whilst the most Innovative Startup prize was presented to PiQuant, a South Korean hardware startup dedicated to decreasing the harmful impact of chemicals in food. Nevertheless, the highlight of the event was the crowning of Mario Jordan Fetalino III, CEO of Acudeen Technologies (Philippines), as the Seedstars Global winner.


Though from different sectors, countries and industries, selected international startups which received a direct pass to Lausanne have a few things in common: they are all game-changers, innovators ready to tackle the industry challenges, and shape the future through technological impact on their community. Here you can find a list and short description about each one of them.


Over 70 experts from world renowned companies will spend two days (Monday and Tuesday)

mentoring the selected entrepreneurs, providing them with in-depth insights and business mentorship.


The Investor Forum will happen on Wednesday, when the startups will present their one minute pitches, and attend the one-on-one meetings with Swiss and international investors (curated by Seedstars), and when the 12 finalists will be announced. On Thursday, the main Summit day, there are several workshops in the morning. Two partnerships are already confirmed: Fedex will coordinate a workshop on the future of e-commerce and GSMA will conduct one about the collaboration between startups and telecom operators. Past editions featured experts from companies such as Google, Udacity, Merck KGaA , Nestle, Amazon, IBM and US Aid, and for this year many more are to be scheduled up until the event. In the afternoon, key speakers will take the stage to inspire attendees with their words and lead insightful discussions on the future of innovation in emerging markets, and the Global winner will be announced.


Four keynote speakers are already confirmed: Gwendolyn Regina, who most recently spearheaded Mashable’s global expansion into Asia; award recipient, tech founder and CEO of AppsTech Rebecca Enonchong, representing Africa; Tallis Gomes, one of the most outstanding references for entrepreneurship in Latam and Gibran Huzaifah, the Seedstars World Alumni superstar that will join the Summit on its 5th anniversary. A fish-farmer-turned-agriculture-tech-entrepreneur, Gibran Huzaifah founded eFishery, the company that is revolutionizing the relatively untapped $5.4 billion-valued Indonesian aquaculture market.


On the investors side, Ace & Company, Omidyar Network, Index Ventures and 500startups will

be joining us, alongside many others from the US, Europe and emerging markets worldwide.



"They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds." - Mexican proverb

Seedstars is a Swiss based group with the mission to impact people’s lives in emerging markets through technology and entrepreneurship. Seedstars connects stakeholders, builds companies from scratch with public and private partners and invests in high growth startups within these ecosystems.


Through different activities, that range from startup scouting to company building and acceleration programs, the team has built the most powerful network of entrepreneurs, investors, incubators, corporations and government officials from 65+ fast growing economies around the globe. Seedstars group includes Seedstars World, a worldwide startup competition, sourcing the top talent in technology and entrepreneurship in emerging markets; Seedstars Growth, a three month virtual acceleration program; Seedspace, a network of coworking and co-living spaces now in 35+ countries and Seedstars Academy, a six months intensive training for aspiring local entrepreneurs on how to build sustainable businesses. Some of Seedstars main partners are Enel (Energy), School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) & Trecc (Education), BBVA (Finance), Tag Heuer (Fempreneurship and Innovation) and Merck KGaA (Health).



Seedstars World is the first global startup competition focused on emerging and fast-growing markets. For five years now, it has built a network in 65+ countries, with the teams traveling the world to source innovative startup investment opportunities. We run 80+ local competitions to identify the best seed-stage startups and host an inspirational set of disruptive tech and networking sessions. We also organise 5 regional Summits, reuniting all local winners of each region to network with speakers, investors, corporates, incubators, accelerators, governments and all other relevant stakeholders. Finally, Seedstars Summit, the competition’s final, is our exciting flagship event filled with breakout sessions, panel discussions, specialized workshops and the best minds from emerging markets, where local winners compete to be crowned Seedstars World Global Winner and win up to $1M in investment. In parallel, our virtual three month growth program focuses on improving the growth and traction for 10-20 startups selected from the local winners.


1. Sources: https://www.aesinternational.com/blog/e-is-for-emerging-markets-





SA Entrepreneurs sat down with Ray Dargham, Founder & CEO, STEP Group, on the sidelines of the 2018 STEP Start Conference in Dubai to discuss the entrepreneurial landscape in the region and what does the future hold for this rapidly growing sector.


Up until recently, our global economy was dominated by industrialized nations who relied heavily on the availability of expensive and complex infrastructure for mining and processing natural resources and manufacturing. However, various significant developments, including the economic crisis of 2008, the spread of the internet and social media and the decreasing costs of technology have led to the disruption of this monopoly. Thus, allowing the emergence of a more inclusive economic model that has gradually increased the participation of formerly marginalized economies in the global market. That being said, these aren’t the only phenomena that have played a pivotal role in changing the dynamics of our global economy.


The unprecedented fusion of our physical, digital and biological worlds, in what’s now being called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has also transformed our global economies by creating new and innovative industries. In addition to empowering a new generation of entrepreneurs who are re-imagining the products and services available in the market place and disrupting the traditional workforce by moving towards a work model that focuses more on flexibility and project-based work. The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has also influenced the trajectory of our global markets by emphasizing the need to encourage growth that promotes more responsible social, economic and environmental practices.


The rapid developments of the digital economy have raised many questions about the future of work. Especially in the MENA region where many countries’ workforces are still made up of a large proportion of unskilled and informal laborers. Therefore, leaving many people in the Arab world concerned about their job security. However, this fear can’t stop the key stakeholders in the region from asking the hard questions that need to be asked in order to develop the educational and employment opportunities that will be needed to secure the economic future of the Arab world.


The current state of Arab youth

At the moment, youth under the age of 25 constitute nearly half of the MENA region’s population and more than a quarter of these young people are unemployed. However, this lack of unemployment isn’t the result of a lack of education. According to The Future of Jobs and Skills in the Middle East and North Africa report published by the World Economic Forum in May 2017, “university graduates make up nearly 30% of the total pool of unemployed in the region, with two in five MENA graduates out of a job.” So, why are so many young people struggling to find employment opportunities?


The problem lies in the ever-growing gap between the skills and competencies that the MENA region’s educational institutions are providing youth and what employers are actually looking for in their prospective employees. However, Arab youth aren’t the only ones who are losing as a result of the skills mismatch in the region. According to the same report, “[n]early 40% of employers in the MENA region indicate that skills gaps are a major impediment to business growth.” Thus, highlighting the vicious cycle that continues to persist in the Arab world as a result of the lack of alignment between the region’s various stakeholders.


Having said that, one of the biggest challenges that the Arab world faces when it comes to unleashing the full potential of its economy comes from its inability to fully capitalize on the abundance of educated and talented young people in the region. Although the aforementioned skills deficit prevents many young Arabs from finding jobs, many qualified young people are also hesitant to join the workforce, because they’re unhappy with the compensation and working conditions in the MENA region’s private sector. Consequently, many young Arabs choose to immigrate to countries that offer more attractive salaries and non-monetary benefits (such as mentoring programs, tuition assistance and childcare) which ultimately reduces the level of human capital available in the region.


The aspirations of Arab youth

Bayt.com and YouGov’s Middle East Jobseeker Confidence Survey published in August 2017, highlighted how “jobseeker confidence is a measure of the economic wellbeing of a country.” In other words, if jobseekers are positive about their country’s economy and they have a satisfactory level of disposable income, they’re generally inclined to spend more on consumer goods. However, if job seekers are uncertain about the state of their country’s economy they tend limit their spending, which can create a spending recession that can lead to an economic downturn.


So, how does the Arab world’s young workforce feel about their future potential? According to the aforementioned survey, respondents in the Levant and North Africa were generally more pessimistic about the current state of their family’s finances, their country’s economy and their future job opportunities. On the other hand, respondents living in the GCC reported higher levels of optimism in almost every category. That being said, the young respondents from the Levant, North Africa and the GCC did share one thing in common: they don’t want to seek employment in a company.


In another survey published by Bayt.com and YouGov entitled Entrepreneurship in MENA published in November 2017, an overwhelming majority (between 55% and 76%) of respondents from across the Arab world expressed the desire to have their own business or be self-employed. Some of the reasons cited for this choice include the desire to seek a sense of personal fulfillment and the freedom to choose their own work-life balance.


The jobs of the future in the Arab world

Undoubtedly, while the Fourth Industrial Revolution has presented formidable challenges to the populations of the MENA region, it has also provided new opportunities to establish high value-adding formal sector jobs in numerous fields. However, in order to fulfill this demand, young Arab professionals will have to pursue interdisciplinary qualifications that will enable them to blend digital and STEM skills. Thus, providing the multi-skilled labor force needed to propel the digital economy forward in the Arab world. However, high-skilled jobs aren’t the only ones that have the potential to grow in the near future.


As the population of the MENA region continues to grow, there will be a need for more public infrastructure, including schools, roads, transportation systems, so on and so forth. Consequently, if the region’s stakeholders can strategically address these needs, they could generate a substantial number of medium and low-skilled jobs as a result. Also, by formalizing, professionalizing and upgrading various services in the care economy (such as cleaning, childcare and elderly care) countries in the MENA region could create even more employment and training opportunities for unskilled workers.


While the green economy is projected to generate millions of jobs and boost the GDP of numerous countries in the Arab world, there’s another work trend that stands to capitalize on the region’s underutilized talent pool: the freelance economy. In 2015, a Mckinsey Global Institute report entitled A Labor Market That Works stated that by 2025 it’s estimated that online talent platforms could generate as much as 945,000 additional full-time equivalent jobs and a US$21bn increase in GDP in Egypt and 276,000 jobs and US$32bn additional GDP in Saudi Arabia.


Cultures to support the development of Arab economies

Although countries in the MENA region have the potential to generate millions of jobs across various sectors and different skill levels in the future, their ability to do so will depend on whether they’re able to reskill and upskill their current workforce. Furthermore, it will also rely on their ability to equip the Arab youth of today with the skills of tomorrow. However, in order to be able to achieve these goals, the stakeholders in the region will have to embed 4 essential cultures in Arab communities.


Firstly, a culture of collaboration between the MENA region’s key stakeholders needs to be established to ensure that they can create curricula and learning experiences that will empower Arab youth to thrive in the future workforce. Secondly, a culture of mass digital literacy needs to be established to facilitate the transition of Arab economies to knowledge-based economies that export innovation. Thirdly, a culture of counseling needs to be integrated into the MENA region’s different educational institutions and work places, so young people can make more strategic decisions in their personal and professional lives. Last but not least, a culture of lifelong learning needs to be established, so that individuals and institutions in the MENA region can continue to stay relevant in this age of constant change.


Despite the development gap that currently separates the MENA region from its industrialized counterparts, the rise of the digital economy has created a unique opportunity for Arab countries to level the playing field and responsibly manage this “underdevelopment” by using the best practices that have emerged in the development arena over the past couple of years. Now, the question remains: can the region’s stakeholders effectively co-create and implement the policies needed to unlock the unlimited potential of the Arab world’s youth, talent and resources?


من المعروف أن اكثر المواقع الالكترونية تداولا بين الناس هي فيسبوك وتويتر وانستغرام وسنابشات...الخ من مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، لكن في الواقع، وبفضل تطور وسائل الاتصال وانتشار الشبكة العنكبوتية (الانترنت) وسهولة الوصول الى المعلومة، اصبحت الانترنت تشكل وسيلة هامة للتواصل والترفيه، الكثير من الناس يقضي اوقاتا امام شاشة الانترنت للتواصل مع الاقارب والاصدقاء أو للترفيه والاستمتاع بالمحتوى الذي يعرض من خلال الوسائط المتعددة، ولكن الانترنت توفر في الواقع امكانية الجمع بين الترفيه والتعلم، خاصة مع الانتشار الواسع للهواتف الذكية والامكانات الهائلة التي توفرها للاتصال عبر الانترنت والسرعات الفائقة التي تتمتع بها الانترنت في ايامنا هذه، حتى أن مؤسس شركة مايكروسوفت الشهير بيل غيتس افاد بأنه يستمتع بدروس الرياضيات التي تتوفر عبر الانترنت، هذا ناهيك عن تعلم العديد من المهارات من خلال الدروس المجانية التي تتوفر على اليوتوب والمواقع التعليمية الاخرى المتخصصة حسب المواضيع المختلفة.

هناك قاعدة تقول بأن المعرفة هي دالة تعتمد على الانتباه والوقت المكرس في التعلم اي (المعرفة = (الانتباه،الوقت)، (K)=f(A,t)). وهو ما يعني ان الوقت المتاح للترفيه يمكن ان يستغل للتعلم والمعرفة.

نورد فيما يلي خمسة مواقع عليك أن تدمن عليها أكثر من فيسبوك وتويتر، إذ بوسعك أن تجد فيها من الفائدة الشيء الكثير، ولكن قبل كل شيء لا بد من الاختيار الجيد للموضوعات التي تهمك والابتعاد عن ما هو جدلي، اذ لا تنسى أنها تعتبر منابر مفتوحة للجميع.


1- موقع تيد TED:

تيد عبارة عن مؤتمر او قاعة محاضرات يحاضر بها أناس مبدعون من كل دول العالم. الفكرة أن ted يمنحهم 18 دقيقة كحد أقصى لإلقاء أفضل محاضرة في حياتهم، وتكون فعلا رائعة، وهذا الرابط به كل محاضرات الموقع مترجمة للغة العربية  https://www.ted.com/talks?language=ar

2- موقع Udacity او coursera : هذا الموقع به محاضرات مجانية في كل المجالات وهي متوفرة باللغة الانجليزية، فهناك حاجة لاتقان اللغة الانجليزية لتتفاعل مع كل محتويات المحاضرة وحلقات النقاش، ولا تنسى أنه بامكانك تحسين لغتك من خلال استخدام الانترنت، فيما يلي الروابط الخاصة بهذا الموقع: https://www.udacity.com - https://www.coursera.org


3- موقع رواق:

رواق هي منصة تقدم محاضرات باللغة العربية في مختلف المجالات، كلها مجانية والتسجيل فيها سهل جدا  https://www.rwaq.org


4- موقع ويكي هاو:

هذا الموقع يعلمك أي شيء، الموقع موسوعة عن كيفية عمل أي شيء، ولذلك جميع مقالات ويكي هاو تبدأ بـ «كيف» أو «How to» ما يقرب من 100 ألف مقال في شتي مجالات الحياة، والفيديو لا يتعدى الـ 10 دقائق، يعني ممكن سماعه وانت تقف في انتظار شارة المرور، الموقع متوفر ب 60 لغة منها العربية: https://m.wikihow.com/Main-Page


5- موقع العلوم الحقيقية:

ينشر احدث ما وصل اليه العلم من أبحاث واكتشافات ومقالات مترجمة، بالاضافة لمقالات في أغلب مجالات الحياة (طب - رياضيات - اقتصاد – علم نفس...الخ http://real-sciences.com/ http://www.syr-res.com/


الطبيعة هي مكتبة ملهمة للمخترعين

اخيرا لمن يبحثون عن التميز، فان الطبيعة تعتبر مكتبة كبيرة الهمت العديد من المخترعين. هذا ما حدث بالفعل بالنسبة للعديد من الاختراعات المذهلة التي نستخدمها في حياتنا اليومية المبنية على ابداعات توصل اليها بنو البشر من خلال مشاهدة الظواهر الطبيعية التي تحيط بنا. تجدون على الرابط التالي الاكتشافات المستوحاة من الطبيعة. https://asknature.org



الطلاءات الحيوية المضادة للحشف البحري*: هي طلاءات خاصة تمنع تراكم الكائنات البحرية على السطح. وقد تم استلهام هذه الطلاءات الحيوية من سطح جلد سمك القرش، الذي يتكون من لوحات متداخلة (كالاسنان) متناهية الصغر (نانو) تمنع بشكل فعال تراكم الكائنات البحرية الدقيقة على سطح أسماك القرش حتى عندما تتحرك بسرعة بطيئة، كما انها توفر انسيابية عالية جدا وتوفر الطاقة. وهذه الخاصية التي تتمتع بها اسماك القرش تتفوق على الدهانات التي تم تطويرها لحماية الغواصات النووية اثناء الحرب الباردة، حتى أن شركات صناعة الطائرات مثل الايرباص استلهمت هذه الخاصية لطلاء طائراتها الحديثة (مثل طراز ايرباص 380 و350).

* الحشف البحري (الكائنات الدقيقة والنباتات والحيوانات والطحالب البحرية)


شاشات شركة سامسونغ عالية الدقة:

قامت شركة سامسونع بتصنيع اول شاشة رقمية مرنة. في اطار جهودها لتطوير الشاشات الرقمية عالية الجودة، قامت شركة سامسونغ بدراسة الحبار البحري لهاواي (hawaiian bobtail squid) والذي يتمتع بمرونة عالية وتنوع الوانه ودرجة وضوح متناهية في الدقة كما أنه يقوم بتنظيف جلده بشكل مستمر ويعمل على معالجة الجروح التي قد يتعرض لها بشكل كامل بحيث لا تترك اثرا على سطحه، واخيرا فانه يقوم بتغيير نسيج سطحه بحيث يمكن استشعاره باللمس، وهو ما يعني امكانية عمل شاشات لفاقدي البصر.


تصميم مواد مقاومة للصدمات مستوحاة من الروبيان ذو المطرقة (جمبري الطاووس، مانتيس) (Mantis Shrimp)

يعد الروبيان ذو المطرقة (جمبري المانتيس) الذي يعيش في المحيطين الهادىء والهندي صاحب اسرع ضربة على سطح الارض، وهو من أكثر كائنات الكرة الأرضية دقة في الرؤية، وذلك لقدرته على رؤية الحزم الضوئية حتى تلك شديدة التعقيد. يتراوح طول هذا الكائن البحري من حوالي 20 سم الى حوالي 30 سم.

تتحرك قبضة الروبيان بسرعة رصاصة من عيار 22 ملم ويمكن أن تصل إلى الفريسة في غضون 1 من 3000 جزء من الثانية، وتبلغ قوة الضربة 1500 نيوتن. ولو أن هذه السرعة استخدمت من قبل الذراع البشرية فستكون كافية لإرسال كرة البيسبول في مدار حول الارض. وتتسبب السرعة الفائقة للضربة في غليان الماء حول قبضة الروبيان وتخلق موجة يمكن أن تقتل الفريسة عن بعد.

بامكان قبضة الروبيان هذه توجيه ضربات لفريسته الاف المرات دون أن تنكسر، وتعادل قوة الضربة 1000 مرة وزنه، ومن هنا يتوجب وضع هذا الحيوان البحري في حوض خاص لان بامكانه كسر زجاج الحوض بفعل قوته الهائلة (للمزيد).

لقد الهمت ذراع الروبيان التي تشبه المطرقة فريق من الباحثين بكلية برونز للهندسة في رفيرسايد في كاليفورنيا لتصميم مواد مركبة مقاومة للصدمات وصلبة اكثر من المواد المستخدمة في صناعة الطائرات.

في الرابط التالي اليكم فلم قصير حول هذه المعجزة البحرية (للمشاهدة)، كما يظهر تسجيل اخر الاثر الذي تحدثه ضرباته على احدى القواقع، حيث يمكن مشاهدة فقاعات تتصاعد على اثر الضربة ناتجة عن تسخين الماء المحيط بالقوقعة (للمشاهدة).


(Read the article on the occasion of this visit by clicking here)




On the occasion of the visit of the Secretary General of the Federation of the Gulf Cooperation Council Chambers (FGCCC) GCC Chambers, Abdulrahim Hassan Naqi to Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry in December 2017. This led to the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties. We had this interview with Mr. Naqi on the sideline of the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).


1/ During your last visit to the city of Geneva in December, you signed a memorandum of understanding, why choose Geneva itself?

There is no doubt that the city of Geneva is an important and attractive city for cooperation in the field of economy and trade. It is considered an economic capital because it is characterized by a strategic position for the global economy, as well as an incubator of the United Nations and other international organizations and international bodies and centers. Switzerland has strong economic ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council, not to mention the GCC countries are Switzerland's first partner in the Middle East. The volume of foreign trade between the GCC and Switzerland has grown rapidly over the past years. Trade volume has increased from $3.5 billion in 2005 to $8 billion in 2012 and then to $25 billion in 2016. The UAE is Switzerland first trade partner with imports from Switzerland worth $15.6 billion and exports of $4.2 billion. Saudi Arabia is the second trade partner with imports of $2.4 billion and exports of $325 million.

The Swiss trade balance remained stable for Switzerland, with Swiss exports reaching about $20 billion and Swiss imports reaching about $5 billion.


2/ What is the most important points in this Memorandum, how do you view the future cooperation with Geneva Chamber and the Swiss economic cooperation with the GCC countries?

The Memorandum of Understanding reflected the sincere desire of the two parties to enhance cooperation and communication between their private sectors. The discussion of the memorandum lasted more than 6 months. It confirms the willingness of both sides to open many prospects for cooperation. The memorandum, which included nine items, open many horizons for cooperation, foremost of which was the organization of a Gulf-Swiss economic forum in 2018, in order to finalize the forum we have identified liaison officers. We are looking forward to discuss the prospects of economic relations and trade trends in the future, as well as to enhance confidence between the two sides. We are eager to take advantage of the facilities available for investment opportunities between the two sides

The Forum will discuss the most important challenges facing investors in order to facilitate investment related aspects. The MoU also included the coordination of bilateral meetings between members of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and the members of each local Chamber of Commerce in the Gulf countries. We have agreed to organize the forum periodically in the Gulf cooperation council states and Switzerland.


3/ Are there other memorandums of understanding or joint agreements between the Federation of Gulf Chambers and the Swiss Chambers of Commerce and Industry?

Yes, with the help of God, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Center for Commercial Arbitration of the Swiss Arbitration Chamber on August 7, 2017, as well as the establishment of a Swiss Gulf economic platform in Geneva aimed at enhancing cooperation and activating memorandums of understanding between the two sides. There are a range of programs and initiatives for small and medium enterprises, as well as programs for entrepreneurs and young people, as well as other programs to enhance communication between businesswomen of the Arab Gulf States and their Swiss counterparts.


4/ What are the goals you are looking for through signing this MoU?

One of the main objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding is to increase investment opportunities between the two sides, organize joint events, organise visits for trade delegations between the two regions, encourage technology transfer, spread awareness of private sectors of both sides on the most important investment opportunities in both regions, as well as performing programs to facilitate the exchange of experience in the areas of technology and commercial franchise, especially cooperation between small and medium enterprises, and strengthening cooperation between the private sectors of both sides. The MoU also included the foundations of the organization of the Swiss Gulf Economic Forum in September 2018, which will be the first fruit of such cooperation.


5/ Do you expect this agreement to have consequences on trade cooperation?

Yes, we expect this MoU to open new horizons for cooperation, especially in the provision of distinguished services to members of the Gulf Chambers, and to benefit from the development of business through the cooperation of Gulf and Swiss institutions in expanding trade exchanges in goods and services, especially in the handicrafts and crafts industries, and the marketing of the Gulf cooperation council products in food and other services in which it as relative advantage.


6/ Do you have plans to organise delegations of businessmen/women under this MoU?

Yes, official invitations have been sent to the Swiss Chambers to visit the GCC countries, in addition to organizing visits by specialized trade delegations representing various sectors of health, education, food and other Swiss companies to the Gulf Chambers of Commerce, in order to meet their counterparts, and to familiarise with the investment environment in the GCC countries, and to discover the most important investment opportunities. That will be the occasion to arrange meetings with officials in the public and private institutions.


7/ What advice do you give to businessmen who wish to invest in the GCC?

We know that Switzerland has the economic and financial resources, and has sufficient experience in the field of services, especially education, banking, health and technology, especially in watches and jewelry, not to mention the agricultural and food special capacities. Therefore, Gulf businessmen have great opportunities to benefit from these elements and to establish strategic partnerships that serve the interests of the Gulf. In addition to inviting the 750,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in the Gulf to develop their business with Swiss companies, as well as benefiting Gulf businessmen and young people from their Swiss counterparts in developing the innovation and entrepreneurship skills especially in the field of knowledge economy, and to develop cooperation in the fields of scientific research, and to cooperate in the development of educational system and training programs. Also, there are areas of cooperation between GCC and Swiss businesswomen, especially in the empowerment of Gulf women and benefiting from the support programs provided by GCC governments in forging partnerships with their Swiss counterparts.


8/ What are the main sectors attracting investment in the GCC countries in the coming years?

There is no doubt that the Swiss private sector has a valuable opportunity to benefit from the infrastructure projects, which were presented in the presentation I made during the meeting, such as the railway project, which is more than 2,200 kilometers and is expected to provide more than 80 thousand jobs for the GCC citizens and expatriates, as well as opportunities derived from the localization of the railway industry, and thus the Geneva Chamber can benefit from this plan for example by calling the experts in this industry to build a center for sustainability, training and rehabilitation of specialists of GCC in order to build a real railway industry. There are many opportunities in the industrial sector, in this side the Swiss investors can benefit from the opportunities offered by the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC). Also Geneva Chamber of Commerce can benefit from the vision of Saudi Arabia 2020, which included many opportunities through the privatization of important sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, entertainment and tourism. Another important opportunities are available through Expo 2020 in Dubai and the importance of Switzerland's presence in this exhibition, as well as the World Cup 2022 to be organized in Doha, and other importunities in Bahrain through the Vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030, which has achieved many positive results so far, in addition to industrial sectors opportunities and logistics services in the region of Duqm in the Sultanate of Oman, which is located in the most strategic areas and launched in 2008. There is the possibility to benefit as well from partnerships with the Kuwaiti private sector and the government sector through the establishment of partnership projects between the private and public sectors in Kuwait. Swiss companies can establish joint ventures in the United Arab Emirates, especially in the areas of energy, banking and various services and benefit from a large and promising market. In the Federation of Chambers we can provide more information on the investment opportunities and other related regulations and legislations.

We have an excellent and sophisticated legislative environment that is undergoing many reforms in order to facilitate the investment environment for the foreign investors.


9/ Can you give us an idea of ​​Swiss investments in the GCC, according to sector and type of business?

Hundreds of Swiss companies operate in GCC markets in the areas of logistics, infrastructure, hydraulic systems, groundwater and well drilling, equipment, coatings and chemicals, engineering systems for energy, water, environment, technology, hospitality, logistics, communications, banks, investment funds, pharmaceuticals, robots, machinery & export development, office & mobile rooms, power generation & industrial metal production, education, consulting & quality control, chemical products, foodstuffs, agricultural development and trade shows.

The bilateral relations in the financial and investment sector, especially in the banking field, have also developed in order to accelerate trade and to provide exporters with financial means.


10/ Given Switzerland's position as the world's leading economic competitiveness, how do you see cooperation between you and the Swiss side on the innovative projects and startups?

There is no doubt that the federation of the GCC will seek to cooperate with Switzerland in this particular area because of Switzerland's leadership in the field of "outputs of knowledge and technology". One of the indicators of the competitiveness of Switzerland is the number of patents it has. It has the highest patents applications per capita at the European level; this is an important filed of cooperation especially because the Gulf society is characterized by the growing number of young people and this poses a great challenge for the GCC countries. We have noticed that there are many areas of cooperation in the fields of invention, innovation and entrepreneurship.


It is necessary to find an incubator for such projects, and the Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs Platform (SAE) can provide their services and programs in this regard, and the mechanisms to implement them. SAE can be an incubator of ideas and initiatives of the young people and entrepreneurs from both Gulf States and Switzerland.


Finally, it will be our pleasure to cooperate with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the Gulf Cooperation Council and to provide the necessary support to strengthen cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship, as spreading the culture of entrepreneurship and facilitating network are within the most important objectives of this platform, and we invite Gulf entrepreneurs and businessmen/women to join our platform to be active and discover investment opportunities, joining our platform will facilitate the link with their counterparts and the experts in entrepreneurship both in the Arab world and Switzerland.


(Read the article on the interview with Mr. Naqi by clicking here)


Several decades of cooperation between Switzerland and the Arab states of the Gulf cooperation council led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG) and the Federation of GCC Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FGCC).


Mr. Abdulrahim Hassan Naqi signed the MoU on behalf of the Federation of GCC Chambers of Commerce, whereas Mr. Vincent Subilia, Member of the Board of Directors of the World Federation of the International Chamber of Commerce.


The memorandum of understanding provides for cooperation between the two sides to help members of both sides to communicate with each other. A forum for economic cooperation between the two sides is expected to be held for the first time in 2018.


The Secretary General of the FGCC Chambers, Abdul Rahim Naqi, expressed the importance of signing this MoU as a necessary step to boost the cooperation between Switzerland and the Gulf Cooperation Council, which will help facilitate the communication between the two sides and develop the economic relations, so that will serve the common interests.


The signing of the MoU was attended by H.E. Mr. Adel Essa Al-Mahri, Ambassador, permanent observer of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) delegation, and the representative of the Ministry of Economy of the Government of Geneva, as well as representatives from Swiss private sectors such as health and education, banking and wealth management, in addition to other entrepreneurs.


It’s worth mentioning that the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry pays particular attention to the Arabian Gulf region and has carried out several economic trips to the Gulf region during the last period to consolidate the economic links within the business community. The last visit was made in November 2016 by an economic delegation headed by the Mayor of Geneva, also a member of the Swiss National Parliament, Guillaume Barazzone. The delegation has visited several countries of the Arab Gulf States; where we had an interview with the Deputy Director of the Chamber, Vincent Subilia, on this occasion (click here).


Trade data between the two sides indicate the economic importance of the bilateral relations. The Gulf Cooperation Council is the first partner of Switzerland in the Middle East. In the past 10 years, we witnessed a steady increase in trade between the two sides. Trade volume (exports and imports) increased from about $2.5 billion in 2000 to about $25 billion in 2016. The UAE is the largest trading partner of Switzerland, followed by Saudi Arabia. Main commodities exchanged are Gemstones and Precious Metals, pharmaceuticals, watches and electrical machinery.


Mr. Abdulrahim Hassan Naqi presented a fascinating presentation on the economic developments witnessed by GCC countries in the last years, including the main projects and the needs of investment in different sectors.


The GCC has a population of around 47 million, with a GDP per capita of about $33 million. While the gross domestic product of the GCC countries all together was estimated at about 1.6 billion dollars. The oil reserves of the GCC countries accounts for 33% of the world's reserves, compared to 21% of the reserves of gas.


The oil and gas sector is one of the pillars of the economies of the Gulf States, contributing 42% of the GDP and 70% of exports.

The GCC countries are attracting large foreign investments, which have doubled since 2005 to reach $431 billion. In contrast, the GCC countries make many investments abroad, amounting to about $248 billion; this does not include the sovereign wealth funds, which worth about $2.7 trillion.


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states are attractive environments for foreign investment due to its political stability, young population, advanced infrastructure, liquidity and broad markets with high levels of purchasing power and the availability of capital.


During his presentation, Mr. Naqi has reviewed investment-stimulating policies in the GCC countries. He pointed out that although the laws on investment stipulate that the foreign investor's share does not exceed 49% of the total investment in the project, the percentage can reach 100% in certain circumstances, especially for projects of developmental importance, serve strategic plans at the national level or projects based on the exploitation of the local raw materials.


Other advantages include the free movement of capital and profits outside the GCC, and the lack of customs duties on commodities in application of the Gulf common market. This applies also to intermediate goods used by the industry such as raw materials, machinery and equipment. GCC market offers is also another advantage, which is the lack of customs on trade with other Arab countries in application of the Arab Free Trade Area Agreement. Also it offers a wider labor market, which provides a variety of competencies from several countries and in all sectors.


In the GCC countries, there are more than 40 industrial zones and free trade zones for industrial and commercial products and services. These zones offer the possibility to fully own the projects and to employ non-national skills; they allows saving time and necessary effort to do business.


With regard to the investment opportunities offered by the GCC countries, several economic sectors offer the following opportunities:

- Construction projects, with investment needs estimated at about $2.43 trillion.

- Telecommunications projects with investment needs estimated at about 893 billion dollars.

- Transportation projects with investment needs estimated at about 387.6 billion dollars.

- Oil and gas projects with investment needs estimated at about 337 billion dollars.

- Electricity projects with investment needs estimated at about 313 billion dollars.

- Industrial projects with investment needs estimated at about 178 billion dollars.

- Projects of banks and insurance with investment needs estimated at about 160 billion dollars.

- Real estate projects with investment needs estimated at about 117 billion dollars.

- Health projects with investment needs estimated at about 71 billion dollars.


In his presentation Mr. Naqi has gone through Saudi Vision 2030 plan. This plan is particularly important because Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Gulf region. It will generate significant changes toward openness to foreign investors.


Finally, the major projects in GCC countries were presented as follows:

- King Abdullah Economic City ($93 billion) project: It aims to establish a new city near the city of Rabigh (about 100 km north of Jeddah). The project includes a new port of 14 km², an industrial area of 62.5 km², a business center with an area of 13.5 km², housing projects with an area of 48 km², as well as luxurious resorts and residences with an area of 27 km².


- Lusail City project (45 billion dollars): It aims to establish a modern city in north of the city of Doha, the capital of the State of Qatar. The total area of ​​the city of Lusail is 38 km². It has 4 islands and 19 commercial, residential and recreational areas. The city has a population of about 200,000 and employs about 170,000 employees, it can accommodate 80,000 visitors, i.e. it has a capacity to accommodate up to 450,000 people. It includes a number of facilities, residential units and office space. It also includes 22 hotels of the highest quality; Lucille includes both a city of energy and a city of soft entertainment.


- Oman Railways Project ($30 billion): It is part of the Gulf railway network, which aims to connect Oman with the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. The project starts from Salalah in the south to Burimi in the north, passing through the port of Duqm.


This MoU is an important step in light of the significant efforts being made by the GCC countries to diversify their sources of income in order to build a healthy and strong economy. Strengthening the export sector and strengthening trade relations at the international level is therefore important for GCC countries. It contributes to the efforts in developing the industrial and agricultural sectors, increase local added value and joint ventures, support trade exchange and facilitate links between the two sides.


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