

العلاقات الاقتصادية السويسرية-المصرية بعد مرور 110 عاماً

شهد يوم 25 آذار/مارس الفائت حفلاً اقامته السفارة السويسرية في مصر بمناسبة مرور 110 عاماً على العلاقات المصرية- السويسرية بحضور وزيرة الاستثمار والتعاون الدولي المصرية سحر نصر و إيجنازيوكاسيس، وزير خارجية سويسرا، وسفير سويسرا في مصر بول جارنييه وتعكس رمزية الاحتفال تاريخية العلاقات بين البلدين التي تعود بدايتها الى عام 1908 حينما وقعت اول اتفاقية ذات طابع تجاري بين البلدين ليتلوها عدة اتفاقيات كان ابرزها في عامي 1930 و1950، كما تأتي هذه الاحتفالية الى جانب الزيارات المكثفة بين المسؤولين المصريين والسويسريين وكذا لقاءات وفود رجال الاعمال من كلا البلدين, تأتي لتعبر عن مدى اهتمام كلا الجانبين في تعزيز أواصل العلاقات الاقتصادية لاسيما بعد أن ثمرت الجهود المبذولة في السنوات القليلة الماضية توقيع عدة اتفاقيات اقتصادية لعل اهمها اتفاقية التجارة الحرة الموقعة في عام 2007 بين مصر و ورابطة دول الإفتا حيث تعتبر سويسرا العضو الاهم في الرابطة.


نقف في هذا المقال على تحليل حجم وطبيعة التبادلات الاقتصادية بين البلدين بعد مرور110 عاماً على العلاقات الاقتصادية المصرية-السويسرية في محاولة لاستشراف اتجاهاتها المستقبلية، بهدف الكشف عن الفرص الاستثمارية والتجارية المتاحة امام رواد الاعمال العرب-السويسريين وذلك من خلال استعراض التبادلات التجارية والاستثمارية بين البلدين.


التبادلات التجارية السويسرية-المصرية نمو وتنوع في الهيكل السلعي

عَرفت التبادلات التجارية المصرية-السويسرية تطوراً لافتاً خلال الأعوام السابقة، وذلك من ناحيتي تنوع الهيكل السلعي ونمو في حجم التبادلات التجارية. يظهر الشكل رقم (1) مسار تطور التبادلات التجارية منذ العام 2001 والتي ارتفعت من 206 مليون دولار في عام 2007 الى 826 مليون دولار في 2008 بمعدل نمو يفوق ال300%، وتعود النقلة النوعية في حجم التبادل التجاري بين البلدين مع بداية العام 2008 لدخول اتفاقية التجارة الحرة بين البلدين حيز التنفيذ، وقد استمرت التبادلات التجارية بين البلدين بالنمو لتصل الى اكثر من مليار دولار في عام 2017، وذلك بعد عودة الصادرات المصرية الى سويسرا للنمو بعد التراجع الذي أصابها بفعل الظروف السياسية في عامي 2013 و2014، كما شهدا عامي 2016 و2017 تغيرا نوعياً في الهيكل السلعي للصادرات المصرية، فبعد ان كانت صادرات الذهب الخام تستحوذ على اكثر من 85% من اجمالي صادرات مصر الى سويسرا في السنوات السابقة فإنها شهدت تراجعاً لحساب دخول السلع البتروكيماوية الى سلة السلع المصرية المصدرة الى سويسرا حيث احتلت الصادرات البتروكيماوية حوالي الـ 15% من اجمالي الصادرات المصرية الى سويسرا في عام 2017 فيما أصبحت الصادرات من الذهب الخام تستحوذ على حوالي 76%، ولا يعود دخول الصادرات البتروكيماوية المصرية الى طفرة في الاتفاقيات التجارية بل الى التطور الحاصل في الصناعات البتروكيماوية في مصر منذ العام 2015، اما عن الصادرات المصرية الأخرى فتتركز على المنتجات القطنية والسجاد وبعض السلع الغذائية، فيما تتركز الصادرات السويسرية الى مصر على الذهب المطلي بالبلاتين، والأدوية، والآلات والمعدات، وساعات اليد.



مصر فرص استثمارية كبيرة وبوابة سويسرا الى القارة الافريقية

بلغت عدد المشروعات السويسرية في مصر أكثر من 400 بحجم استثماري فاق المليار دولار وذلك في عام 2016 كما شهدت الاستثمارات السويسرية في مصر نموا مطردا بزيادة 400 مليون دولار خلال العامين الماضيين فقط، لتتحول مصر الى ثالث أكثر جهة مستقبلة للاستثمارات السويسرية في القارة الافريقية.

يظهر الشكل رقم (2) توزع الاستثمارات السويسرية في مصر من حيث القطاعات الاقتصادية، حيث يظهر القطاع الصناعي، والذي يبلغ حجم الاستثمار فيه حوالي 462 مليون دولار، مستحوذا على 42% من اجمالي الاستثمارات السويسرية في مصر يليه الاستثمار السياحي، والتي تحتل فيه سويسرا مركز رياديا على مستوى العالم، وقد بلغ الاستثمار فيه 246 مليون دولار بنسبة 23%.



القاريء الكريم: هذا المقال هو جزء من تقرير موسع حول العلاقات الاقتصادية السويسرية-المصرية. اذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على التقرير كاملا الرجاء الانضمام الى قائمة مشتركي نشرتنا الشهرية على الموقع.

The Swiss foreign direct investment in Egypt reached $1.6 billion, marking an increase of $400 million during the last two years, according to Minister of Investment Sahar Nasr.

Nasr added that the Swiss investments take place in the fields of industry, energy, pharmaceuticals, financial services and food.

The minister also referred to the cooperation between Egypt and Switzerland in implementing development projects at an amount of CHF 330 million (LE 5.7 billion), and in supporting new projects which focus on economic sustainable growth and creating job opportunities through the cooperation strategy until2020 at CHF 86 million (LE 1.5 billion).

She elaborated that Egypt is not only the gate of Switzerland to Africa but also to the Middle East, expressing Egypt’s aspiration to cooperate with Switzerland in Africa, in light of Egypt's Presidency of the African Union during the current year.

This came during the celebration of 110 years of economic and trade relationships between Egypt and Switzerland, in the presence of Egypt’s minister of investment and Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis, who is currently visiting Egypt and Swiss Ambassador to Egypt Paul Garnier.

For his part, Cassis pointed out to the importance of enhancing the economic relations and increasing mutual investments and projects between both countries, affirming that Egypt is the gate of Swiss investments to African markets.

He also referred to the cooperation between both countries in the fields of education, industry and transportation, stressing his country’s keenness on the human element especially in the education field.

Cassis noted that this event comes in conjunction with the celebration of 110 years of Egyptian-Swiss economic relationships.

source: Egypttoday

An affiliated associate of Emirates NBD Group, on Thursday has confirmed its plan to proceed with an initial public offering (IPO) on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

Further announcements will be made in due course in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, the company said in a statement.

The UAE-based payments provider intends to apply for admission of its ordinary shares to the premium listing segment of the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority (Official List) and to trading on the LSE's main market for listed securities (Admission).

The company added that the offer will solely be comprised of existing shares to be sold by existing shareholders.

“Immediately following Admission, the Company intends to have a free float of at least 25% of the Company’s issued share capital,” the company highlighted.

The admission is expected to take place in April, Network International added. 

Later on, it is expected that the company will be eligible for inclusion in the FTSE UK indices.

The statement added that the price range of the offer and the maximum number of shares to be sold in the offer will be set in due course and contained in the prospectus expected to be published by the company in the coming weeks.

Source: Mubasher

GCC Investment and Development Awards 2018  

Following disappointing GDP growth in 2017, GCC nations made a concerted effort to ensure sustainable economic development and structural diversification were prioritised throughout 2018

Since its inception in 1981, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has pushed an ambitious programme of infrastructure development and economic reform, with the aim of reducing the region’s dependence on oil. The importance of this diversification project has become clear over the past 12 months, as fluctuations in crude oil prices have revealed weaknesses in the region’s economies.

Global trade tensions and the reimposition of US sanctions on Iran have also contributed to a challenging fiscal environment. However, this has only spurred the GCC’s programme further, with countries including Qatar and Saudi Arabia accelerating development projects. Investment has also been catalysed by the renewed drive for diversification, with foreign investment increasingly encouraged by regional governments. This has led the IMF to raise its economic growth predictions to 3.9 percent over the next 12 months, according to its Regional Economic Outlook.

In the quest for growth, the most successful players are, as ever, those that balance speed and sustainability by implementing structural reforms alongside investment. The World Finance GCC Investment & Development awards recognise those that are taking action now to safeguard the future economy.

Leaving oil behind
Economic growth in the GCC bottomed out in 2017, falling by 0.2 percent across all six member states. Saudi Arabia saw its first economic contraction since 2009, due for the most part to oil production cuts introduced by the so-called ‘OPEC+’ group. Historic heavy reliance on oil revenues has left many GCC nations beholden to the fluctuations of the market, which has been particularly volatile since hitting a low point in 2014.

The outlook for oil was far brighter in 2018, with prices climbing to four-year highs of $82.16 per barrel in September. This provided a spell of relief for the GCC’s five oil-exporting nations, with Oman registering the region’s leading GDP recovery of 3.8 percent. Nevertheless, past oil fluctuations have clearly spooked the GCC states, with all opting to pour additional funds into non-oil ventures in 2018.

Infrastructure development in particular has accelerated in the context of several high-profile global events, notably Expo 2020 Dubai and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. Qatar is forecast to spend $220bn in preparation for the tournament, which includes the construction of an entirely new city, Lusail, featuring a 90,000-seat stadium where the final game will be held. Once complete, the city is expected to house 250,000 future residents. Meanwhile, Dubai has allocated AED 56.6bn ($15.41bn) to Expo preparations, which comprise the conference site itself, an extension of the metro line to access the area, and the AED 735m ($200m) Museum of the Future, which is widely considered to be one of the most complex buildings in the world.

In Kuwait, construction forms part of the country’s seven-pillar New Kuwait Vision 2035 strategy, which aims to transform the country into a financial and trade centre. At the annual Leaders in Construction Summit, the country’s chief of development, Talal Al-Shammari, announced a 46 percent increase in capital expenditure on infrastructure projects for the 2018-19 financial year, to $14.4bn.

Supportive substructure
Many GCC countries have also embarked on a programme of bureaucratic reform to complement infrastructure development and allow the private sector to thrive. In February 2018, Bahrain introduced a wage protection scheme that seeks to end the exploitation of staff by ensuring they are paid on time. It was launched in May and will be rolled out in a controlled release programme until May 2019.

Qatar’s visa-free entry programme, launched in 2017 in an effort to boost tourism, has been expanded this year to include Indian and Ukrainian nationals in a sign of increased openness from the Qatari Government. It has also pledged to put an end to the notorious kafala system that disadvantages migrant workers. However, more transparency is needed with regards to workers’ rights.

In May, Kuwait’s parliament voted to delay the introduction of VAT until 2021, ensuring operating costs remain at the current rate for private companies. To date, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the only GCC countries to have implemented VAT.

With regards to the international sphere, all GCC countries have been opening up their economies to foreign direct investment (FDI) over the past year as part of their respective diversification strategies. In terms of volume, the UAE is the region’s largest destination for FDI, drawing in around $9bn in 2018. The country has also announced key changes to its residency programme, offering foreign investors a 10-year residency visa with the aim of boosting FDI by 15 percent over the next year. Meanwhile, FDI inflows to Bahrain grew 138 percent over the first three quarters of the year, the fastest rate of all GCC nations. In May, the country announced it would extend the term of residence visas for qualified investors and professionals from two years to 10 to further attract foreign interest.

In the past 12 months, under its Saudi Vision 2030 plan to transform economic and social infrastructure, Saudi Arabia has implemented more business-related reforms to boost international investment than any other GCC country. The World Bank noted it introduced reforms across six of its 10 pillars in its Doing Business 2018 report, from reducing documents needed for customs clearance to implementing online systems for administrative tasks.

The kingdom has welcomed western banks in particular, with Citibank becoming the latest firm to receive a banking licence, joining JPMorgan Chase and HSBC. International fiscal interest was reignited at the beginning of 2018 when Saudi Arabia announced it would float five percent of state oil giant Saudi Aramco. This was predicted to be the largest IPO in history before it was called off in August, with the company’s chairman, Khalid al-Falih, announcing in a statement: “The government remains committed to the IPO of Saudi Aramco at a time of its own choosing when conditions are optimum.” He added that the timing of the IPO will depend on “favourable market conditions” and a “downstream acquisition”, which the company will pursue in 2019. London, New York and Hong Kong exchanges have been vying for some time to list the Saudi oil giant, which is expected to be valued at around $5trn at IPO.

Looking ahead
The GCC has plenty to look forward to over the next few years, with high-profile events bringing prosperity and new interest to the region. The IMF named the FIFA World Cup and Kuwait’s implementation of five-year growth plans as key stimuli over the next 12 months. Increased FDI and further progress on key infrastructure development projects will also help diversify the economies of all six member nations.

As ever, those that are committed to economic diversification, welcoming foreign investment and opening up their nations are the firms that are reaping the rewards of the affluent region. It is these individuals and companies that World Finance recognises in the 2018 GCC Investment & Development Awards.

Source: world finance


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