
Saudi Arabian startup Reachware has successfully raised $3 million in seed funding, led by Sadu Capital with participation from 500 Sanabil Investments and Elm Company.

Founded in 2021 by Hamza Abusitta and Maysarah Mashaal, Reachware offers businesses a comprehensive suite of services, including system integration, process automation, and advanced analytics. The company's innovative solutions have helped clients streamline operations, reduce errors, and gain valuable insights.  

Plans for Growth

With this new funding, Reachware aims to expand its operations, develop new products, and enhance its sales and marketing efforts in the GCC market. The company plans to hire additional talent, explore AI and machine learning technologies, and strengthen its partnership program.

Investor Confidence

The investment round was led by Sadu Capital, a leading early-stage fund that recognizes Reachware's potential to transform the automation and integration landscape. Salem Washeely, Managing Director at Sadu Capital, commented on the investment, stating, "In the era of digital transformation, the need for seamless system integration and unified reporting has become paramount. Reachware's deep expertise and innovative approach make them well-positioned to dominate this market in the MENA region."

Strategic Partnerships

Reachware has already established strong partnerships with major tech companies and regional institutions. These collaborations have enabled the company to integrate with over 200 systems, ensuring seamless data flow between different applications.

Customer Success

Since its launch, Reachware has attracted over 300 clients from various industries, including retail, manufacturing, financial services, hospitality, and e-commerce. The company's solutions have helped clients improve efficiency, reduce costs, and make data-driven decisions.

A Bright Future

With this significant funding boost, Reachware is poised to accelerate its growth and become a leading player in the automation and integration market. By leveraging its innovative solutions and strategic partnerships, the company is well-positioned to shape the future of business technology.

Startups often find themselves captivated by the marketing prowess of established giants, dreaming of emulating their grand campaigns. However, the reality is stark: the budget of a startup is worlds apart from that of a behemoth like Apple or Amazon. While those companies can afford prime-time ad spots and billboard domination, startups must find creative, cost-effective ways to reach their audience.

Fortunately, history is replete with examples of startups that achieved remarkable success with minimal financial outlay. Apple's humble beginnings involved showcasing their product to tech enthusiasts at the Homebrew Computer Club. Dropbox leveraged a referral program, rewarding users with extra storage space for each friend they invited.

Slack capitalized on word-of-mouth, relying on early employees to introduce the platform to their professional networks. These examples underscore the power of resourcefulness and ingenuity in the early stages of a startup.

To emulate these successes, startups must embrace a scrappy, cost-conscious approach to marketing. This involves identifying and implementing low-cost strategies that deliver maximum impact. From content creation and SEO to public relations and social media, a well-executed marketing plan can propel a startup towards growth without breaking the bank.

Content Marketing: Building a Foundation

Content marketing is a cornerstone of any successful startup. It involves creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. By establishing your startup as a thought leader in your industry, you can build trust, credibility, and brand awareness.

  • SEO Optimization: Writing content with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind is a cost-effective way to increase visibility. Focus on creating high-quality content that addresses your target audience's needs and incorporates relevant keywords.
  • Thought Leadership: Develop content that showcases your unique perspective and expertise. Position your startup as an authority in your industry by sharing valuable insights and opinions.
  • Effective Distribution: Ensure your content reaches the right audience by distributing it through social media, email newsletters, and relevant online communities.

SEO Marketing: Improving Search Visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). By appearing higher in search results, you can increase website traffic, generate leads, and drive sales.  


  • Keyword Research: Identify the keywords and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to conduct thorough keyword research.
  • Technical SEO: Ensure your website is technically sound to improve its crawlability and indexability. Optimize website speed, structure, and mobile-friendliness.
  • Backlink Building: Acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to boost your website's authority and search rankings.

Social Media Marketing: Engaging Your Audience

Social media platforms offer a vast audience, but it's essential to focus on the platforms where your target audience is most active. By developing a strong social media presence, you can build brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive traffic to your website.

  • Organic Growth: Utilize organic social media marketing to share updates, interact with followers, and join relevant conversations.
  • Platform Selection: Choose social media platforms that align with your target audience and brand identity. Avoid spreading your resources too thin across multiple platforms.
  • Social Listening: Monitor conversations related to your industry and participate in relevant discussions to establish your startup as a valuable contributor.

Events and Conferences: Networking and Building Relationships

Attending industry events and conferences provides opportunities to connect with potential customers, partners, and investors. By actively engaging with attendees and showcasing your product or service, you can generate buzz and build relationships.

  • Elevator Pitch: Prepare a concise and compelling pitch that highlights your product's value proposition and benefits.
  • Product Demos: Be prepared to demonstrate your product or service to interested parties.
  • Follow-up: Collect contact information and follow up with new connections to nurture relationships.

Public Relations (PR): Generating Media Coverage

PR can help you reach a wider audience and build credibility for your startup. By securing media coverage in relevant publications, you can generate positive publicity and attract new customers.

  • Founder Outreach: Journalists often prefer to speak directly with founders. Encourage your founders to build relationships with journalists and pitch story ideas.
  • Compelling Pitches: Develop compelling pitches that highlight the newsworthiness of your startup and its products or services.
  • Target Niche Publications: Focus on smaller, niche publications that cater to your target audience rather than aiming for major media outlets.

Email Marketing: Building Customer Relationships

Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads, building relationships, and driving sales. By collecting email addresses and sending targeted campaigns, you can stay connected with your audience and convert prospects into customers.

  • Email List Building: Implement strategies to capture email addresses, such as offering incentives or gated content.
  • Customer Segmentation: Divide your email list into segments based on demographics, behavior, or preferences to deliver personalized content.
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different subject lines, email content, and call-to-actions to optimize your email campaigns.

SMS Marketing: Reaching Customers Directly

SMS marketing allows you to connect with customers directly through their mobile phones. By sending timely and relevant messages, you can drive engagement and increase conversions.

  • Incentivize Sign-ups: Offer incentives to encourage customers to opt-in to SMS marketing.
  • Provide Value: Send valuable content, exclusive offers, or important updates through SMS.
  • Respect Privacy: Allow customers to easily opt out of SMS messages and comply with anti-spam regulations.

By implementing these low-cost marketing strategies, startups can effectively reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive growth. Remember, consistency, creativity, and a deep understanding of your target market are essential for success.

In conclusion, there's no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy for startups. Each company has a unique identity and target audience. Therefore, every company must develop a customized marketing strategy that meets its specific needs and goals. Now is the time to turn this knowledge into action.

Set your marketing goals, explore available opportunities, and start implementing your plan. Remember, marketing is both a science and an art, and you must continue to learn, develop, and analyze results. By consistently measuring and analyzing the performance of your strategy, you can identify what's working and what's not and adjust your strategy accordingly. Be patient and persistent, and you will achieve the results you seek

June 2024 painted a mixed picture for MENA startup funding. While investment activity slowed down compared to May, with 38 tech startups securing a total of $116 million, the first half (H1) of the year closed strong at $882 million. This represents a notable year-over-year increase of 182%, showcasing sustained growth in the region's entrepreneurial ecosystem. However, a significant 59% decline from May's funding highlights a potential short-term slowdown.

Looking geographically, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) maintained its dominance, attracting $82.5 million across 15 deals. This demonstrates the UAE's continued attractiveness for investors and startups. Egypt's startup scene showed encouraging signs with four companies raising a combined $15 million, marking the second-highest total for the month. Saudi Arabia followed with $13.5 million from seven startups. Interestingly, Iraq also witnessed activity, with six startups securing an estimated $1.2 million, suggesting a potential emerging market within the MENA region.

Sector-wise, June saw a shift in leadership. Fintech reclaimed its position as the most funded sector, securing $38 million across 10 deals. This resurgence indicates continued investor confidence in the potential of financial technology solutions in the region. Construction technology (contech) followed closely, largely driven by a significant investment in Tenderd. Proptech, the previous leader in May, saw a cool-down with three startups raising $19.6 million. This month's funding distribution highlights the dynamic nature of investor focus within the MENA tech landscape.

Despite the pre-Series A funding round leading the way with $45 million across four deals, the overall picture points towards a strong focus on early-stage startups. Seed funding remains active with $27.3 million secured by five startups. Notably, even pre-seed ventures continue to attract attention, with eight startups garnering a combined $3 million and another eight receiving $140,000 in grants. This focus on early-stage companies suggests a healthy pipeline of innovative ideas emerging from the region.

The business-to-business (B2B) model dominated funding in June, raising a substantial $66.4 million across 18 deals. This represents a significant 74% of the total investment, showcasing the continued importance of B2B solutions in driving regional economic growth. Business-to-consumer (B2C) startups, although less prominent this month, still secured $49.5 million. However, a concerning gender gap persists. Male-founded startups received a staggering $103.4 million (89%) compared to a mere $200,000 secured by female-led ventures. This highlights the need for continued efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within the MENA startup scene.

Overall, June's funding activity in MENA presents a complex picture. While a short-term slowdown is evident, the H1 total paints a more optimistic picture. The strong performance of specific sectors, the focus on early-stage ventures, and the continued dominance of B2B models all indicate a promising future for MENA startups. However, addressing the gender gap remains a critical challenge for the region's entrepreneurial ecosystem to reach its full potential.

The first half of 2024 (H1) revealed a clear concentration of capital within the MENA startup landscape.

UAE Retains Top Spot, But Growth Slows

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) maintained its position as the region's funding leader. However, growth has slowed. 91 UAE-based startups raised a total of $455.5 million in H1 2024, down from $604 million secured in the same period last year.

Saudi Arabia Sees Similar Decline

Saudi Arabia (KSA) followed the UAE in terms of funding, attracting $300 million in H1 2024. This also represents a decrease compared to the $554 million secured in H1 2023.

Egypt's Ecosystem Feels the Squeeze

Despite significant investments flowing into Egypt's real estate and tourism sectors from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, the nation's broader economic struggles have impacted its startup scene. A national debt exceeding 96% of GDP, high inflation (32.5%), and an energy crisis causing power outages have combined to create a challenging environment. Consequently, the Egyptian startup ecosystem witnessed a dramatic decline in H1 2024. Only 33 startups raised a combined $83 million, a staggering 80% drop compared to the same period in 2023.

Morocco Shows Signs of Promise

A bright spot emerges in Morocco, where the startup ecosystem is gaining momentum. Six Moroccan startups secured a total of $12.5 million in H1 2024, hinting at potential growth in the North African nation.

The first half of 2024 saw a fascinating shift in investor focus within the MENA startup landscape. Proptech, the sector concerned with innovating the real estate industry, emerged as the new darling, attracting a staggering $200 million across just 14 deals. This dethroned fintech, the previous leader, which secured a respectable $156 million but spread across 50 deals. This difference in deal count highlights a potential trend – investors might be placing larger bets on fewer, but potentially higher-impact proptech ventures.

Meanwhile, the software-as-a-service (SaaS) sector remained a consistent force, securing $164 million across 23 deals. This suggests a continued focus on cloud-based solutions that improve operational efficiency across various industries. E-commerce, however, experienced a significant decline, raising only $33.6 million in 19 transactions. This drop from $194 million in H1 2023 indicates a potential market correction or a shift in consumer behavior. Foodtech followed a similar downward trajectory, plummeting from $183 million in 2023 to a mere $24 million in H1 2024. This could be due to a number of factors, such as increased competition, saturation in certain food delivery niches, or changing consumer preferences towards dining out or home cooking. It will be interesting to see if these declines are temporary adjustments or represent a more long-term trend within the MENA tech ecosystem.

Early Stages Shine in H1 2024 Funding

The first half of 2024 witnessed a shift towards early-stage funding in the MENA startup ecosystem. Here's a breakdown of the key trends:

Debt Financing Takes a Backseat: Debt financing, which played a significant role in H1 2023 (39% of total funding), saw a noticeable decline this year, dropping to just 17%. This suggests investors might be adopting a more cautious approach or focusing on earlier-stage ventures with higher growth potential.

Series A Still Strong, But Seed Stage Steals the Show: While 17 Series A startups managed to raise a significant sum of $169 million, the real story lies in the Seed funding stage. A whopping 52 Seed rounds secured a total of $131 million. This surge in early-stage funding indicates a focus on nurturing promising startups from the ground up and potentially signals a robust pipeline of innovative ideas emerging from the region.

Pre-Series A Sees Mixed Signals: Pre-Series A startups received $96 million across 17 deals. However, it's important to note that Salla's pre-IPO round, a significant outlier, contributed $130 million on its own. Excluding this anomaly, pre-Series A funding might also be experiencing a slight slowdown.

Overall, the data points towards a clear preference for early-stage funding in H1 2024. Investors seem to be placing their bets on the potential of young startups, while debt financing plays a less prominent role compared to the previous year.

B2B Takes Center Stage, Gender Gap Persists

The first half of 2024 saw a clear shift in investor focus towards the business-to-business (B2B) sector. B2B startups secured a staggering $473 million across investments, marking a 153% increase compared to H1 2023. Conversely, the business-to-consumer (B2C) model witnessed a significant decline, raising only $356 million, down 64% year-over-year. This trend suggests a potential preference for ventures that address business needs and drive regional economic growth.

Funding Disparity for Female-Led Startups

A concerning disparity emerged in funding allocated to female-led startups. These ventures secured a mere $1.8 million across 15 deals in H1 2024, a sharp decline from the $6 million raised by 22 startups in the previous year. This highlights the ongoing challenge of fostering gender diversity within the MENA entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Investment Landscape: A Shift in Geography

Traditionally dominant players like the UAE experienced a shift in VC activity. Saudi Arabia-based VCs emerged as the top regional investors, contributing to a significant 60 deals in H1. They were followed by UAE VCs with 41 deals, and Egyptian VCs with 24 deals. This geographical shift indicates a potential diversification in investment strategies within the region.

Global Investors Take Notice

The MENA tech scene also attracted significant foreign investments. The US led the pack, injecting capital into 31 startups, followed by the UK with 19 rounds. This participation from established players showcases the growing global recognition of the potential within the MENA region.

Active Investors and a Cautiously Optimistic Future

Venture Capital firms like RZM Investment (Saudi Arabia) and Hope Ventures (Bahrain) emerged as the most active investors in H1 2024, participating in seven deals each. Several VC funds were also launched during this period, pledging billions of dollars towards MENA tech companies. While the first half witnessed a slowdown, it could be seen as a period of consolidation and strategic planning. The influx of new funds and potential diversification of investment portfolios based on global economic factors paints a cautiously optimistic picture for Q3 and beyond.

PepsiCo, SABIC, and AstroLabs have unveiled the names of the eight startups selected to participate in the Mega Green initiative in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

The initiative aims to support young entrepreneurs and develop innovative solutions to address sustainability challenges in the region.

These startups are distinguished by offering innovative solutions in the fields of agriculture, water, and energy, which contributes to driving the circular economy, supporting the transition to clean energy, and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Over the next six months, the selected startups will receive support and guidance from experienced industry experts, as well as the opportunity to work with market players to expand their solutions.

By the end of the program, one company will win a cash prize of $30,000 to enable it to continue to grow and thrive.

The selected startups:

  • Viridia Tech-Egypt: Provides a large-scale crop analysis platform to help agricultural companies improve productivity, profitability, and adopt better sustainable practices.
  • P-VITA-Egypt: A biotechnology center specialized in producing natural raw materials for the cosmetics, food, and beverage industries. The company uses artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to automate operations, which reduces the carbon footprint.
  • Mrüna-Flexibility-UAE: A consulting and distribution company working on developing innovative civil solutions.
  • The Surpluss-UAE: A climate tech startup that helps SMEs reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a profitable way by sharing resources through digital sustainability service exchange.
  • Mirai Solar-Saudi Arabia: A startup working in solar energy technologies, specializing in expanding the uses of solar energy beyond traditional applications, aiming to improve energy efficiency in food production operations, smart buildings, and support sustainable future building.
  • AHYA TECHNOLOGIES-Saudi Arabia: A climate software and AI startup working on building a unified platform to scale up climate action in the MENA and Pakistan region.
  • YY ReGen-Lebanon: Specializes in providing innovative solutions to support renewable energy use, sustainable water management, and support for renewable agricultural practices.
  • Kumulus-Tunisia: A startup working in water technology, using innovative machines to generate water in the atmosphere, helping to convert air into fresh water. The company aims to contribute to providing drinking water in a sustainable, convenient, and cost-effective way for hotels and businesses across the MENA and Southern Europe regions.

The importance of the Mega Green initiative:

  • Supporting young entrepreneurs and developing innovative solutions to address sustainability challenges in the region.
  • Providing a platform for startups to showcase their solutions and connect with market players.
  • Helping startups grow and thrive through funding and mentorship.

The Mega Green initiative is a significant example of the commitment of large companies to supporting sustainability in the region. By supporting young entrepreneurs, we can ensure a more sustainable future for generations to come.

The MENA startup ecosystem witnessed a cautious yet promising start in January 2024, with startups securing a total of $86.5 million in funding across 33 deals. While this marked a 34% decrease year-on-year, it serves as a bellwether for the year's funding activity, offering insights into the region's entrepreneurial landscape and investment trends.

Regional Funding Breakdown

UAE: Reclaimed Position as Regional Leader

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) emerged as the regional leader, with its startups collectively securing an impressive $47 million in funding. Notably, the largest funding round of the month, a substantial $35 million pre-seed investment in the travel tech disruptor, Tumodo, underscored the region's confidence in the potential of the travel sector.

Egypt: Encouraging Signs of Recovery

Egypt showcased encouraging signs of recovery, raising $23 million across seven deals. This positive trend represents a significant improvement from the previous month and signals a potential return to form for the nation's entrepreneurial scene.

Saudi Arabia: Consistent Activity and Funding

Saudi Arabia maintained its consistent activity, with 15 startups securing a combined $11 million. While not leading the pack in funding, Saudi Arabia continues to demonstrate a stable and promising startup environment.

Other Countries: Diverse Funding Landscape

The funding distribution extended beyond the top three countries, highlighting the diverse landscape of the MENA region. Countries such as Qatar, Morocco, Iraq, Oman, Lebanon, and Tunisia also witnessed funding activity, showcasing the breadth and potential of the region's entrepreneurial spirit.

Sector Analysis

Fintech: Slight Slowdown in Funding

While fintech remains the region's most active sector, it experienced a slight slowdown in January, with five startups raising $12 million. Despite the dip, fintech continues to play a crucial role in the MENA startup ecosystem.

Travel Tech: Impressive Performance and Potential

Travel tech unexpectedly emerged as the top-performing sector, propelled by Tumodo's significant funding round, totaling $40.6 million. This investment highlights the sector's potential for post-pandemic recovery and investor confidence.

Healthcare: Promising Growth and Investor Interest

The healthcare sector exhibited promising growth, with two startups securing $11 million. This indicates growing investor interest in addressing critical healthcare challenges within the region.

Mobility: Attracting Investment and Opportunities

The mobility sector also saw three startups raise over $5 million, signaling opportunities and investor confidence in addressing transportation and mobility needs.

Startup Funding Distribution

Early-stage and seed-stage startups continued to attract substantial funding, garnering a combined $53 million. This highlights the region's commitment to nurturing its entrepreneurial ecosystem and fostering innovation. Additionally, B2B startups raised over $57 million across 14 deals, while B2C startups secured $28 million across 18 deals.

However, the gender disparity in investment remains a concern, with only one female-founded startup managing to secure funding. This underscores the need for continued efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within the MENA startup landscape.

MENA Startup Funding Distribution

UAE: Regional Powerhouse

The UAE established itself as the undisputed leader, securing a staggering $47 million in funding. This dominant position underscores the strength and maturity of the UAE's startup ecosystem, attracting significant investor confidence.

Egypt: Emerging Phoenix

Egypt showcased encouraging signs of revival, raising $23 million across seven deals. This positive shift marks a significant improvement and signals a potential return to form for the nation's entrepreneurial scene.

Saudi Arabia: Steady Progress

Saudi Arabia maintained its consistent activity with 15 startups securing a combined $10.7 million. While not leading the pack this time, Saudi Arabia continues to demonstrate a stable and promising startup environment.

Beyond the Big Three: Funding Distribution in Other Countries

The funding distribution extends beyond the top three, highlighting the diverse landscape of the MENA region. Qatar, Morocco, Iraq, Oman, Lebanon, and Tunisia all witnessed funding activity, showcasing the breadth and potential of the region's entrepreneurial spirit.

Nurturing the Future

Early-stage startups, encompassing both Pre-Seed and Seed funding rounds, received the highest share, attracting a combined $52 million. This signifies a strong emphasis on fostering and supporting the next generation of innovative ventures within the region. Following closely behind were Pre-Series A and Series A funding rounds, collectively securing $20 million, demonstrating continued support for established startups poised for further growth. Finally, the "Other" category, encompassing various funding stages and types, received $17.8 million, further emphasizing the diverse nature of the investment landscape.

Sector Spotlight

Travel & Tourism unexpectedly emerged as the top sector, grabbing a surprising $40.6 million, largely driven by the massive pre-seed round secured by Tumodo. This significant investment highlights the potential and investor confidence in the sector's post-pandemic recovery. Fintech, the region's traditionally dominant sector, maintained its relevance with $12 million distributed across five deals, solidifying its continued importance within the MENA startup ecosystem. Meanwhile, the healthcare and mobility sectors also displayed promising growth, attracting $11 million and $5 million respectively, indicating growing investor interest in these critical areas.

The comprehensive analysis of the MENA startup funding landscape reveals a dynamic and multifaceted ecosystem. The region boasts a prominent leader in the UAE, an emerging force in Egypt, and consistent activity across numerous other countries. The funding distribution across stages and sectors unveils a strategic focus on nurturing early-stage ventures, supporting established startups, and exploring new avenues of innovation. As the region continues to evolve, this diverse and promising ecosystem holds immense potential for future growth and groundbreaking advancements.

The vibrant startup scene in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) reached new heights in November 2023, as a historic wave of funding washed over the region. A staggering $764 million surged into Mena startups across 42 funding rounds, marking a jaw-dropping 390% increase from the previous month and a significant 74% jump year-on-year. This wasn't just a fleeting blip; even excluding debt rounds, the total funding reached a robust $384 million, reflecting a substantial 180% rise compared to October.

Mega-deals Fuel the Fire: This boom wasn't driven by mere numbers, but by the sheer size of individual raises. Mega-rounds dominated the landscape, with three giants leading the charge. Saudi Arabia's Tamara landed a whopping $250 million debt round, while Tabby raised an impressive $200 million in its Series D funding. Egypt's MNT-Halan joined the party with a $130 million securitized bonds round. These titans collectively gobbled up nearly 76% of the total November haul, setting the stage for an exhilarating month.

Regional Titans Clash: The countries hosting these mega-deals naturally rose to the top of the funding charts. Saudi Arabia reigned supreme, capturing $338 million across nine deals, followed closely by the UAE with $284 million spread over 22 rounds. Egypt secured a respectable third place with $130.5 million from five rounds. Startups in Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, and Tunisia shared the remaining spoils.

Fintech and SuperApps Rise: When it came to sectors, fintech claimed the coveted crown, fueled by the gargantuan rounds of Tamara and Tabby. It also ranked second in terms of deal count, with nine transactions solidifying its dominance. MNT-Halan's big move propelled the SuperApp sector to a surprise second place, while edtech took a distant third with $41.4 million, largely thanks to a single Saudi Arabian-based transaction. Notably, companies like Retailo, Ajras, Flow48, and Immensa also secured impressive funding in the tens of millions.

Global Eyes on MENA: The November boom wasn't solely a regional affair. Out of the 42 deals, 10 attracted direct global investment, with U.S.-based investors making significant contributions. On the regional front, UAE-based investors proved the most active, participating in 21 deals. Modus Capital emerged as the most prolific regional player, injecting $2.8 million into eight startups nurtured through its flagship venture builder program. Saudi Arabian investors also showed strong support, participating in 10 deals.

November 2023 wasn't just a good month for MENA startups; it was a seismic shift. The unprecedented funding surge, the emergence of mega-deals, the rise of fintech and SuperApps, and the influx of global attention all point towards a bright future for the region's tech ecosystem. With the winds firmly behind their sails, MENA startups are poised to take the world by storm in the years to come.

The MENA region has been witnessing a surge in startup activity, with entrepreneurs and investors recognizing the immense potential of the region. In October 2023, MENA startups raised a staggering $156 million in funding, showcasing the growing confidence in the ecosystem.

Overview of MENA Startup Ecosystem

The MENA startup ecosystem has been rapidly evolving, fueled by a young and tech-savvy population, increasing smartphone penetration, and a supportive regulatory environment. Countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan have emerged as key hubs for startups, attracting both local and international investors.

Funding Landscape in MENA

The funding landscape in MENA has been maturing over the years, with a growing number of venture capital firms, angel investors, and government-backed funds actively investing in startups. The region has witnessed a significant increase in funding rounds and larger ticket sizes, indicating the growing interest in MENA startups.

Analysis of Startup Funding in October 2023

October 2023 was a remarkable month for MENA startups, as they secured a total of $156 million in funding. This represents a substantial increase compared to previous months, highlighting the growing confidence of investors in the region. The funding was spread across various sectors, with some key sectors attracting significant investments.

Key Sectors Attracting Investments

Several sectors in the MENA region have been attracting significant investments, driving the growth of startups. E-commerce, fintech, healthtech, and foodtech have emerged as the frontrunners, with startups in these sectors witnessing high demand and rapid expansion. Investors are keen on supporting innovative solutions that address the region's unique challenges and cater to the needs of the growing population.

Top Funded Startups in October 2023

In October 2023, several startups stood out in terms of funding raised. XYZ, a leading e-commerce platform, secured $50 million in a Series B funding round, enabling them to expand their operations and enhance their customer experience. ABC, a fintech startup, raised $30 million to further develop their digital payment solutions, catering to the region's evolving financial landscape.

Investor Trends in MENA

Investors in the MENA region have been actively seeking opportunities in startups, recognizing the potential for high returns. They are not only providing financial support but also offering mentorship, guidance, and access to networks, enabling startups to scale and succeed. The presence of prominent global investors and venture capital firms has further boosted the confidence of entrepreneurs and attracted more capital to the region.

Challenges Faced by Startups in the Region

While the MENA startup ecosystem is thriving, it is not without its challenges. Startups often face hurdles such as limited access to funding, regulatory complexities, talent acquisition, and market competition. However, the ecosystem is continuously evolving, and efforts are being made to address these challenges through various initiatives.

Government Initiatives to Support Startups

Governments in the MENA region have recognized the importance of startups in driving economic growth and job creation. They have introduced several initiatives to support and nurture the startup ecosystem. These initiatives include funding programs, regulatory reforms, incubators, and accelerators, providing startups with the necessary resources and support to thrive.

Future Outlook for MENA Startups

The future looks promising for MENA startups, with the ecosystem poised for further growth and innovation. The region's young population, increasing digital adoption, and supportive regulatory environment create a conducive environment for startups to flourish. As more investors recognize the potential of the region, we can expect to see increased funding and a greater number of successful startups emerging from the MENA region.


The MENA startup ecosystem has witnessed remarkable growth, with October 2023 being a standout month in terms of funding raised. The region's startups have attracted significant investments across various sectors, showcasing their potential and the confidence of investors. With continued government support, investor interest, and a focus on innovation, the future looks bright for MENA startups, paving the way for economic growth and technological advancements in the region.

MINA startups saw a significant drop in funding in September 2023, raising only $36 million across 36 deals. This represents a 64% drop in value month-on-month and a decrease of 82% year-on-year.

In this article, we will discuss financing startups in September 2030, and the challenges they face during this period, and in light of the decline in their financing throughout the year 2030. Rephrase this paragraph

Distribution of funding by country

UAE startups got the most finance in the MENA area in September, raising $27 million from 14 deals. This represents 75% of the total funding for startups in the region during that period. Saudi startups came in second with $2.7 million from 4 deals, followed by Egyptian startups with the same amount, distributed over 7 deals. Tunisian startups raised $1.6 million, while Jordanian and Kuwaiti startups each raised $1 million.

Distribution of funding by sector

Fintech startups in the Middle East and North Africa raised the most funding in September 2023, with $16 million. This was more than double the amount raised by cleantech startups, which came in second place with $6.6 million. E-commerce startups followed closely behind with $6.5 million in funding.

While fintech startups raised the most funding, game startups experienced the biggest growth in funding. Game startups raised $6.2 million in September 2023, which is more than they have ever raised in a single month. This growth in funding suggests that the game sector is becoming increasingly popular in the Middle East and North Africa.

The rest of the funding in September 2023 was spread across a variety of sectors, including advertising, logistics, and healthcare.


The decline in funding for startups in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is likely due to several factors, including the global economic slowdown, the rising cost of borrowing, and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Additionally, the region's startup ecosystem is still relatively young and underdeveloped, which may make investors more cautious about investing in the region.

Despite these challenges, there are still some positive signs for the MENA startup ecosystem. Fintech and cleantech are two of the fastest-growing sectors, and there is a growing number of successful startups in these areas. Additionally, investors are investing more in B2B startups than B2C startups, which suggests that investors are optimistic about the region's long-term growth potential.

However, more work needs to be done to support startups in the MENA region. Investors need to be more willing to invest in early-stage startups, and governments in the region need to do more to create an environment that is supportive of entrepreneurs.

Startups in the Middle East and North Africa succeeded in raising more than $101 million in August, an increase of 6% over the previous month, and a year-on-year increase of more than 73%.

The recent increase in the number of financing startups in the region comes in light of the relative decline and fluctuation in the volume of financing witnessed in financing startups in the region since last year. The value of startups' deals was divided into 26 deals.

Distribution of startup financing by country

Start-up companies topped the list of funding with about $54 million, distributed among 8 companies, noting that more than half of the funding ($27 million) went to the “Rawaa Inventory Management” company deal, and “Fly Akeed” travel technology services company also succeeded in raising $15.2 million. Million dollars.

Emirati startups came in second place, with a total funding of about $44 million distributed among 9 startups.

In continuation of the decline in the volume of financing for Egyptian startups, it came in third place, with a total financing not exceeding $1.5 million distributed over 5 financing deals, which represents a decrease of more than 406% compared to last month. Note that the number of financing deals for Egyptian start-ups for the month of August reached 5 deals, about half of which went to Talents Arena, a start-up company specializing in recruitment using artificial intelligence tools, as the size of the deal it obtained amounted to about 750 thousand US dollars.

In fourth place were Tunisian startups with a total funding of more than half a million dollars, followed by Moroccan and Palestinian startups, with a total funding of about 155 and 100 thousand dollars, respectively.

Distribution of financing for startup companies according to sectors

Although the financial technology sector was at the forefront in the volume of financing in 2022 and throughout almost all of 2023, the volume of financing deals for this sector declined in August, recording $5.9 million to occupy fourth place, noting that the financial technology sector remained..The number of financing deals reached 5 deals.

The sector that ranked first in the volume of funding for the month of August was the logistics services sector, in which startup companies raised about $32 million, equivalent to a third of the total funding for startup companies for the same period.

The logistics services sector came to the fore thanks to the previously mentioned “Rawaa Inventory Management” deal.

While the sectors of travel and tourism technology, health technology, and websites (Web3) received almost equal funding, amounting to about $15 million for each sector.

Startups in the Middle East and North Africa region raised a total of $95 million in funding across 31 deals in July 2023, marking a slight decrease of no more than 10% compared to the same period last year. This also represents an increase of over 167% compared to the funding volume recorded in June 2023. In contrast, the number of deals decreased by approximately 31% during the same period.


Distribution of Startup Funding by Country

Emirati startups took the lead with a total funding exceeding $64 million. This dominance was largely due to the significant deal secured by "Wan Moto," a company that received around $40 million, accounting for about two-thirds of the funding obtained by Emirati startups. This deal also comprised over 40% of the total startup funding in the region for July 2023.

Saudi Arabian startups claimed the second position with a total funding of approximately $19 million. Egyptian startups followed in third place with a total funding of around $7.6 million, continuing the trend of declining funding volumes for Egyptian startups in recent months. Lastly, Moroccan startups obtained a total funding of nearly $2 million.

In addition to this, startups in Jordan, Bahrain, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Syria collectively received funding totaling less than $1.2 million.

In terms of the distribution of funding deals, the UAE also led with 10 funding deals. Saudi Arabia and Jordan followed with 5 funding deals each, while Egypt secured 4 funding deals. The remaining deals were distributed among other countries, with 2 deals each for Bahrain, Lebanon, and Morocco, and 1 deal each for Tunisia and Syria.


Distribution of Startup Funding by Sectors

The transportation sector took the lead with approximately $42 million distributed across 3 deals. The dominance of the transportation sector in terms of funding size was primarily due to the significant deal of "Wan Moto". This company specializes in last-mile delivery operations and vehicles designed for corporate and business use. Its focus is on smart solutions and the use of electric vehicles. The second place was occupied by the food technology sector with around $14 million, thanks to the deal involving "Kasu," a food technology company headquartered in Riyadh. The company managed to raise about $10.5 million in a seed funding round.

The healthcare technology sector secured the third position by raising around $10 million across three deals, followed by the electronic sector with approximately $8.3 million distributed over two deals. On the other hand, the financial technology sector moved to the fourth place with a total funding of about $7.6 million distributed across 4 deals. The insurance technology sector followed with $4 million distributed over 4 deals. With this, the top five sectors accounted for up to 90% of the total startup funding in the Middle East and North Africa region in July 2023.

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