
The government of Morocco and Spain have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to construct the third interconnection cable between the two countries.

Similar to the previous two, this third 400-kV link will have a technical capacity of 700 MW. The combined commercial capacity of the three links will amount to 1,500 MW.  Spanish grid operator  and its Moroccan peer L’Office National de l’Electricite et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE) will be in charge of the study and analysis of the project.

Morocco-Spain power interconnector

The project will require US $169.9m which will be shared 50/50 between the two counties. Ambitious plans to harness North Africa’s solar resource and export the energy to Europe would depend on such trans-continental grid connection.

The interconnection cable project upon completion is estimated to bring f US $140m to the Spanish electricity system gained from tolls and congestion rent since an auction system for the management of the exchange capacity could be implemented.

Energy regulations

The project will also help meet the goal of energy regulations of countries in North Africa to be compatible with European regulations and also the goal for governments and private investors tapped for big bucks.

Commissioning of the project is expected to take place before 2026. Moreover, the two countries have also signed a second collaboration agreement that is aimed at establishing a strategic partnership on energy with objectives focused on the integration of networks and the energy markets, development of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Interconnection between Spain and Morocco represents one of the maximum exponents of the policy of cooperation between Europe and the Southern Mediterranean countries, backed by the European Community. This is the only submarine interconnection between two continents. The first power link was built in the 1996 while the second was an undersea cable which came into service in 2005 and double transit capacity to 1400 MW.


Morocco plans to sell the five-star La Mamounia hotel in Marrakech and the Tahaddart power plant in a privatisation push Morocco plans to sell the five-star La Mamounia hotel in Marrakech and the Tahaddart power plant in a privatisation push to rein in the budget deficit in 2019, the government spokesman said on Thursday. The government approved a draft law allowing the sale of the two companies, Mustapha El Khalfi told a news conference. Morocco's 2019 draft budget aims to raise 5 billion to 6 billion dirhams ($527 million-$633 million) from selling state assets to cut the deficit to 3.3 percent of gross domestic product next year. (read more)


START Summit is Europe’s leading conference for entrepreneurship and technology designed to shape a new generation of entrepreneurs in times of technological changes who solve society’s challenges and take advantage of the new opportunities arising. This year's topics focus on five technologies such as; Blockchain, Virtual / Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Healthtech.

With the growing number of participants, more stages and venture have been organised for the 2018 event. A wide array of activities have also been included on the agenda such as 1-to- 1 meetings, workshops, background sessions, speed-dating and networking events.

More than 2500 participants including about 570 startups, 1040 students, 256 investors, 65 media companies and like-minded people from over 80 countries who came together to celebrate many innovations.

This year’s themes focused on five technologies; Blockchain, Virtual / Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. Each theme was discussed at a panel where experts gave their opinion on the economic implications of these technologies.

The panel comprising Monique Morrow who has been in the technology industry since the mid-1980s; Val Racheeva, Co-editor of the Female Founders Book; and Leila Oppermann, project initiator of Ada, Accelerate women entrepreneurship in Berlin; gave insights on how to bridge the gender gap in the technology field. They stressed that, while it will always be challenging to find solutions to this problem, women should continue to be empowered, supported and mentored.

The event culminated in celebration of the winner of the Start Sumiteer Award. This year’s award was bestowed on the Lausanne based startup Aesyra, seeking to fight against Bruxism, a health problem involving teeth grinding or clenching, occurring during sleep or wakefulness. Almost 1 out of 10 people is affected. Bruxism can result in facial pain, teeth wear, severe damage and is too costly for dental restorations and prostheses. Therefore, Aesyra developed a wearable solution that helps patients to stop the teeth grinding and for clinicians to efficiently manage bruxism diagnosis, monitoring and therapy. Prototypes have already been tested by volunteers during several nights of sleep, generating bruxism clinical data.


Behind Aesyra were five finalists;

Seervision, a spin-off from the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH Zurich, is developing a new kind of video camera to allow for autonomous video production.

Vigilitech’s MARTA allows researchers to monitor animal's vital functions during surgical intervention effortlessly and non-invasively and to record data wirelessly with a phone or tablet.

Komed Health offers a fully encrypted and secure platform for instant medical team and patient communication.

Glasschair based in Munich develops a smart glass based solution with which people with disabilities can drive a wheelchair with head motions and voice commands.

Yobs' “Artificial Emotional Intelligence” analyzes large amounts of unstructured data to understand the soft skills of applicants. Yobs Technology is based in the Silicon Valley.

Extract of startupticker.ch web site.





Plusieurs jeunes pousses et entrepreneurs expérimentés de la région du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord (MENA) ont participé en Suisse, du 9 au 12 avril dernier, à la 5e édition du forum de l’entrepreneuriat dans les marchés émergents, le Seedstars Summit 2018. Outre la présence en guest star du PDG de Zain Jordan, huit startups de la région avaient été sélectionnées pour participer à ces quatre journées intensives de formations, d'ateliers et de rencontres en tête à tête avec investisseurs et mentors.


Bien que le secteur de la technologie financière soit le plus prometteur dans cette région où 86% de la population ne dispose pas de compte bancaire, les startups MENA présentes à Lausanne offraient un panorama bien plus large : services au consommateur (3oun de Jordanie; WNNA de Bahrain) et aux entreprises (Favizone en Tunisie; Vision in Motion du Liban), dans les domaines de l'éducation (Junkbot des Emirats arabes unis), de la robotique (General Senses du Koweït; WideBOT d'Egypte) et du marketing (Hooplacar du Maroc).


Nouvelle révolution entrepreneuriale

Seedstars parle de "nouvelle révolution entrepreneuriale" à propos de la région MENA, avec d'une part une population la plus jeune au monde (70% de moins de 25 ans) et d'autre part, une volonté de diversification vers des industries innovantes suite à la chute des prix du pétrole. Plus de ressources sont ainsi allouées aux secteurs de la haute technologie et de l'innovation. Et les pouvoirs publics engagent d'importants efforts pour promouvoir l'entreprenariat auprès des jeunes et améliorer le cadre législatif régulant la création d'entreprise alors que la lourdeur et l'obsolescence des procédures demeurent l'un des obstacles majeurs.


Le changement d'état d'esprit est notable avec quelques 5'000 startups actuellement enregistrées dans la région, la création de nombreux incubateurs, fonds de capital-risque et distinctions récompensant l'esprit d'entreprise. WNNA, startup finaliste du Seedstars World 2017 et 2018, a d'ailleurs remporté deux de ces prix à Dubaï et Bahreïn (voir encadré).


Le secteur privé s'engage

Plusieurs autres représentants MENA étaient présents à Lausanne, dont le très attendu Ahman Hanandeh, PDG depuis 2011 de Zain Jordan, l'opérateur de télécommunication leader du Moyen-Orient avec près de 6 millions d'abonnés. Son allocution sur la grande scène du Sommet s'est focalisée sur la digitalisation des services et la crainte du changement, perçu souvent comme un dérèglement. La plupart des entreprises sont prises d'inquiétude en entendant ce mot mais "the future is a disrupted place" et il nous faut l'accepter, scande-t-il. Le dirigeant affirme sa volonté de soutenir une région MENA «jeune, urbaine et entreprenante», notamment avec la création en 2014 du Zain Innovation Campus (ZINC). Première du genre en Jordanie, cette plateforme offre aux startups des infrastructures équipées, des services de conseil et un réseau d'une centaine de partenaires stratégiques. Zain a déjà soutenu 130 startups à ce jour.

Autre représentant de MENA invité au Seedstars Summit, le jeune entrepreneur Ehteshamuddin a cofondé et dirige à Dubaï la startup JunkBot, active dans le domaine éducatif. Déjà vendu à 600'000 exemplaires, son kit de jeu technologique do it yourself permet aux enfants de construire leur propre robot en recyclant des cartes à jouer, vieux CDs ou bouteilles en plastique usagées. Ce projet enthousiasmant s'est vu décerné le prix du public par le canton de Vaud et InnoVaud, la promotion de l'innovation vaudoise (voir encadré).


A cheval sur les domaines de la science, technologie, ingénierie et mathématiques (StemTech), Junkbot repose sur l'idée qu'on apprend en faisant, qu'on apprend à inventer en inventant. Il s'adresse donc aux écoles et autres aux institutions publiques, au-delà de la vente en ligne et par des détaillants. Pour lancer son produit, l'ingénieur en mécanique s'est associé à un partenaire lui apportant l'expertise MBA.

Il nous explique qu'il considère Dubaï comme une plateforme très favorable aux startups, avec nombre d'incubateurs et des fonds de capital risque (VC) accessibles (à l'exemple de Careem, le Uber du Moyen-Orient; ou DPWorld, dont il a obtenu des fonds) et des incubateurs. Pour autant, il est aussi allé chercher ailleurs, très loin même : un financement de Startup Chile, organe du gouvernement chilien; et des fabricants chinois pour les composantes électroniques de son kit. Le jeu va se compléter d'une application pour prolonger l'expérience du jeu physique, pour le lancement de laquelle Junkbot cherche à lever de nouveaux fonds (100'000$).


Des examples de l'entrepreneuriat dans le monde Arabe

L'esprit d'entreprise a poussé Ali Mohen, directeur de WNNA - Bahreïn, féru d'informatique et d'internet, à quitter son statut d'employé bancaire puis de Microsoft, pour s'engager dans l'aventure des technologies de l'information et de l'entreprenariat. Une aventure qui lui vaut déjà un certain succès et passablement de reconnaissance, dans un contexte où les clones d'innovations étrangères ou le e-commerce demeurent les favoris d'investisseurs selon lui encore frileux face aux idées trop novatrices.

Il nous parle de son produit - une application donnant accès à différents services sur la base d'informations géolocalisées : commander à manger, réserver une table au restaurant, obtenir un taxi, trouver le bancomat le plus proche. Et partage son analyse de l'écosystème des startups dans les pays du CCG.

WNNA a reçu le prix de la meilleure expérience utilisateur au GITEX Summit de Dubai et celui de startup de l'année du MEET ICT de Bahreïn.

Favizone, startup franco-tunisienne cofondée et dirigée par Mohamed Mehdi Khemiri, offre une solution personnalisée plug & play pour les sites internet de détaillants. Elle leur permet de donner à leurs clients des recommandations clients au travers de différents canaux (e-shop, e-mails et applications de messagerie) et un accès à un assistant/vendeur virtuel, en temps réel. Statistiquement, sur 100 clients potentiels, seuls 2 passent à l'achat. Avec l'outil développé par Favizone, ce taux de conversion est amélioré et passe à 5%. Quant aux 95% restant, le contact-client ayant été établi, il pourra être mis à profit ultérieurement. Le produit est en beta test depuis un an : recourant à l'intelligence artificielle, il accroît son efficacité continuellement par l'apprentissage automatique. Favizone compte déjà ses premiers clients payant, qui payent un pourcentage sur les ventes et une commission de 30%.

Actuellement en phase d'implantation sur le marché français, Favizone vise à terme le marché européen, voire l'Amérique du Nord. Les capitaux d'amorçage ont essentiellement consisté en angel funds nord-africains. Les coûts de développement (rémunération des ingénieurs) sont avantageux en Afrique du Nord, mais l'accès au marché y est limité, contrairement au marché français. Par contre, pour pénétrer ce dernier, les coûts de marketing prennent l'ascenseur. Des relais lui sont donc nécessaires pour accéder au marché financier en Europe, Seedstars Summit lui en offre l'occasion.


Lire aussi: L'esprit d'entreprise africain récompensé


أجرت منصة رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين (SA Entrepreneurs) لقاءً مع راي دارغام (Ray Dargham)، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة STEP، وذلك على هامش مؤتمر STEP Start 2018 في دبي لمناقشة المشهد الريادي في المنطقة والمآلات المستقبلية لهذا القطاع المتسارع النمو.

The fifth edition of the Seedstars Summit announced for the 12th of April in Lausanne



12th of April 2018

SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL

Lausanne – Switzerland

(we are a media partner to this event, the organizers offer a 10% discount to our network)


After a year of roaming the world and analyzing startup ecosystems in fast growing economies,

Seedstars is proud to present the grand finale of Seedstars World, the largest emerging markets startup competition. For its fifth anniversary, Seedstars promises its very best Summit to date, gathering 65+ handpicked startups coming from Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Africa. Spanning a wide variety of verticals, from Fin-tech to Ed-tech, Med/Bio-tech, Agri-tech, Insure-tech, Clean-tech and High/Nano-tech, they will reunite in the SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne, Switzerland to compete for different prizes and the title of Seedstars Global Winner, qualifying to win up to $1M in equity investment.


The 2018 edition will also attract startups enthusiasts, investors, business angels, government officials, incubators, NGOs and journalists from all over the world for an international and unique hands-on networking experience.


84% of the world’s population is located in emerging markets and 59% of global GDP comes from these markets. Figures and statistics confirm it, emerging markets are the future. Did you know that by 2025 annual consumption in emerging markets will reach $30trn? And that two-thirds of the global growth is coming from emerging markets?1


Realizing that these figures represent opportunities to impact billions of lives, Seedstars has been connecting with the digital changemakers of the emerging world, to provide them with access to high growth opportunities. That is why, with the help of partners such as Innovaud, City of Lausanne, Enel, School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) & TRECC (Transforming Education in Cocoa Communities program, part of the Jacobs Foundation), BBVA, Tag Heuer, Merck KGaA and CVCI (Chambre Vaudoise du Commerce et de l’Industrie), the fifth edition of Seedstars Summit will be celebrated with the purpose to address crucial questions: where do we want to be five years from now regarding technology and innovation? How will the entrepreneurship from fast-growing markets impact the world economy?


The 2017 Seedstars Summit was a success, with more than 1’000 attendees from all over the world, around 60 startup finalists and 116 investors, who took part in more than 450 one-on-one meetings.


Speakers such as Bob Collymore , CEO of Safaricom, and Alexander Galitsky, Managing Partner of Almaz Capital, animated discussions around major themes of fast growing markets. The Best Woman Entrepreneur prize was awarded to Monica Abarca, from qAIRa (Peru), an air-pollution monitoring drone, whilst the most Innovative Startup prize was presented to PiQuant, a South Korean hardware startup dedicated to decreasing the harmful impact of chemicals in food. Nevertheless, the highlight of the event was the crowning of Mario Jordan Fetalino III, CEO of Acudeen Technologies (Philippines), as the Seedstars Global winner.


Though from different sectors, countries and industries, selected international startups which received a direct pass to Lausanne have a few things in common: they are all game-changers, innovators ready to tackle the industry challenges, and shape the future through technological impact on their community. Here you can find a list and short description about each one of them.


Over 70 experts from world renowned companies will spend two days (Monday and Tuesday)

mentoring the selected entrepreneurs, providing them with in-depth insights and business mentorship.


The Investor Forum will happen on Wednesday, when the startups will present their one minute pitches, and attend the one-on-one meetings with Swiss and international investors (curated by Seedstars), and when the 12 finalists will be announced. On Thursday, the main Summit day, there are several workshops in the morning. Two partnerships are already confirmed: Fedex will coordinate a workshop on the future of e-commerce and GSMA will conduct one about the collaboration between startups and telecom operators. Past editions featured experts from companies such as Google, Udacity, Merck KGaA , Nestle, Amazon, IBM and US Aid, and for this year many more are to be scheduled up until the event. In the afternoon, key speakers will take the stage to inspire attendees with their words and lead insightful discussions on the future of innovation in emerging markets, and the Global winner will be announced.


Four keynote speakers are already confirmed: Gwendolyn Regina, who most recently spearheaded Mashable’s global expansion into Asia; award recipient, tech founder and CEO of AppsTech Rebecca Enonchong, representing Africa; Tallis Gomes, one of the most outstanding references for entrepreneurship in Latam and Gibran Huzaifah, the Seedstars World Alumni superstar that will join the Summit on its 5th anniversary. A fish-farmer-turned-agriculture-tech-entrepreneur, Gibran Huzaifah founded eFishery, the company that is revolutionizing the relatively untapped $5.4 billion-valued Indonesian aquaculture market.


On the investors side, Ace & Company, Omidyar Network, Index Ventures and 500startups will

be joining us, alongside many others from the US, Europe and emerging markets worldwide.



"They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds." - Mexican proverb

Seedstars is a Swiss based group with the mission to impact people’s lives in emerging markets through technology and entrepreneurship. Seedstars connects stakeholders, builds companies from scratch with public and private partners and invests in high growth startups within these ecosystems.


Through different activities, that range from startup scouting to company building and acceleration programs, the team has built the most powerful network of entrepreneurs, investors, incubators, corporations and government officials from 65+ fast growing economies around the globe. Seedstars group includes Seedstars World, a worldwide startup competition, sourcing the top talent in technology and entrepreneurship in emerging markets; Seedstars Growth, a three month virtual acceleration program; Seedspace, a network of coworking and co-living spaces now in 35+ countries and Seedstars Academy, a six months intensive training for aspiring local entrepreneurs on how to build sustainable businesses. Some of Seedstars main partners are Enel (Energy), School of Management Fribourg (HEG Fribourg) & Trecc (Education), BBVA (Finance), Tag Heuer (Fempreneurship and Innovation) and Merck KGaA (Health).



Seedstars World is the first global startup competition focused on emerging and fast-growing markets. For five years now, it has built a network in 65+ countries, with the teams traveling the world to source innovative startup investment opportunities. We run 80+ local competitions to identify the best seed-stage startups and host an inspirational set of disruptive tech and networking sessions. We also organise 5 regional Summits, reuniting all local winners of each region to network with speakers, investors, corporates, incubators, accelerators, governments and all other relevant stakeholders. Finally, Seedstars Summit, the competition’s final, is our exciting flagship event filled with breakout sessions, panel discussions, specialized workshops and the best minds from emerging markets, where local winners compete to be crowned Seedstars World Global Winner and win up to $1M in investment. In parallel, our virtual three month growth program focuses on improving the growth and traction for 10-20 startups selected from the local winners.


1. Sources: https://www.aesinternational.com/blog/e-is-for-emerging-markets-





SA Entrepreneurs sat down with Ray Dargham, Founder & CEO, STEP Group, on the sidelines of the 2018 STEP Start Conference in Dubai to discuss the entrepreneurial landscape in the region and what does the future hold for this rapidly growing sector.


(English version)

Durant la dernière décennie, la région MENA a fait l’expérience d’une croissance économique et démographique considérable, qui devrait continuer dans le futur. La demande d’énergie dans ces diverses régions (composée d'importateurs et d’exportateurs d’énergie) se développe entre 3% et 8% par an. En réalité, la demande d’énergie s’élève si rapidement dans le monde Arabe que même les pays qui ont traditionnellement exporté de l'énergie dans le passé sont confrontés à la perspective de devenir eux-mêmes des importateurs d’énergie. La courbe suivante montre la demande croissante d’électricité dans la région Arabe à travers le temps, plus précisément au sein du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe.


لا بد من إشراك المغتربين لإطلاق الطاقات البشرية غير المستغلة خاصةً وقت الأزمات


اظهرت دراسة لمجموعة البنك الدولي في مطلع العام 2017 حول الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه المغتربون في تعزيز التكامل الاقليمي والاقتصادي ونشرت تحت عنوان "حشد جهود المغتربين من منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا من أجل تحقيق التكامل الاقتصادي وريادة الأعمال" أن المغتربين من بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا يمكنهم القيام بدور بالغ الأهمية في تعزيز التكامل الإقليمي وريادة الأعمال والنمو الاقتصادي في المنطقة، كما يمكنهم مساعدة بلدانهم على أن تصبح من الأطراف الفاعلة الرئيسية في الاقتصاد العالمي.

(Version française)

Over the past decade, the MENA region has experienced considerable economic and population growth, which is only expected to continue in the future. The demand for power in this diverse region (comprised of energy importers and exporters) is expanding between 3% and 8% annually. In fact, the demand for energy is rising so rapidly in the Arab world that even countries which have traditionally exported energy in the past are facing the prospect of becoming energy importers themselves. The following figure shows the increasing demand for electricity overtime in the Arab region, especially in the Gulf Cooperation Council.


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