
استطاعت شركة iWire، المتخصصة في تقنيات إنترنت الأشياء، ومقرها الإمارات، جمع 34 مليون دولار في جولتها التمويلية سلسلة (أ)، بقيادة شركة نور كابيتال الإماراتية، وبمشاركة من بنك الاستثمار العام الفرنسي Bpifrance.

تسريع النمو وتطوير منتجاتها

يهدف الاستثمار الجديد في مساعدة الشركة على تطوير منتجاتها بشكل أسرع من أجل التوسع جغرافياً والوصول إلى 12 دولة جديدة في السنوات القادمة مع تطوير بنيتها التحتية لتغطية هذه الدول والتوجه نحو تقنيات إنترنت الأشياء فيها.

قال أحمد فصيح أختر، الرئيس التنفيذي، iWire، في البيان الصحفي الصادر عن الشركة: "نقدم لعملائنا بديلا لحلول الاتصال القديمة، والتي تتيح التحول الرقمي الناجح بتكلفة أقل. تساهم حلولنا في تحقيق الكفاءة التجارية لعملائنا فضلا عن رضائهم عن خدماتنا. هذا الاستثمار هو مجرد بداية لرحلتنا ودليل رائع على أننا نسير على النهج الصحيح. نحن فخورون بثقة هذا المستثمر وسنواصل توسيع شبكتنا ومنتجاتنا لتحويل البنية التحتية الرقمية في المنطقة".

وأضاف جيريمي برينس، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Sigfox: "تتبنى الشركات والمؤسسات في جميع أنحاء العالم إنترنت الأشياء و0G (شبكة 0G مكمل عملي لشبكات النطاق العريض لتشغيل تطبيقات إنترنت الأشياء البسيطة لوظائف مثل تتبع الأصول) لتغيير طريقة عملها. يسعدنا أن يكون لدينا شركة رائعة مثل   iWire بين مجتمعنا المذهل من عملاء Sigfox.

تتيح شبكتنا الدولية الفريدة للعملاء بالفعل الاستفادة من 0G بطريقة سلسة في أكثر من 72 دولة. تقدم iWire للأسواق الجديدة التي تقتحمها إمكانات هائلة ونتطلع إلى تعاون ناجح للغاية".

عن iWire

تأسست iWire في شهر أبريل عام 2018 على يد فيوميش ثكار وأحمد فصيح أختر وفيروز كارومانيل، وتركز على بناء البنية التحتية للاتصالات العامة التي تدعم إنترنت الأشياء في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، لتمكين التحول الرقمي بتكلفة أقل.

تعمل iWire على بناء شبكات الاتصالات التي تقدم حلول إنترنت الأشياء، وتوفر خدماتها للشركات، المدن الذكية، المؤسسات الذكية، ومقدمي الخدمات اللوجستية بمرونة عالية.

جمعت شركة الخدمات اللوجستية للشاحنات Trukkin لتجميع الشاحنات، والتي تتخذ من الإمارات العربية المتحدة مقراً لها، 7 مليون دولار في جولة التمويل Series A، بقيادة إمكان كابيتال ومقرها المملكة العربية السعودية وبمشاركة Impact46 Seed Fund مجموعة "طايه" ومستثمرين استراتيجيين آخرين.

خطط Trukkin بعد جولة التمويل

تخطط Trukkin بعد جولتها التمويلية الأخيرة تزويد خدمات التكنولوجيا المالية للمدفوعات والتأمين والخدمات المالية الأخرى.

وعن خطط Trukkin المستقبلية علق الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة " جاناردان دالميا": "نرى القوة وإمكانات النمو في قطاع الخدمات اللوجستية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وباكستان (MENAP)، حيث يبلغ حجم السوق أكثر من 50 مليار دولار أمريكي. نعمل من خلال المنصة على أن نكون عامل ممكّن يجمع هذا السوق المجزأ معًا في منصة تقنية متكاملة"..

تأتي جولة التمويل لمنصة Trukkin بعد تمكنها من مد خدماتها إلى باكستان في عام 2020، وتنمية أعمالها في الإمارات العربية المتحدة التي تتخذها مقراً لها، والمملكة العربية السعودية، كما تقدم خدماتها في 12 دولة أخرى في منطقة الشرق الأوسط.

بدايات Trukkin

تأسست منصة Trukkin في عام 2017 كمنصة سحابية جديدة لتوصيل العملاء بالنقالين البحريين وسائقي الشاحنات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، لإتاحة الفرص التجارية الجديدة وتقديم الحلول اللوجستية بسلاسة. وتهدف الشركة من عملها في مجال عمليات النقل إلى تعزيز الابتكار وتبسيط الخدمات اللوجستية وعمليات النقل للمسافات الطويلة. كما تعمل بناء حلول في مجال التقنية المالية لإدارة المدفوعات والتأمين والخدمات المالية.

الشركة التي يقع مقرها في مدينة دبي تأسست على يد مجموعة من رواد الاعمال من السعودية، والإمارات، وشارك في تأسيسها أحمد النافع، وجانار دان دالميا. بدأت اعمالها من مقرها في الإمارات والسعودية، وسرعان ما توسعت أعمالها بين دول الشرق الأوسط لتشمل 12 دولة إضافة لباكستان التي بدأت أعمالها فيها عام 2020 وهو العام الذي تضاعفت فيه أعمالها 3 مرات، وفقاً للبيان الصحفي الصادر عن الشركة.

يصف الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Trukkin،جانار دان دالميا، اعمالها في البيان الصحفي الذي أعلن فيه عن تأسيسها عام 2017 "تم إطلاق Trukkin لتكون منصة لتقديم الخدمات اللوجستية على مستوى المنطقة من خلال توفير أحدث الآليات التي تربط بين الموردين والعملاء إضافة لتلبية المنصة احتياجات القطاع الماسة لمزيدٍ من الشفافية، من خلال اختيار مقدمي الخدمات، وإتاحة القدرة على طلب خدمات النقل من الأساطيل المتاحة".

إنشاء منصة إقليمية على مستوى عالمي

وقال "دالميا" معلقاً على الجولة التمويلية الأخيرة للشركة "فخور جداً بالفريق والنمو الذي حققناه على مدار العام الماضي مع توسعنا في باكستان وزيادة الإيرادات على الرغم من الظروف الصعبة في مواجهة تحديات Covid-19. متحمسون لاختتام الجولة مع مستثمرين استراتيجيين مثل إمكان كابيتال وImpact46، ولتحقيق رؤيتنا في إنشاء منصة إقليمية على مستوى عالمي لتمكين الخدمات اللوجستية على أسس تقنيات مطورة".

وصرح غسان الأشبان من إمكان كابيتال: "لقد أظهرت Trukkin استخدامًا فعالاً لرأس المال ومعجبون بما تمكنوا من تحقيقه خلال فترة زمنية قصير. لقد أظهر الفريق الذي يتمتع بأعوام من الخبرة الصناعية في عمليات النقل تواصلهم ودفعهم لنمو المنصة في أسواق جديدة حتى أثناء Covid-19. نتطلع إلى دعم Trukkin في خدمة مئات العملاء من الشركات وملاك الشاحنات الذين يبحثون بقوة عن التوسع والنمو".

"أظهر فريق إدارة Trukkin قدرته الفريدة على بناء الأعمال عبر مناطق جغرافية متعددة في 3 سنوات مع الاحتفاظ بثقافة الشركة القوية. نحن واثقون من قدرتهم على إدارة وتوسيع نطاق الأعمال "أضاف فريق Impact46.


More than 320,000 customers, including individuals, SMEs and other private corporations have benefitted from the TESS scheme so far

During the year’s first quarterly meeting with the CEOs of the largest banks operating in the UAE, the governor of the central bank stated that the overall liquidity of the UAE banking system has returned to the level prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Abdulhamid M. Saeed Alahmadi, Governor of the Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE), said that the UAE’s economy will recover this year with an increase in real GDP of 2.5 percent, thanks in part to the crucial role played by the Targeted Economic Support Scheme (TESS) in mitigating the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“In tandem with the banking sector, we pave the way for the UAE’s robust economic recovery from the pandemic. Our base projection envisages recovery of the UAE economy in 2021 with the real GDP to increase by 2.5 percent. [The] CBUAE will continue to closely monitor market and economic developments both in the UAE and globally,” the governor said. 

"The banks’ drawdown of the dedicated TESS zero-cost liquidity facility was AED 22 billion in March 2021, down from the maximum drawdown of about AED 44 billion reached in Q2 2020, consistent with the temporary nature of the payment deferral scheme," he said.   

According to a statement from the central bank, from the inception of the TESS programme, more than 320,000 customers, including individuals, small to medium-size enterprises and other private corporations have benefitted from it.   

There are about 175,000 customers under the current TESS deferral arrangements.  

source: zawya

Shuaa Capital led a $50m structured sukuk for Pure Harvest co-investing with Franklin Templeton and Sancta Capital

UAE-based agritech company Pure Harvest Smart Farms has raised $60m as part of a new funding round.

Shuaa Capital led a $50m structured sukuk for Pure Harvest co-investing with Franklin Templeton and Sancta Capital, among others, in Pure Harvest through its managed funds as part of this funding round.

Pure Harvest also raised $10m in growth equity.

A statement issued by Shuaa said that this is the first time in the region that an early-stage business has been able to secure venture debt funding from capital markets.

Pure Harvest will soon complete its second high-tech hybrid greenhouse growing system within the UAE. It is currently constructing its beachhead in Saudi Arabia, and has announced a further EUR39m expansion project in Kuwait.

Upon completion of its new projects, the company will produce a variety of tomatoes, leafy greens, and berries, with plans to continue to diversify its offering in the future.

Natasha Hannoun, who led the transaction for Shuaa, said: “We witnessed Pure Harvest Smart Farms’ leadership in AgTech, the strength of the team, and its proven ability to execute, giving us the confidence that Pure Harvest Smart has significant growth potential as it seeks to address the need for food security within the Gulf and wider region.

“We are delighted that Shuaa has been able to deliver this innovative and highly complex structured financing solution for Pure Harvest Smart Farms in another regional first. This funding will help the company to scale into a major regional player in controlled-environment agriculture.”

Shuaa’s investment in Pure Harvest Smart Farms follows the recent announcement that another Shuaa technology investment, Anghami, will become the first Arab technology company to list on NASDAQ via a merger with Vistas Media Acquisition Company.

source: Gulf Businessulf 

Partnership expected to offer investors from GCC and around the world new attractive investment opportunities in a thriving housing market

Dubai-based Ayana Holding has formed a joint venture with Florida’s Marsan Real Estate Group to develop a $1.6 billion (AED 5.88 billion) new project, BellaViva at Whispering Hills, in the US.

The partnership will allow Ayana to establish its presence in North America and help Marsan to expand into a wider market, offering investors from GCC states and around the world new attractive investment opportunities in a thriving housing market, Ayana said in a statement.

Located in Florida, Leesburg, the BellaViva at Whispering Hills project will have golf courses, restaurants, shopping malls, a medical clinic, boutique hotel, spa, hospital, and commercial space, the statement said.

Comprising 5,500 luxury homes across 1,800 acres of pristine land, hills, lakes, nature reserves, and an equestrian center, BellaViva is expected to be the fastest-growing community for retirees and seasoned investors.

Jean Marsan, founder of Marsan Real Estate Group, said: “Although we are not aware of the sole reason for a continuing strong momentum in Florida’s housing market, we believe that a combination of factors including the Hispanic population boom, pro-economic government, and the reputation of being one of the top five tax-friendly states are at play as well.”

In Florida alone, property prices have risen by 6.61 percent since former President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency last March.

It is estimated that by 2030, the average house price in Florida will reach $437,921, putting it in the top ten states ahead of New York and New Hampshire, with a population increase of 6 million over the decade, the statement said.

source: zawya

Music streaming platform Anghami has listed on the New York NASDAQ exchange via a merger with special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), Vistas Media Acquisition Company (VMAC). The merger agreement will result in Anghami becoming the second Arab company to list on NASDAQ after Aramex 24 years ago, and the first Arab technology startup to do so.

The transaction implies a pro-forma enterprise value of $220 million, which is 2.5 times its 2022 estimated revenues and compares to Spotify’s current revenue multiple of 6.5x revenue.

The combined company will operate under the Anghami name and will trade under the new symbol “ANGH.” The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2021.

UAE-based asset management firm SHUAA Capital and Vistas Media Capital Singapore, the parent of the sponsor for (VMAC), have participated in a combined round of $40 million ($30 million from SHUAA and $10 million from Vistas Media Capital) in private investment in public equity (PIPE) financing for Anghami.

Accordingly, the company expects to have approximately $142 million of cash on its balance sheet at closing to be used primarily to fuel additional growth.

Founded in 2012 in Beirut by Eddy Maroun and Elie Habib, Anghami is the first music-streaming platform in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region. Its revenues have grown by 80 per cent in the past three years and is expected to increase five-fold over the next three years according to a statement issued by the company.

“Today is a very exciting day for all of us at Anghami and our partners globally. Elie and I co-founded the company in 2012 with a vision for Anghami to be a first of its kind, digital media entertainment technology platform in the Mena region. Today, we have taken a significant step forward in our growth plans in seeking to become the region’s first Arab technology company to list on NASDAQ. Being a US listed public company gives us access to growth capital and a global platform that is the best in the world,” said Eddy Maroun, co-founder and CEO of Anghami.

Anghami offers more than 57 million Arabic and international songs to more than 70 million of its registered users, with around one billion streams per month. With an Arabic speaking population of over 450 million globally, its listing on NASDAQ allows Anghami to scale its user base and invest in technology to build on its data play.

Anghami's AI and machine learning algorithms process over 56 million data points from its user base every day. Over nine years of user data is enabling the company to predict user behaviour and trends to better focus its investments and improve monetization.

The company recently relocated its headquarters to the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) in Abu Dhabi, while maintaining its offices in Beirut, Dubai, Cairo and Riyadh to establish and maintain partnerships.

The company has established direct partnerships with 36 telecommunication companies across the region to boost free user acquisitions and facilitate subscriptions.

“We’re proud of the product and technology we’ve been able to build and now we will have the ability to invest more in R&D and innovate providing a product that goes beyond music to immersive experiences around media and entertainment while remaining relevant to our users and focused on our local edge,” said Elie Habib, cofounder, Chairman and CTO of Anghami.

Anghami has raised more than $33 million to date, from several Mena-based investors including Middle East Venture Partners (MEVP), Samena Capital and MBC Ventures and others who collectively own approximately 68 per cent of Anghami, with the balance owned by the founders.

“We are delighted to be leading the PIPE for Anghami’s business combination with VMAC in what will accelerate Anghami’s growth and build upon its success as a pioneer in the music streaming space in the Middle East and North Africa. SHUAA led a funding round for Anghami earlier in the year and has been working closely with the team to secure the PIPE investment and deliver a successful listing on NASDAQ.

In addition, the enhanced reputation and access to capital that comes with a listing on NASDAQ accelerates the company’s growth journey,” said Jassim Alseddiqi, group CEO of SHUAA.

source: wamda

Abu Dhabi has launched a programme inviting all talented professionals, students and investors to settle down with their families in the UAE capital.

Called Thrive in Abu Dhabi, the initiative seeks to develop key sectors such as culture, healthcare, research and development (R&D), and real estate.

It offers long-term visas that may translate to the coveted UAE citizenship for talented expatriates in a safe, welcoming and supportive environment, while contributing to Abu Dhabi’s sustainable development.

“Creative talent are encouraged to be part of a global arts and culture hub, join the emirate’s dynamic media and the entertainment industry, or support the development of our understanding of the past among fellow academics, conservators and archaeologists,” an official release stated.

“The creative visa builds on the five-year Culture Sector Strategy for Abu Dhabi, unveiled in November 2019 by the Department of Culture and Tourism, which covers five strategic objectives: preserve and sustain its cultural heritage; increase awareness of, and engagement with, cultural heritage and the arts; stimulate creativity as a driver for education and social change; build and enable capacity in its culture sector; contribute to economic growth and diversification.”

Abu Dhabi has a thriving cultural and creative sector with strong global credentials. They include world-class museums, art centres, art fairs, music concerts, and a grassroots artistic community.

The Capital also boasts the Louvre Abu Dhabi, Manarat Al Saadiyat, Warehouse241, Abu Dhabi Art annual fair, Qasr Al Hosn and Cultural Foundation and the forthcoming Zayed National Museum and Guggenheim — not to mention international educational institutions supporting students to excel in creative activities such as NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, Berkley College, and CNN Academy.

Students especially have opportunities galore. Those pursuing a PhD or have promising scientific ability at either high school or university level, can expand their horizons and ensure exciting career paths by studying at one of a collection of world-class academic institutions in Abu Dhabi such as NYUAD, Sorbonne Abu Dhabi and Khalifa University.

Students can also learn the skills of the future, including in specialist areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), at the new Mohamed bin Zayed University for Artificial Intelligence, or coding at 42 Abu Dhabi.

They can participate in pioneering research in areas related to Covid-19 and farm technology at UAE University, or focus on tolerance and coexistence at the world’s first university dedicated to the human fraternity, the Mohamed bin Zayed University for Humanities.

Thrive in Abu Dhabi also invites innovators to turn their ideas into reality — with access to funding and incentives — as part of a dynamic R&D ecosystem that is pioneering new technologies to solve the global challenges of the future, from water security to food technology.

As part of Abu Dhabi’s accelerator programme, Ghadan 21, the Department of Education and Knowledge has launched academic research grants to award Dh40 million in competitive research funding to support R&D.

Details about the programme — including the long-term visas and paths to citizenship — can be found at https://tamm.abudhabi/en/Golden-Visa or by calling 02-6664442 (outside UAE) or 800 555 (within UAE).

source: zawya

Dubai-based Rising Giants Community (RGN), a bilingual podcasting community, has secured a $1 million funding deal, led by Triangle Media, Barry Kirsch Productions and angel investor Mentioned Al Sayyed.

The corporate was based in early 2020 by Basel Anabtawi, podcaster and host of the ‘Basel Meets’ podcast, Barry Kirsch and Bashar Najjar. It scripts, produces and builds audio experiences in Arabic and English.

RGN shortly topped the charts in numerous classes quick after its launch, because it supplied plenty of Arabic exhibits together with Amalikat Al Tareek (Highway Giants) with F1 host Firas Al Nimri, Sehtak Aham (Higher Well being) with health influencer Baraa Al Sabbagh and Rihlat Al Mosara’a (Wrestling Experience) with wrestling commentators Faisal Al Meghaisib and Yusef Callaway, along with English present Legendary Rock Tales.

Basel Anabtawi, CEO of RGN, stated: “The worldwide podcasting business has just lately witnessed vital milestones with Amazon buying podcasting big Wondery for $300 million, and Spotify licensing The Joe Rogan Expertise solely for $100 million. There’s an engaged viewers of almost seven million people who find themselves in search of top-notch exhibits to get into, and the time to put money into rising this base within the area is now.

“With this funding, RGN is nicely positioned to be the main audio story-telling firm within the area. With a different slate of exhibits in growth, we’re assured that we will attain that aim and produce exhibits that may enchantment to different viewers teams from all backgrounds,” he added.

source: introducestartups

UAE-based e-commerce enabler Zbooni, has raised a $5 million Series A funding round led by an undisclosed London-based fund.

Founded in 2017, Zbooni enables small merchants to easily start, run and grow their businesses online, providing them with a range of business-focused services, such as mobile invoicing and payment solutions, digital storefronts in its marketplace, data insights, automated sales tracking and invoicing.

It initially started out as a chat commerce venture enabling payments via WhatsApp before launching its new e-commerce enablement services, signaling the growing demand for online selling.

Zbooni said that it had recorded a rapid acceleration in 2020, including 600 per cent in customer growth. It currently supports thousands of merchants, processing tens of millions of dirhams every month and has enabled its merchants to serve more than 150,000 customers.

Zbooni will use the funding to grow its team and fuel its expansion across its home market as well as in the Saudi and Jordanian markets.

“Zbooni is on a mission to help provide access to digital commerce tools, ultimately supporting our merchants to start, run and grow their business.

While we wish to keep the investor undisclosed, their reputation and track record speaks for itself, they have previously invested in some of the most successful emerging market growth stories - operating a fund of well over $1billion in assets under management.

Through this support, Zbooni will invest in people to develop even better products for our merchants and enhance the customer experience with best-in-class technology,” said Ramy Assaf, Zbooni CEO and co-founder.

The company was incubated at Facebook, the world’s largest social media network, and is backed by regional and international organisations, including Chalhoub Group, Middle East Venture Partners and B&Y Venture Capital.

“Our customers are the real heroes of this story, and we’re just scratching the surface of what we’re able to help them do,” said Assaf.

“We believe there remain millions of SMEs still left severely underserved across our geographies – we are here for them.”

source: wamda

In alliance with Microsoft, the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) will offer owners of local startups the resources and tools to “scale their businesses”. Another tech entity, Plug & Play, is also part of this initiative.

“The partnerships are part of ADIO’s commitment to supporting innovation-focused companies,” said Dr. Tariq Bin Hendi, Director-General of ADIO. “We are providing strategic funding and support to the knowledge and tech experts to develop and run programmes that accelerate opportunities in Abu Dhabi for startups.”

Startup focussed

Microsoft will brings its Startups Programme, which provides technology, Azure cloud services, and business support tools to develop the required skillsets.
The first two are the Growth X Accelerator, a virtual accelerator programme with a focus on recruiting local and regional startups, and ‘Highway to 100 Unicorns’, an initiative to recruit high-potential startups for the Accelerator as well as future programmes by Microsoft and ADIO.

Further initiatives focused on entrepreneurship for Emiratis and UAE residents, as well as university students, are in the works.

“We are committed to deepening our support for investors and innovators in 2021,” said Bin Hendi.
“As the global economy looks to the future, Abu Dhabi’s ecosystem is well-positioned as the region’s foremost investment destination for big thinkers to realise their ambitions.”

source: gulfnews

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