
By Ayman Abualkhair


Are we in a stage of passing the dominant economic age, based on large factories and multinational companies, to a world predicated on freedom of choice, in which small entities would have the potential to compete with large companies, and hence shape the future economy? Are we crossing the age of a real economy to a virtual one, or is it moreover transitioning from a virtual economy to a real economy?


Middle East Business Magazine

Convenience products and social media to double sector demand in five years

Dubai, UAE: The Middle East’s packaging industry is undergoing rapid transformation with increasing demand for sophisticated automated solutions, according to exhibitors at Gulfood Manufacturing - the Middle East’s biggest food manufacturing, processing and packaging, logistics and materials handling exhibition - which runs at Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) from 7-9 November, 2016.

UAE-based Al Thika Packaging - one of the leading domestic exhibitors participating in ProPack Middle East, the dedicated processing and packaging zone within Gulfood Manufacturing - predicts regional sector demand could double within five years as the food processing sector strives to become more competitive in response to increasing consumer demand for convenience products.
“Automated solutions are being sought as companies try to reduce overhead labour costs and keep up with global supply trends,” said Tim Ansell, Al Thika’s Sales Director. “International trends in food products are coming to market much quicker in the UAE as people see through social media what is being offered elsewhere – it’s prompted this market to react faster to global trends.
“Food manufacturers are moving into ready meals, pre-packed ingredients and fruits and vegetables - we are following Western trends. The growth over the past six to seven years has not let up and, put simply, there is a desire to implement new technology; the regional industry is more open to innovation.”

Ansell says demand for high-end automation is coming largely from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, though there has been some recent pick-up from manufacturers and processers in Oman and Kuwait. High-end automation now represents 20 per cent of Al Thika’s sales with Ansell predicting that number will double within five years.

“Such is the demand from the food, drink and pharmaceuticals business that we have had to take on a Project Engineer to analyse customer requirements and produce integrated solutions and equipment,” he said.

We’ve moved from offering just a tray sealer or x-ray for example, to providing turn-key production lines with process equipment, conveyors, packaging machines and automated carton erector loaders. Customers want a one stop service, hassle free installation and local service, so this is playing to our strengths” he said.

According to a recent Euromonitor report forecasts, the Middle East and Africa packaging industry will register the highest growth of any region up to 2019, recording a 5.5 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

The forecasts, says Ishida, a leader in the design, manufacture and installation of complete weighing and packing line solutions for the food industry, could further be impacted by the emergence of export-oriented ‘power’ players within the Middle East, particularly from snack, dates and poultry producers.

Ishida is planning to capture a growing market share with packaging system demonstrations at ProPack Middle East featuring weighers and X-ray inspection systems.

“Apart from rising automation to reduce packaging and waste costs at the manufacturing, retail and end-consumer stages, to increase speed and efficiencies there will also be increasing demand for check-weighers, metal detectors, X-ray inspection systems and seal testers to secure quality control for exports outside the region,” said Torsten Giese, Marketing Manager.
Giese foresees huge changes within the food production sector, all of which will impact the packaging sector. “There will be polarisation. Politically stable countries will experience growth in convenience and ready-to-eat sectors and ‘luxury’ goods while politically unstable regions will fall back to a more agro/self-sufficient positions.

“Some large players will expand to produce and distribute their food products more efficiently and into more regions, thus becoming regional ‘power players’ while others will look to expand down or up in the food logistic chain. For example, growers will move into manufacturing and distribution; so potato growers currently producing potato chips and snacks will diversify to include frozen chips and other potato products.”

ProPack Middle East will be a weathervane to the food manufacturing industry’s transformation, according to Trixie LohMirmand, Senior Vice President, Exhibitions & Events Management, DWTC, the Gufood Manufacturing organiser.

“Through the state-of-the-art exhibits, visitors will be able to track the evolution of this vibrant regional industry which is at an undisputed high point in its development,” said LohMirmand.


“With Saudi Arabian and UAE producers looking to satisfy increasingly sophisticated domestic demand and also eyeing lucrative export markets, innovative packaging and weighing solutions which meet regional and international standards will be high on buyers’ shopping lists.”
The ProPack Middle East segment will feature 905 exhibitors from 30 national and industry pavilions, comprising approximately 50 per cent of the total companies at Gulfood Manufacturing 2016, which is 20 per cent bigger than last year. The show will fill 13 halls at DWTC and feature 1,600 food manufacturers, suppliers and industry service providers – up 60 per cent on last year.

Gulfood Manufacturing also features segmented areas including Ingredients Middle East, featuring fine and functional ingredients and the latest bulk and commodity ingredients, innovations, tastes and flavours; and Logistics Solutions Middle East, a showcase for firms involved in material handling, transport and commercial vehicles, IT and technology solutions, warehousing operators, facilitators and service providers.

Source: http://middleeast-business.com/

مجلة الشرق الاوسط للأعمال - ميدل ايست بزنس

هي ليست مجرد شجرة، يُستفاد من كل اجزاءها، تُغني زارعها، تشفي آكلها، وتحمي الأرض من تحتها وترفع اعمدة الحضارات فوقها... انها شجرة النخيل وثمارها من الرطب والتمر. جاء في القرآن الكريم: 

﴿وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَ جَنَّاتٍ مَّعْرُوشَاتٍ وَغَيْرَ مَعْرُوشَاتٍ وَالنَّخْلَ وَالزَّرْعَ مُخْتَلِفًا أُكُلُهُ وَالزَّيْتُونَ وَالرُّمَّانَ مُتَشَابِهًا وَغَيْرَ مُتَشَابِهٍ كُلُوا مِن ثَمَرِهِ إِذَا أَثْمَرَ وَآتُوا حَقَّهُ يَوْمَ حَصَادِهِ وَلَا تُسْرِفُوا إِنَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ﴾(الأنعام141).

This year, Saudi Arabia’s Council of Ministers gathered and agreed to implement the Vision 2030, which promises to enact sweeping changes to reduce the kingdom’s dependence on oil. Not only does Saudi Arabia’s new economic plan seek to create a more productive private sector and workforce, it also hopes to introduce sustainable fiscal management policies and increase investment opportunities within and beyond Saudi’s borders.


One of the biggest steps taken to encourage an investment-driven economy in Saudi Arabia has been the restructuring of the country’s sovereign wealth fund also known as the Public Investment Fund (PIF). By combining the proceeds from Aramco’s initial public offering and various other assets, the PIF, currently holding $100 billion, will eventually be worth an estimated $2 trillion. Ultimately, providing Saudi Arabia with the financial capital needed to create a more diversified economy and become a stronger regional and global player.   


Attracting Foreign Direct Investment to Saudi Arabia

On a recent visit to the U.S.A, the Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, second deputy premier and defense minister, met with senior U.S. officials and business executives to rally support for the recently approved  National Transformation Plan (NTP) of 2020 and convince American companies to invest in Saudi Arabia. This 5-year plan aims to expand Saudi Arabia’s private sector, while simultaneously promoting “Saudization” and foreign investment.

By introducing a number of key policy reforms, such as reducing the average resolution time for commercial cases by 30%, cutting the percentage of delayed projects from 70% to 40% and speeding up the visa issuing process by two-thirds, the NTP aims to make it easier for people to conduct business in Saudi Arabia. In addition to adding more than 450,000 nongovernment jobs by 2020, creating new investment opportunities worth $613 billion and increasing the foreign direct investment in Saudi Arabia from $8 billion to $19 billion.

According to Mckinsey and Company’s recent Saudi Arabia Beyond Oil report, the following 8 sectors will require an estimated $4 trillion in investment to grow in the kingdom: mining and metals, petrochemicals, manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, tourism and hospitality, healthcare, finance and construction. To further ease the investment process, the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) has even developed an Android and iOs app that investors can use to explore and discover the investment opportunities available in the country.


Saudi Arabia’s Investment in Foreign Economies

Not only does Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision aim to expand the worth of the PIF to approximately $2 trillion, it also intends on increasing the portfolio’s foreign investment share from 5% to 50% by 2020, according to Yasir Alrunmayyan, the PIF’s Secretary-General. By increasing foreign investment, Saudi Arabia hopes to support the growth of Saudi investors and companies abroad to further diverse its existing investment portfolio and economic growth.

While the PIF’s recent $3.5 billion investment in Uber has been praised as a bold move from Saudi Arabia to reinvent its economy, there have also been several other promising investment initiatives in the past two months. In April, Saudi Arabia formed a joint coordination council with Jordan to identify potential opportunities for PIF to invest in the Hashemite kingdom. Although the size of the investment fund and the sectors that will receive its support have yet to be determined, it’s clear that the Jordanian economy needs this influx of capital now, more than ever, to generate jobs for its citizens and economically integrate the country’s 1.5 million Syrian refugees.

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud also visited Cairo in early April to announce the establishment of a $16 billion investment fund to be shared between the PIF and the Egyptian government. Saudi representatives also signed 17 investment deals and memoranda of understanding for cooperation in the agriculture, industry and infrastructure sectors. Other projects in the works include the creation of an economic free trade zone in Sinai and a new industrial city near the Suez Canal.

During this visit, both Saudi Arabia and Egypt also made a historic agreement to construct a bridge over the Red Sea to connect the two countries. When asked about the proposed bridge, Prince Mohammed said that the crossing would link Europe and Asia, provide building and investment opportunities and help move billions of dollars in cargo across the Red Sea. While no detailed plans have been revealed yet, it is expected that the bridge will span from Nabq on the Egyptian side to Ras Al Sheikh Hamid on Saudi Arabia's western coast.


A Role Model of Economic Reform

Since announcing the 2030 Vision, Saudi Arabia has taken great strides to translate this plan into action, which is already strengthening diplomatic relations and re-energizing economies in the MENA region. If the Saudi government is also able to successfully implement the necessary changes required to improve the ability of foreign investors to conduct business within its borders, the kingdom could become a model for economic reform and global community building in the future.

Knight Frank KSA releases Saudi Arabia Residential Market Report

On the back of challenges witnessed in 2015, namely the drop in oil prices, the residential sector in Saudi Arabia continued its slowdown in 2016, with transaction volumes and sale prices declining at a slower rate.

Since the Arab Spring in 2011 various regulatory efforts at improving accessibility to real estate have been implemented. Whilst these efforts are a step in the right direction, the policies are only slowly filtering through. Data from the REDF reveals that while real estate loans trended up sharply from

2012-2014, the rate of growth slowed throughout 2015.

Meanwhile, the reduction in government spending is likely to impact the financing of real estate projects. Delays and scaling back of many real estate and infrastructure projects will further exacerbate the shortage of housing across the Kingdom.


Key findings:

  • Main Saudi Arabian cities have seen a shift in demand from sales to rentals
  • Rental rates increased in 2015 and are expected to maintain their growth levels in 2016.
  • A 2.5% white land tax and revisions to mortgage law are expected to revive demand in sales.
  • 2016 is expected to see a re-prioritisation of projects with an emphasis on affordable housing.


Riyadh residential market:

Demand in Riyadh continues to be concentrated at the mid-to-lower end of the market. This trend is expected to continue into the future as Riyadh’s population is estimated to grow at 2% per annum over the next couple of years. Concerns remain over the capacity of the development pipeline and the type of product that is being delivered to the market.

Strong demand for rental property in Riyadh saw rental rates increase across the city. Meanwhile, average sale prices remain subdued as annual growth rates slowed, showing an annual 10% decline in the number of residential transactions in Riyadh (Q1 2016 versus Q1 2015).


Jeddah residential market:

Historically demand for residential property has been concentrated in the city centre. Given population growth estimates coupled with the shortage of land, demand is now shifting to the North of the city towards Obhur. Areas surrounding the Kingdom Tower and Jeddah Economic City are expected to see residential growth and similarly, plots in South Obhur and close to the airport are witnessing substantial activity,

Rental rates in Jeddah increased on the back of a shift in demand from sales to rental property. Consequently, average sale prices remained flat as the volume of residential transactions in Jeddah decreased by 8% (Q1 2016 versus Q1 2015).


Eastern Province residential market:

Dammam and Khobar have seen significant population growth over the past couple of years, which has been met with limited residential supply. Demand is expected to cool off as the fall in oil prices impacts the labour market, which is heavily dominated by expats.

Rental rates maintained their stability over the second half of 2015 and into 2016. The slowdown in the economy and resulting cutbacks in the main economic industries is expected to slow demand in the medium-to-long term, exerting downward pressure on rents. The sales market is expected to remain buoyant, particularly for residential property in the south of Khobar.


Sector View

The subject of creating suitable and sustainable zoning is increasingly being debated in order to ensure that future development meets the requirements of the fast-growing population. In addition the scarcity of land in some major cities, combined with key infrastructure projects underway (such as the Riyadh metro), is providing the impetus for urban regeneration initiatives.

Over the medium to long term these development strategies are expected to transform cities for the better, improving the quality of life, affordability, safety and health of local communities – a central objective of the kingdom’s leadership.


To view the full report, click here - http://bit.ly/1UqEbVM

Forts de leurs précédents succès, les Trophées du salon international des inventions de Genève reviennent cette année. Une occasion unique pour les innovateurs de faire valoir leur audace, leur inventivité, et leurs avancées technologiques. Les Trophées de l’Innovation visent à récompenser les produits, services et/ou concepts innovants dans tous les secteurs et à valoriser, les exposants aux performances et atouts remarquables.


Pour la 44e édition, les pays Arabes étaient au rendez-vous. Des inventeurs y ont assisté notamment des pays arabes de Golfe comme l'Arabie Saoudite, le Koweït, les EAU, Oman, mais aussi l'Egypte et l'Algérie. En effet, les Etats arabes du Golfe et l'Egypte participent régulièrement à travers des institutions nationales pour la recherche. Ils reflètent ainsi le visage peu connu du monde arabe.


Cette année a été marquée par la contribution de plusieurs inventeurs venant de plusieurs pays Arabes tel que l'Arabie Saoudite, les Emirats Arabes Unis, le Qatar, l’Egypte, l’Oman et l’Algérie.


Inventions (para-)médicales

A titre d’exemple nous trouvons dans ce salon deux inventions remarquables du Dr. Amani Shafik Awad de la Faculté de pharmacie et de Sattam lbin Abdul Aziz University (Arabie Saoudite). Le premier a présenté son innovation pour traiter le leishmaniose, une maladie répandue au Proche-Orient, connue sous le nom de « boutons de Jéricho » à travers un champignon, la seconde invention consiste à utiliser les feuilles de basilic dans le traitement de la colite ulcéreuse.


L’inventrice Amina Meaad de l’Egypte, a pu attirer le coup de foudre avec des nombreuses inventions. Meaad marque une présence pour la deuxième fois consécutive, avec deux inventions. La première constitue une solution pour un problème environnemental, car elle utilise le son de riz, brulé auparavant dans la nature, pour fabriquer du savon contenant des antibiotiques pour combattre les champignons dans les cheveux, en plus de sa qualité pour nettoyer la peau. Cette invention a remporté la médaille d'or du salon de Genève. La deuxième invention est le shampooing avec des ingrédients naturels pour lutter contre la perte de cheveux, cette invention a gagné la médaille de bronze.


Par ailleurs, l'inventeur Saoudien Mohab Mohammed Hindi, un étudiant de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université King Abdul Aziz (Arabie Saoudite), a inventé un réveil pour les patients atteints de diabète, qui mesurent la proportion de sucre sans devoir recourir à la piqûre de la peau ou de prélever un échantillon de sang.


En faveur de la protection de l’environnement

Les inventions au rapport avec la protection de l’environnement ont été nombreuses. L’invention de Mustafa Sawi, de la fondation « les jeunes de Sharjah (Sharjah Youth) » (Emirats Arabes Unis), a été très remarquable puisqu’elle concerne la réduction des émissions de gaz polluants dans les centrales électriques. Cette invention a remporté la médaille d’or du salon. Tandis qu’un groupe d'étudiants de la Faculté de génie (de l'Université King Abdul Aziz, Arabie Saoudite), a présenté une invention qui rend l'ascenseur plus intelligent, ce qui permet d'économiser du temps et de l'énergie par l’inclusion d’un système de reconnaissance de la place vide disponible dans l'ascenseur pour l’entrée des personnes supplémentaires. L’ascenseur ne s’arrête donc que lorsqu’il y a de la place pour faire entrer les gens.


Par ailleurs, l'inventeur Mohamed Abdel Fattah, un inventeur égyptien, a présenté une invention d’une grande envergure, car c’est un réservoir énorme de carburant qui offre une solution aux problèmes environnementaux car en plus du système qui lui permet de stocker et déplacer d’énormes quantités de pétrole brut (stockage et mouvement), il est très résistant au feu.


L'étudiant égyptien Ahmad Ayyash Muhammad (18 ans) fait partie des jeunes inventeurs pour ce salon. Sa contribution très brillante, qui fait réfléchir, permet de produire cinq fois l’électricité nécessaire pour faire fonctionner les locomotives ! Comment-il est possible ? Cette invention nous donne l’impression qu’elle viole le principe de la conservation de l'énergie, et c’est bien possible, en créant des champs magnétiques sur la voie ferrée lors de passages de trains composés de plusieurs wagons. L’enjeu de cette invention est national pour l’Egypte car elle exige une infrastructure à l’échelle nationale. Cette invention a remporté la médaille d'or.


Prévention des fraudes et accidents

De l’environnement à la prévention de risque d’accident ou d’incendie. Plusieurs inventions qatariennes étaient au rendez-vous, parmi lesquels l'inventeur Khalifa Hitmi qui a contribué par son invention à réduire la congestion et le temps d'attente aux feux de circulation, elle possède également une application importante pour la sécurité, un système d'alerte est immédiatement déclenché en cas du non-respect de feu rouge de la part de l'un des utilisateurs, de sorte à prévenir des accidents dans de tels cas.


Cette année n’a pas seulement montré le poids des femmes, mais aussi les jeunes. Deux inventeurs égyptiens, Mohammed Jamal Shauman (19 ans) et Ahmed Mohammed Abdel Tawab (18 ans) ont pu démontrer qu’il est possible de réduire les accidents de la circulation et les dommages provoqués par ceci à travers une structure externe de la voiture très résistante aux chocs, à l'électricité et à la chaleur, alors que jusqu’à présent les solutions proposées par les ingénieurs réagissent depuis l’intérieur des véhicules. Cette invention a remporté la médaille d'argent et un prix du président de département de l'énergie nucléaire en Malaisie.


Une autre invention féminine a été sur le stand Saoudien pour une inventrice, Nora Ali, qui lui a vallu le prix des sapeurs-pompiers de Genève, car cette invention est au cœur de la prévention de risque d’incendie, la poudre intégrée dans les tuyaux en plastique enveloppant les fils électriques des bâtiments, se libère lors d’un court-circuit déclenchant un incendie à l'intérieur du tube, ce qui permet d’éteindre le feu avant qu’il ne se propage dans le bâtiment.


Pour prévenir la fraude dans le secteur bancaire, l'inventeur Mohsen Hosein Al Sheikh, peut faire des échos, puisqu’il s’est attaqué à la problématique de falsification des chèques bancaires par son imprimante intelligente et transportable, qui se connecte facilement sur un Smartphone ou une tablette, qui a la capacité de reconvertir les chiffres numérique en texte. Cette invention est prévue d’être disponible sur le marché au cours des trois prochains mois.


La participation féminine pour cette année était au rendez-vous, toujours à la Faculté de génie, de l'Université King Abdul Aziz (Arabie Saoudite), des étudiantes ont réussi une solution géniale pour alimenter les feux de circulation dans les endroits éloignés, une spécificité saoudienne, où c’est difficile d’établir des réseaux électriques, l’énergie est produite par l’utilisateur même lorsque sa voiture approche un point d’intersection afin d’éviter d’entrer en collision avec les autres utilisateurs. Les feux ne fonctionnent que pour quelques secondes !


Enfin une solution économe pour mieux construire grâce à l'invention de Tarek Salah Al-Din Mustafa de l’Egypte, qui a pu jouer sur la forme géométrique des briques. Avec sa forme courbée il est donc possible de construire des plafonds sans la nécessité d’utiliser du béton armé, réduisant ainsi le poids sur les bases, cette invention a reçu la médaille d'or du salon.


La Suisse au Salon

La Suisse était aussi au rendez-vous pour ce salon. Pas seulement par ses inventeurs, mais aussi par la présence d’un stand de l’institut fédéral de la propriété, bien placé à côté de celui de l’organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle. Ces sont des interlocuteurs incontournables pour les inventeurs en Suisse. Sur le plan scientifique la Suisse a été bien représentée au salon avec plusieurs inventions tel que le concept d’une télévision 3D basé seulement sur l’emplacement de la télévision. Car en intégrant la télé derrière un cadre donne l’impression de regarder à travers la fenêtre. Puis il était très facile de remarquer l’innovation «Diesoil» de recyclage de plastique qui inverse le processus de fabrication produisant ainsi des dérivés de pétrole. On découvre donc sur le stand volontairement jonché d’objets en plastique, et également des flacons remplis des dérivés de pétrole, une preuve qu’il est possible de recycler les déchets plastiques. Comment? Par un système calqué sur le principe de la distillation, une machine retransforme le plastique en produits pétroliers (kérosène, diesel, paraffine, etc.). Selon Laurent Helfrich, responsable commercial, leur objectif est d’éliminer toutes les décharges sauvages.


De l'invention à l'industrialisation

Il n’y a aucun doute que la jeunesse arabe a montré qu'elle est en mesure de surprendre avec des idées innovatrices, et que les jeunes ne sont pas seulement un élément de la révolution politique et sociale, mais aussi scientifique. Il est évident que le monde Arabe a besoin de marquer une présence dans des plateformes dédiées à l’innovation, une étape essentielle pour ouvrir la porte à la créativité constructive de la jeunesse dans un environnement de plus en plus concurrentiel. Mais il faut se rappeler également que les contributions à l’innovation ne devraient pas se limiter à des activités festives et la délivrance des prix, car le monde Arabe devrait passer à la prochaine étape et favoriser l’entreprenariat, afin de traduire ces inventions à des projets industriels et commerciaux, pour répondre aux besoins réels de la société et construire une base technologique et industrielle. Les jeunes sont invités à prendre part aux responsabilités et oser à devenir des entrepreneurs.













Saudi Arabia’s cabinet agreed to implement a broad reform plan known as Vision 2030, which is expected to involve sweeping change to diversify the economy beyond dependence on oil exports, state media reported on Monday.

The Kingdom announced sweeping economic reforms to reduce its dependence on oil and ensure long-term sustainable development, with plans for a massive $2 trillion sovereign fund to boost its global investment power.

In an exclusive interview with Al-Arabiya News Channel on Monday, Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, second deputy premier and defense minister, said the implementation of the Vision 2030 plan would likely see the country operate without oil income by 2020, without sacrificing current infrastructure projects. The plan would also see the development of the country’s tourism industry, building the capacity of its military industries, reduced subsidies to save money, job creation initiatives, an education system revamp and a Green Card-style residency system for Arabs and Muslims.

He said the plan includes the setting up of a restructured Public Investment Fund (PIF) worth $2 trillion by including the proceeds of a Saudi Aramco initial public offering (IPO), other assets of $600 billion, and state-owned real estate and industrial assets estimated at $1 trillion. It would have more than 10 percent of global investment capacity, he said.

Prince Mohammed said the sale of 5 percent of oil giant Saudi Aramco would be the “biggest IPO in history.” Aramco would have a holding company with an elected board, with subsidiaries also sold through IPOs. “The 5 percent is from the parent company,” he said. Aramco is the world’s leading oil company, producing about 10 million barrels a day, or about 10 percent of global production.

Prince Mohammad said the partial IPO would help transform Saudi Arabia into an investment-driven economy and turn the Kingdom into a global player. “The Saudi addiction to oil has disrupted the development of many sectors in previous years,” he was quoted as saying.
On the highly-anticipated topic of the American-style Green Card for expatriates in the Kingdom, the prince said the scheme would be ready in five years. “The Green Card will allow Muslims and Arabs to live in Saudi Arabia for a long time and will be a source of revenue for the government,” he said. Prince Mohammed also revealed plans to develop the country’s tourism industry but within the framework of “our beliefs and values,” revitalizing culture and entertainment, and building an Islamic museum. “How can the Kingdom be the holiest place for Muslims and have no Islamic museum?”

The prince said the Aramco IPO is also aimed at ensuring greater transparency to boost the confidence of investors. “In this day and age, no country can afford to not be transparent. There are many benefits to the Aramco proposal, and the most important and major one is transparency.”

He said the lack of transparency of Aramco has “upset” many people. If Aramco is listed then it would have to announce its results quarterly and be open to scrutiny by financial and other institutions locally and abroad, he said.

Prince Mohammed said the government would cut subsidies but limit its impact on low and middle income earners. However, it would be applied to everyone, “including princes and government ministers. This is a promise.”

The deputy crown prince also confirmed in the interview the government plans to reduce Saudi unemployment from 11.6 percent to 7 percent.

On defense, he said it made no sense for Saudi Arabia to be the world’s third-largest spender on arms but with no manufacturing industry. There were plans underway to set up factories for this purpose by 2017, initially wholly owned by the government but later listed on the Saudi bourse.
Prince Mohammed said that the Kingdom was adopting Vision 2030 “regardless of the oil price,” in reference to prices plunging to a 12-year low of $32 a barrel in January. “The Vision doesn’t require high spending but restructuring.” It focuses on the Kingdom’s strengths, its religion and Arab heritage, ability and location, he said.

Asked about the proposed King Salman Bridge over the Red Sea, announced last week in an agreement with Egypt, Prince Mohammed said the crossing would link Europe and Asia, provide building and investment opportunities, and help move billions’ worth of cargo across the Red Sea.
According to reports, the plan also envisages increasing the participation of women in the workplace, which has been growing rapidly over the past five years, from 22 percent to 30 percent.


  • Saudi is to sell less than 5 per cent of oil giant Aramco in IPO: deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.
  • He expects the value of Aramco to exceed $2 trillion as the kingdom prepares to sell part of the company in what could be the world’s largest initial public offering. The valuation of Saudi Arabian Oil Co. hasn’t been completed.
  • A new investment fund will turn the world’s top oil exporter into a global investment power, deputy crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman said. The kingdom’s existing Public Investment Fund (PIF) had made returns of 30 billion riyals ($8bn) in 2015. Asked whether he thought the management of PIF would be too autocratic, he said there would be an elected board that would make investment decisions for PIF.
  • “We plan to set up a $2 trillion sovereign wealth fund … part of its assets will come from the sale of a small part of Aramco," he said.
  • The Saudi stock index recovered from early losses and was up 1.8 per cent after the reform was outlined.
  • A “green card" system will be introduced within five years to allow resident expatriates in the kingdom to have more rights in order to improve its investment climate. Sweeping reforms, of which the proposed green card is one, will be implemented even if oil prices rise back above $70 a barrel, prince Mohammed said.
  • Plans for a military industries holding company fully owned by government at first and offered in IPO by end of 2017.
  • The reform plan will not require major spending but will involve restructuring, prince Mohammed said, adding that spending on infrastructure projects would continue. He said that the government would restructure the housing ministry to help more citizens buy homes, said subsidies should not go to the rich, and said he aimed to reduce unemployment among Saudi nationals to 7 per cent from 11.6 per cent.

Sources: Arabnews.com, thenational.ae

By Soukaina Rachidi

According to recent forecasts from the International Monetary Fund, the GDP of the six oil-reliant members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, U.A.E, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are projected to slow to 2.7% in 2016, down from 3.2% in 2015.  The main cause for this slowed growth is the historically low oil prices, which have weakened the fiscal balances of Gulf’ oil-exporters and resulted in unprecedented budget deficits for the first time in 20 years.

With increased oil yields from Russia, Africa, the Caspian Sea and the re-introduction of Iran into the global oil market, the GCC has had to deal with an increasing number of competitors. However, this increase isn’t the only challenge facing the GCC. The growing interest in renewable energy has also resulted in a steady decline in the demand for oil. However, while oil prices are unlikely to rise anytime soon, The GCC’s substantial sovereign wealth funds and foreign reserves are sure to protect it from any economic shocks in the foreseeable future.

Marie Owens Thomsen, Chief Economist at Indosuez Wealth Management, believes that low oil prices are presenting the GCC with a unique opportunity to introduce structural reforms and fiscal policies that will diversify its economies, increase investment and create more sustainable business opportunities for the region. Here are three new emerging industries that investors should consider in the GCC.


1. Halal Lifestyle Industry

A recent report published by the Economist Intelligence Unit predicted that the Gulf’s Halal food imports are projected to increase to 53.1 billion dollars by 2020 and by the end of the decade, the UAE’s annual Halal food imports alone are expected to reach an estimated 8.4 billion dollars. While the GCC has lagged in developing the Islamic economy in the past, these projections are changing the landscape of the region’s economy. The UAE is currently leading the charge, as it primes Dubai to become the future hub of Islamic banking, Halal food and lifestyle industries.

By leading the world in the standardization of halal accreditation and certification, Dubai hopes to attract new industry-specific manufacturing and services to the region. In addition to that, the UAE is also targeting the halal tourism market, which represents 11.6% of global tourism expenditure and is projected to be worth 238 billion dollars by 2019. With the rapidly growing global Muslim population and an emerging middle class, the GCC has the potential to generate great revenue serving the needs of this growing market segment.


2. Aviation Industry

The lack of other efficient modes of transportation in the GCC has played a big role in fueling the demand for better airlines, airports and aviation services in the region. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Middle East is anticipated to be one of the fastest growing regions in the world in terms of passenger traffic until at least 2034, with an annual growth rate of 4.6% on average. Over the past couple of years, the GCC has implemented various progressive aviation policies to increase transparency and promote competitiveness in the sector to encourage further growth.

The fact that roughly 80% of the world's population lives within an eight-hour flight of the GCC has also presented a great advantage to the region’s aviation sector. While airlines like Qatar Airways, Etihad and Emirates lead the market in long-haul flights, smaller low-cost carriers like FlyDubai and Air Arabia are filling the gap in the short-haul market. The GCC’s clear geographic advantage, the rise in tourism, growing populations and the ready access to capital, fuel and space make the Gulf’s aviation industry a strong investment opportunity for investors seeking to capitalize on the privatization of airports and existing gaps in the domestic travel market.


3. Entrepreneurship Industry

While political turmoil and lower oil prices have adversely impacted many sectors in the region, the GCC’s start-up ecosystem continues to flourish. In fact, in 2015, the Dubai Department of Economic Development issued an estimated 22,025 trade licenses, which is almost double the number issued in 2009. Despite the additional regulatory challenges that entrepreneurs face in the GCC, such as restrictive visa regulations or the lack of bankruptcy laws, the region still remains an attractive hub for startups founders.  Dubai Department of Economic Development has risen steadily during the past eight years, after a dip in 2009, when the global financial crisis hit the region. Last year, Dubai DED issued 22,025 trade licences, up from 11,743 in 2009.business category.The number of trade licences issued by Dubai Department of Economic Development has risen steadily during the past eight years, after a dip in 2009, when the global financial crisis hit the region. Last year, Dubai DED issued 22,025 trade licences, up from 11,743 in 2009.

According to Dany Farha, the Chief Executive of Dubai-based Beco ­Capital, the GCC’s tech startup sector has grown ten-fold in the past four years. The growth of the regional venture capital ecosystem and the falling demand for office space and the willingness of suppliers to negotiate prices has created the “perfect storm” for small businesses to grow and reduce overhead costs. Furthermore, the privatization of various public services across the GCC, has created a unique opportunity for investors to diversify their portfolios and help entrepreneurs provide more efficient and cost-effective services for GCC governments’ and consumers.  

Par: Sami Ben mansour


Le 23 mars 2016, le prix du baril de pétrole était côté à moins de 40$ à la bourse des matières premières de New York. En l'espace de 18 mois, le cours de l’or noir est passé de 106 à 37$. Un effondrement spectaculaire qui a entraîné très vite par chute dangereuse du marché.


Le reflux de l’économie mondiale dû au ralentissement de la croissance chinoise ne saurait expliquer à lui seul la baisse brutale du baril du pétrole. Derrière cette dégringolade des cours, il y a un enjeu geoploitique. L’Arabie Saoudite : un acteur majeur du marché étant le premier producteur mondial et le détenteur des deuxièmes plus grosses réserves planétaires de brut.


Une baisse provoquée


Le ralentissement de l’économie mondiale engendre déjà une demande moindre en énergie, le pétrole en premier. Pour redresser le cours de ce dernier, il est de coutume que les plus grands producteurs, l’Arabie Saoudite en tête, baissent leur production afin de rééquilibrer le marché. Mais cette fois l’Arabie saoudite maintient ses niveaux de production.


La baisse du prix de pétole a des effets négatifs directs sur l’Iran et la Russie, deux pays riches en pétrole, les alliés du régime d’Al Assad en Syrie. D’autre part, les Etats-Unis, profitant d’un pétrole cher, ont investi massivement dans l’exploitation du gaz de schiste, accroissant leur production et ainsi leur autonomie énergétique. Pour les punir de cette audace qui menace son leadership pétrolier et protéger ses parts de marché, l’Arabie Saoudite contrôle le marché à la baisse entraînant la faillite de beaucoup de producteurs américains de gaz de schiste.


Des conséquences économiques et sociales visibles

La baisse de prix de petrole a entrainé une baisse de production du gaz de schiste aux Etats-Unis, tandis que les alliés d’Al Assad souffrent économiquement. Mais les conséquences commencent sérieusement à se faire ressentir au niveau du royaume.


L’Arabie saoudite, dépendante à 90% des exportations de brut, n’est certes pas ruinée, forte de ses 667 milliards d’euros de réservers en devises accumulées durant les années des vaches grasses. Mais son train de vie va changer de manière drastique.

Conséquences immédiates : le prix du pétrole à la pompe a doublé dans le royaume entrainant un vent de panique parmi les saoudiens et des files d’attentes devant les stations d’essence. Du jamais vu dans le royaume. Mais le train de mesures spectaculaires ne s’arrête pas là car l’Etat ne prendra plus en charge comme à l’accoutumée le logement qui sera beaucoup moins subventionné qu’avant. Et l’eau et l’électricité augmenteront de 70%… Enfin, le saoudien découvre la TVA, notion totalement inexistante jusque-là dans le royaume.


Sur le plan macroéconomique, le déficit budgétaire saoudien s’est creusé de manière abyssale à plus de 89 milliards d’euros. Mais le danger guette, car le Fond monétaire international a averti le royaume qu’il risque d’épuiser ses réserves en devises en cinq ans s’il ne réduit pas ses dépenses et ne diversifie pas son économie.


Réformes budgétaires et diversification économique

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(1) McKinsey Global Institute, «Saudi Arabia beyond Oil : the Investment and productivity transformation», Décembre 2015.


Les opinions exprimées dans cet exposé sont celles de l'auteur et ne reflètent pas nécessairement celles de la direction de la plateforme


الكاتب: سامي بن منصور


في 23 مارس 2016، كان سعر برميل النفط أقل من 40 $ في بورصة المواد الخام بنيويورك. ففي غضون 18 شهرا انحدر سعر الذهب الأسود من 106 الى 37 $. و سرعان ما تحول هذا الانخفاض الكبير إلى سقوط خطير.

ارتداد الاقتصاد العالمي بسبب التباطؤ في النمو الصيني لا يمكن أن يفسر وحده هذا الانخفاض الحاد في سعر برميل النفط. وراء هذا الانهيار للأسعار نجد عوامل جيوسياسية نتيجة الصراعات في المنطقة.


  انخفاض مفتعل


تباطؤ الاقتصاد العالمي يولد بالفعل انخفاض الطلب على الطاقة، و أولها النّفط. لتصويب مسار الأسعار، من المعتاد أن أكبر المنتجين و أولهم المملكة العربية السعودية يضغطون في اتجاه تخفيض الإنتاج من أجل إعادة التوازن إلى السوق. لكن في هذه المرة سارت الامور على غير المعتاد و حافظت المملكة العربية السعودية على مستويات إنتاجها.


دعونا نقوم بتحليل في الاقتصاد الجيوسياسي. ان انخفاض اسعار النفط يشكل ضربة لإيران وروسيا وهما من حلفاء نظام الأسد في سوريا، حيث انهما من البلدان الغنية بالنفط. من ناحية أخرى، فإن الولايات المتحدة الامريكية استفادت كثيرا من ارتفاع أسعار النفط لدرجة انها استثمرت بكثافة في استغلال الغاز الصخري لزيادة إنتاجها من النفط، و تحقيق استقلالها  في قطاع الطاقة. هذه الجرأة الامريكية تهديد صارخ للريادة السعودية في السوق النفطية مما دفع المملكة للسيطرة على السوق في اتجاه الهبوط للحفاظ على حصتها التجارية و هو مما تسبب في إفلاس العديد من المنتجين الأمريكيين للغاز الصخري.


عواقب اجتماعية و اقتصادية حقيقية للهبوط الحاد في اسعار النفط

ان الانخفاض الحاد الذي شهدته اسعار النفط ادى الى نتائج مباشرة على الولايات المتحدة التي خفضت إنتاجها، كما ان كل من ايران و روسيا عرفتا صعوبات مالية ضخمة جراء هبوط السوق. ومما لا شك فيه بان عواقب انخفاض اسعار النفط هذه بدت جليا في الحياة اليومية في المملكة.

المملكة العربية السعودية التي تعتمد بنسبة 90٪ على صادرات النفط الخام هي بالتأكيد ليست في حالة دمار اقتصادي بعد انزلاق أسعار النفط، نظرا لوجود احتياطي للصرف بالعملة الصعبة يقدر بـ 667 مليار يورو  تراكمت خلال سنوات الرخاء الاقتصادي. ولكن أسلوب حياة المملكة سيتغير بشكل جذري.

فقد كانت لهبوط السوق النفطية نتائج فورية. فسعر النفط في محطات البنزين قد تضاعف في المملكة مما تسبب في حالة من الذعر لدى السعوديين و تشكيل طوابير ضخمة امام محطات البنزين و هو شيء لم يسبق له مثيل في المملكة. ولكن لن تتوقف التبعات عند هذا الحد في المملكة، اذ ان الدولة لن تتحمل مصاريف دعم الإسكان كالمعتاد و قررت ايضا أن تقلل بكثير من مدى الدعم لامدادات الماء والكهرباء، مما ادى لزيادة التكلفة للمستهلك بنسبة 70٪.  و اخيرا  يكتشف السعوديون ضريبة القيمة المضافة التي لم يكن لها وجود البتة في المملكة.


على الصعيد الاقتصادي العام، اتسع العجز في الميزانية السعودية الى حد مروع و قدر بأكثر من 89 مليار يورو. ولكن الخطر الأكبر، حسب تحذيرات صندوق النقد الدولي هو استنفاد احتياطيات العملة الصعبة في غضون الخمس سنوات القادمة ان لم تخفض المملكة من وتيرة الإنفاق العام و تتخذ قرارات في اتجاه تنويع اقتصادها.


إصلاحات مالية و تنويع الاقتصاد


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(1) معهد ماكينزي العالمي، "المملكة العربية السعودية بعد النفط: التحول في الاستثمار والإنتاجية"، ديسمبر 2015.


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