

من المعروف أن اكثر المواقع الالكترونية تداولا بين الناس هي فيسبوك وتويتر وانستغرام وسنابشات...الخ من مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، لكن في الواقع، وبفضل تطور وسائل الاتصال وانتشار الشبكة العنكبوتية (الانترنت) وسهولة الوصول الى المعلومة، اصبحت الانترنت تشكل وسيلة هامة للتواصل والترفيه، الكثير من الناس يقضي اوقاتا امام شاشة الانترنت للتواصل مع الاقارب والاصدقاء أو للترفيه والاستمتاع بالمحتوى الذي يعرض من خلال الوسائط المتعددة، ولكن الانترنت توفر في الواقع امكانية الجمع بين الترفيه والتعلم، خاصة مع الانتشار الواسع للهواتف الذكية والامكانات الهائلة التي توفرها للاتصال عبر الانترنت والسرعات الفائقة التي تتمتع بها الانترنت في ايامنا هذه، حتى أن مؤسس شركة مايكروسوفت الشهير بيل غيتس افاد بأنه يستمتع بدروس الرياضيات التي تتوفر عبر الانترنت، هذا ناهيك عن تعلم العديد من المهارات من خلال الدروس المجانية التي تتوفر على اليوتوب والمواقع التعليمية الاخرى المتخصصة حسب المواضيع المختلفة.

هناك قاعدة تقول بأن المعرفة هي دالة تعتمد على الانتباه والوقت المكرس في التعلم اي (المعرفة = (الانتباه،الوقت)، (K)=f(A,t)). وهو ما يعني ان الوقت المتاح للترفيه يمكن ان يستغل للتعلم والمعرفة.

نورد فيما يلي خمسة مواقع عليك أن تدمن عليها أكثر من فيسبوك وتويتر، إذ بوسعك أن تجد فيها من الفائدة الشيء الكثير، ولكن قبل كل شيء لا بد من الاختيار الجيد للموضوعات التي تهمك والابتعاد عن ما هو جدلي، اذ لا تنسى أنها تعتبر منابر مفتوحة للجميع.


1- موقع تيد TED:

تيد عبارة عن مؤتمر او قاعة محاضرات يحاضر بها أناس مبدعون من كل دول العالم. الفكرة أن ted يمنحهم 18 دقيقة كحد أقصى لإلقاء أفضل محاضرة في حياتهم، وتكون فعلا رائعة، وهذا الرابط به كل محاضرات الموقع مترجمة للغة العربية  https://www.ted.com/talks?language=ar

2- موقع Udacity او coursera : هذا الموقع به محاضرات مجانية في كل المجالات وهي متوفرة باللغة الانجليزية، فهناك حاجة لاتقان اللغة الانجليزية لتتفاعل مع كل محتويات المحاضرة وحلقات النقاش، ولا تنسى أنه بامكانك تحسين لغتك من خلال استخدام الانترنت، فيما يلي الروابط الخاصة بهذا الموقع: https://www.udacity.com - https://www.coursera.org


3- موقع رواق:

رواق هي منصة تقدم محاضرات باللغة العربية في مختلف المجالات، كلها مجانية والتسجيل فيها سهل جدا  https://www.rwaq.org


4- موقع ويكي هاو:

هذا الموقع يعلمك أي شيء، الموقع موسوعة عن كيفية عمل أي شيء، ولذلك جميع مقالات ويكي هاو تبدأ بـ «كيف» أو «How to» ما يقرب من 100 ألف مقال في شتي مجالات الحياة، والفيديو لا يتعدى الـ 10 دقائق، يعني ممكن سماعه وانت تقف في انتظار شارة المرور، الموقع متوفر ب 60 لغة منها العربية: https://m.wikihow.com/Main-Page


5- موقع العلوم الحقيقية:

ينشر احدث ما وصل اليه العلم من أبحاث واكتشافات ومقالات مترجمة، بالاضافة لمقالات في أغلب مجالات الحياة (طب - رياضيات - اقتصاد – علم نفس...الخ http://real-sciences.com/ http://www.syr-res.com/


الطبيعة هي مكتبة ملهمة للمخترعين

اخيرا لمن يبحثون عن التميز، فان الطبيعة تعتبر مكتبة كبيرة الهمت العديد من المخترعين. هذا ما حدث بالفعل بالنسبة للعديد من الاختراعات المذهلة التي نستخدمها في حياتنا اليومية المبنية على ابداعات توصل اليها بنو البشر من خلال مشاهدة الظواهر الطبيعية التي تحيط بنا. تجدون على الرابط التالي الاكتشافات المستوحاة من الطبيعة. https://asknature.org



الطلاءات الحيوية المضادة للحشف البحري*: هي طلاءات خاصة تمنع تراكم الكائنات البحرية على السطح. وقد تم استلهام هذه الطلاءات الحيوية من سطح جلد سمك القرش، الذي يتكون من لوحات متداخلة (كالاسنان) متناهية الصغر (نانو) تمنع بشكل فعال تراكم الكائنات البحرية الدقيقة على سطح أسماك القرش حتى عندما تتحرك بسرعة بطيئة، كما انها توفر انسيابية عالية جدا وتوفر الطاقة. وهذه الخاصية التي تتمتع بها اسماك القرش تتفوق على الدهانات التي تم تطويرها لحماية الغواصات النووية اثناء الحرب الباردة، حتى أن شركات صناعة الطائرات مثل الايرباص استلهمت هذه الخاصية لطلاء طائراتها الحديثة (مثل طراز ايرباص 380 و350).

* الحشف البحري (الكائنات الدقيقة والنباتات والحيوانات والطحالب البحرية)


شاشات شركة سامسونغ عالية الدقة:

قامت شركة سامسونع بتصنيع اول شاشة رقمية مرنة. في اطار جهودها لتطوير الشاشات الرقمية عالية الجودة، قامت شركة سامسونغ بدراسة الحبار البحري لهاواي (hawaiian bobtail squid) والذي يتمتع بمرونة عالية وتنوع الوانه ودرجة وضوح متناهية في الدقة كما أنه يقوم بتنظيف جلده بشكل مستمر ويعمل على معالجة الجروح التي قد يتعرض لها بشكل كامل بحيث لا تترك اثرا على سطحه، واخيرا فانه يقوم بتغيير نسيج سطحه بحيث يمكن استشعاره باللمس، وهو ما يعني امكانية عمل شاشات لفاقدي البصر.


تصميم مواد مقاومة للصدمات مستوحاة من الروبيان ذو المطرقة (جمبري الطاووس، مانتيس) (Mantis Shrimp)

يعد الروبيان ذو المطرقة (جمبري المانتيس) الذي يعيش في المحيطين الهادىء والهندي صاحب اسرع ضربة على سطح الارض، وهو من أكثر كائنات الكرة الأرضية دقة في الرؤية، وذلك لقدرته على رؤية الحزم الضوئية حتى تلك شديدة التعقيد. يتراوح طول هذا الكائن البحري من حوالي 20 سم الى حوالي 30 سم.

تتحرك قبضة الروبيان بسرعة رصاصة من عيار 22 ملم ويمكن أن تصل إلى الفريسة في غضون 1 من 3000 جزء من الثانية، وتبلغ قوة الضربة 1500 نيوتن. ولو أن هذه السرعة استخدمت من قبل الذراع البشرية فستكون كافية لإرسال كرة البيسبول في مدار حول الارض. وتتسبب السرعة الفائقة للضربة في غليان الماء حول قبضة الروبيان وتخلق موجة يمكن أن تقتل الفريسة عن بعد.

بامكان قبضة الروبيان هذه توجيه ضربات لفريسته الاف المرات دون أن تنكسر، وتعادل قوة الضربة 1000 مرة وزنه، ومن هنا يتوجب وضع هذا الحيوان البحري في حوض خاص لان بامكانه كسر زجاج الحوض بفعل قوته الهائلة (للمزيد).

لقد الهمت ذراع الروبيان التي تشبه المطرقة فريق من الباحثين بكلية برونز للهندسة في رفيرسايد في كاليفورنيا لتصميم مواد مركبة مقاومة للصدمات وصلبة اكثر من المواد المستخدمة في صناعة الطائرات.

في الرابط التالي اليكم فلم قصير حول هذه المعجزة البحرية (للمشاهدة)، كما يظهر تسجيل اخر الاثر الذي تحدثه ضرباته على احدى القواقع، حيث يمكن مشاهدة فقاعات تتصاعد على اثر الضربة ناتجة عن تسخين الماء المحيط بالقوقعة (للمشاهدة).


Darwin Airlines was founded in 2003, after Swiss International Airlines dropped its Lugano route

The public prosecutor of the southern Swiss canton of Ticino has opened criminal proceedings over irregularities concerning the bankruptcy of regional carrier Darwin Airlines. 

(Read the article on the occasion of this visit by clicking here)




On the occasion of the visit of the Secretary General of the Federation of the Gulf Cooperation Council Chambers (FGCCC) GCC Chambers, Abdulrahim Hassan Naqi to Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry in December 2017. This led to the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties. We had this interview with Mr. Naqi on the sideline of the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).


1/ During your last visit to the city of Geneva in December, you signed a memorandum of understanding, why choose Geneva itself?

There is no doubt that the city of Geneva is an important and attractive city for cooperation in the field of economy and trade. It is considered an economic capital because it is characterized by a strategic position for the global economy, as well as an incubator of the United Nations and other international organizations and international bodies and centers. Switzerland has strong economic ties with the Gulf Cooperation Council, not to mention the GCC countries are Switzerland's first partner in the Middle East. The volume of foreign trade between the GCC and Switzerland has grown rapidly over the past years. Trade volume has increased from $3.5 billion in 2005 to $8 billion in 2012 and then to $25 billion in 2016. The UAE is Switzerland first trade partner with imports from Switzerland worth $15.6 billion and exports of $4.2 billion. Saudi Arabia is the second trade partner with imports of $2.4 billion and exports of $325 million.

The Swiss trade balance remained stable for Switzerland, with Swiss exports reaching about $20 billion and Swiss imports reaching about $5 billion.


2/ What is the most important points in this Memorandum, how do you view the future cooperation with Geneva Chamber and the Swiss economic cooperation with the GCC countries?

The Memorandum of Understanding reflected the sincere desire of the two parties to enhance cooperation and communication between their private sectors. The discussion of the memorandum lasted more than 6 months. It confirms the willingness of both sides to open many prospects for cooperation. The memorandum, which included nine items, open many horizons for cooperation, foremost of which was the organization of a Gulf-Swiss economic forum in 2018, in order to finalize the forum we have identified liaison officers. We are looking forward to discuss the prospects of economic relations and trade trends in the future, as well as to enhance confidence between the two sides. We are eager to take advantage of the facilities available for investment opportunities between the two sides

The Forum will discuss the most important challenges facing investors in order to facilitate investment related aspects. The MoU also included the coordination of bilateral meetings between members of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and the members of each local Chamber of Commerce in the Gulf countries. We have agreed to organize the forum periodically in the Gulf cooperation council states and Switzerland.


3/ Are there other memorandums of understanding or joint agreements between the Federation of Gulf Chambers and the Swiss Chambers of Commerce and Industry?

Yes, with the help of God, a memorandum of understanding was signed with the Center for Commercial Arbitration of the Swiss Arbitration Chamber on August 7, 2017, as well as the establishment of a Swiss Gulf economic platform in Geneva aimed at enhancing cooperation and activating memorandums of understanding between the two sides. There are a range of programs and initiatives for small and medium enterprises, as well as programs for entrepreneurs and young people, as well as other programs to enhance communication between businesswomen of the Arab Gulf States and their Swiss counterparts.


4/ What are the goals you are looking for through signing this MoU?

One of the main objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding is to increase investment opportunities between the two sides, organize joint events, organise visits for trade delegations between the two regions, encourage technology transfer, spread awareness of private sectors of both sides on the most important investment opportunities in both regions, as well as performing programs to facilitate the exchange of experience in the areas of technology and commercial franchise, especially cooperation between small and medium enterprises, and strengthening cooperation between the private sectors of both sides. The MoU also included the foundations of the organization of the Swiss Gulf Economic Forum in September 2018, which will be the first fruit of such cooperation.


5/ Do you expect this agreement to have consequences on trade cooperation?

Yes, we expect this MoU to open new horizons for cooperation, especially in the provision of distinguished services to members of the Gulf Chambers, and to benefit from the development of business through the cooperation of Gulf and Swiss institutions in expanding trade exchanges in goods and services, especially in the handicrafts and crafts industries, and the marketing of the Gulf cooperation council products in food and other services in which it as relative advantage.


6/ Do you have plans to organise delegations of businessmen/women under this MoU?

Yes, official invitations have been sent to the Swiss Chambers to visit the GCC countries, in addition to organizing visits by specialized trade delegations representing various sectors of health, education, food and other Swiss companies to the Gulf Chambers of Commerce, in order to meet their counterparts, and to familiarise with the investment environment in the GCC countries, and to discover the most important investment opportunities. That will be the occasion to arrange meetings with officials in the public and private institutions.


7/ What advice do you give to businessmen who wish to invest in the GCC?

We know that Switzerland has the economic and financial resources, and has sufficient experience in the field of services, especially education, banking, health and technology, especially in watches and jewelry, not to mention the agricultural and food special capacities. Therefore, Gulf businessmen have great opportunities to benefit from these elements and to establish strategic partnerships that serve the interests of the Gulf. In addition to inviting the 750,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in the Gulf to develop their business with Swiss companies, as well as benefiting Gulf businessmen and young people from their Swiss counterparts in developing the innovation and entrepreneurship skills especially in the field of knowledge economy, and to develop cooperation in the fields of scientific research, and to cooperate in the development of educational system and training programs. Also, there are areas of cooperation between GCC and Swiss businesswomen, especially in the empowerment of Gulf women and benefiting from the support programs provided by GCC governments in forging partnerships with their Swiss counterparts.


8/ What are the main sectors attracting investment in the GCC countries in the coming years?

There is no doubt that the Swiss private sector has a valuable opportunity to benefit from the infrastructure projects, which were presented in the presentation I made during the meeting, such as the railway project, which is more than 2,200 kilometers and is expected to provide more than 80 thousand jobs for the GCC citizens and expatriates, as well as opportunities derived from the localization of the railway industry, and thus the Geneva Chamber can benefit from this plan for example by calling the experts in this industry to build a center for sustainability, training and rehabilitation of specialists of GCC in order to build a real railway industry. There are many opportunities in the industrial sector, in this side the Swiss investors can benefit from the opportunities offered by the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting (GOIC). Also Geneva Chamber of Commerce can benefit from the vision of Saudi Arabia 2020, which included many opportunities through the privatization of important sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, entertainment and tourism. Another important opportunities are available through Expo 2020 in Dubai and the importance of Switzerland's presence in this exhibition, as well as the World Cup 2022 to be organized in Doha, and other importunities in Bahrain through the Vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030, which has achieved many positive results so far, in addition to industrial sectors opportunities and logistics services in the region of Duqm in the Sultanate of Oman, which is located in the most strategic areas and launched in 2008. There is the possibility to benefit as well from partnerships with the Kuwaiti private sector and the government sector through the establishment of partnership projects between the private and public sectors in Kuwait. Swiss companies can establish joint ventures in the United Arab Emirates, especially in the areas of energy, banking and various services and benefit from a large and promising market. In the Federation of Chambers we can provide more information on the investment opportunities and other related regulations and legislations.

We have an excellent and sophisticated legislative environment that is undergoing many reforms in order to facilitate the investment environment for the foreign investors.


9/ Can you give us an idea of ​​Swiss investments in the GCC, according to sector and type of business?

Hundreds of Swiss companies operate in GCC markets in the areas of logistics, infrastructure, hydraulic systems, groundwater and well drilling, equipment, coatings and chemicals, engineering systems for energy, water, environment, technology, hospitality, logistics, communications, banks, investment funds, pharmaceuticals, robots, machinery & export development, office & mobile rooms, power generation & industrial metal production, education, consulting & quality control, chemical products, foodstuffs, agricultural development and trade shows.

The bilateral relations in the financial and investment sector, especially in the banking field, have also developed in order to accelerate trade and to provide exporters with financial means.


10/ Given Switzerland's position as the world's leading economic competitiveness, how do you see cooperation between you and the Swiss side on the innovative projects and startups?

There is no doubt that the federation of the GCC will seek to cooperate with Switzerland in this particular area because of Switzerland's leadership in the field of "outputs of knowledge and technology". One of the indicators of the competitiveness of Switzerland is the number of patents it has. It has the highest patents applications per capita at the European level; this is an important filed of cooperation especially because the Gulf society is characterized by the growing number of young people and this poses a great challenge for the GCC countries. We have noticed that there are many areas of cooperation in the fields of invention, innovation and entrepreneurship.


It is necessary to find an incubator for such projects, and the Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs Platform (SAE) can provide their services and programs in this regard, and the mechanisms to implement them. SAE can be an incubator of ideas and initiatives of the young people and entrepreneurs from both Gulf States and Switzerland.


Finally, it will be our pleasure to cooperate with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the Gulf Cooperation Council and to provide the necessary support to strengthen cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship, as spreading the culture of entrepreneurship and facilitating network are within the most important objectives of this platform, and we invite Gulf entrepreneurs and businessmen/women to join our platform to be active and discover investment opportunities, joining our platform will facilitate the link with their counterparts and the experts in entrepreneurship both in the Arab world and Switzerland.


(Read the article on the interview with Mr. Naqi by clicking here)


Several decades of cooperation between Switzerland and the Arab states of the Gulf cooperation council led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG) and the Federation of GCC Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FGCC).


Mr. Abdulrahim Hassan Naqi signed the MoU on behalf of the Federation of GCC Chambers of Commerce, whereas Mr. Vincent Subilia, Member of the Board of Directors of the World Federation of the International Chamber of Commerce.


The memorandum of understanding provides for cooperation between the two sides to help members of both sides to communicate with each other. A forum for economic cooperation between the two sides is expected to be held for the first time in 2018.


The Secretary General of the FGCC Chambers, Abdul Rahim Naqi, expressed the importance of signing this MoU as a necessary step to boost the cooperation between Switzerland and the Gulf Cooperation Council, which will help facilitate the communication between the two sides and develop the economic relations, so that will serve the common interests.


The signing of the MoU was attended by H.E. Mr. Adel Essa Al-Mahri, Ambassador, permanent observer of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) delegation, and the representative of the Ministry of Economy of the Government of Geneva, as well as representatives from Swiss private sectors such as health and education, banking and wealth management, in addition to other entrepreneurs.


It’s worth mentioning that the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry pays particular attention to the Arabian Gulf region and has carried out several economic trips to the Gulf region during the last period to consolidate the economic links within the business community. The last visit was made in November 2016 by an economic delegation headed by the Mayor of Geneva, also a member of the Swiss National Parliament, Guillaume Barazzone. The delegation has visited several countries of the Arab Gulf States; where we had an interview with the Deputy Director of the Chamber, Vincent Subilia, on this occasion (click here).


Trade data between the two sides indicate the economic importance of the bilateral relations. The Gulf Cooperation Council is the first partner of Switzerland in the Middle East. In the past 10 years, we witnessed a steady increase in trade between the two sides. Trade volume (exports and imports) increased from about $2.5 billion in 2000 to about $25 billion in 2016. The UAE is the largest trading partner of Switzerland, followed by Saudi Arabia. Main commodities exchanged are Gemstones and Precious Metals, pharmaceuticals, watches and electrical machinery.


Mr. Abdulrahim Hassan Naqi presented a fascinating presentation on the economic developments witnessed by GCC countries in the last years, including the main projects and the needs of investment in different sectors.


The GCC has a population of around 47 million, with a GDP per capita of about $33 million. While the gross domestic product of the GCC countries all together was estimated at about 1.6 billion dollars. The oil reserves of the GCC countries accounts for 33% of the world's reserves, compared to 21% of the reserves of gas.


The oil and gas sector is one of the pillars of the economies of the Gulf States, contributing 42% of the GDP and 70% of exports.

The GCC countries are attracting large foreign investments, which have doubled since 2005 to reach $431 billion. In contrast, the GCC countries make many investments abroad, amounting to about $248 billion; this does not include the sovereign wealth funds, which worth about $2.7 trillion.


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states are attractive environments for foreign investment due to its political stability, young population, advanced infrastructure, liquidity and broad markets with high levels of purchasing power and the availability of capital.


During his presentation, Mr. Naqi has reviewed investment-stimulating policies in the GCC countries. He pointed out that although the laws on investment stipulate that the foreign investor's share does not exceed 49% of the total investment in the project, the percentage can reach 100% in certain circumstances, especially for projects of developmental importance, serve strategic plans at the national level or projects based on the exploitation of the local raw materials.


Other advantages include the free movement of capital and profits outside the GCC, and the lack of customs duties on commodities in application of the Gulf common market. This applies also to intermediate goods used by the industry such as raw materials, machinery and equipment. GCC market offers is also another advantage, which is the lack of customs on trade with other Arab countries in application of the Arab Free Trade Area Agreement. Also it offers a wider labor market, which provides a variety of competencies from several countries and in all sectors.


In the GCC countries, there are more than 40 industrial zones and free trade zones for industrial and commercial products and services. These zones offer the possibility to fully own the projects and to employ non-national skills; they allows saving time and necessary effort to do business.


With regard to the investment opportunities offered by the GCC countries, several economic sectors offer the following opportunities:

- Construction projects, with investment needs estimated at about $2.43 trillion.

- Telecommunications projects with investment needs estimated at about 893 billion dollars.

- Transportation projects with investment needs estimated at about 387.6 billion dollars.

- Oil and gas projects with investment needs estimated at about 337 billion dollars.

- Electricity projects with investment needs estimated at about 313 billion dollars.

- Industrial projects with investment needs estimated at about 178 billion dollars.

- Projects of banks and insurance with investment needs estimated at about 160 billion dollars.

- Real estate projects with investment needs estimated at about 117 billion dollars.

- Health projects with investment needs estimated at about 71 billion dollars.


In his presentation Mr. Naqi has gone through Saudi Vision 2030 plan. This plan is particularly important because Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Gulf region. It will generate significant changes toward openness to foreign investors.


Finally, the major projects in GCC countries were presented as follows:

- King Abdullah Economic City ($93 billion) project: It aims to establish a new city near the city of Rabigh (about 100 km north of Jeddah). The project includes a new port of 14 km², an industrial area of 62.5 km², a business center with an area of 13.5 km², housing projects with an area of 48 km², as well as luxurious resorts and residences with an area of 27 km².


- Lusail City project (45 billion dollars): It aims to establish a modern city in north of the city of Doha, the capital of the State of Qatar. The total area of ​​the city of Lusail is 38 km². It has 4 islands and 19 commercial, residential and recreational areas. The city has a population of about 200,000 and employs about 170,000 employees, it can accommodate 80,000 visitors, i.e. it has a capacity to accommodate up to 450,000 people. It includes a number of facilities, residential units and office space. It also includes 22 hotels of the highest quality; Lucille includes both a city of energy and a city of soft entertainment.


- Oman Railways Project ($30 billion): It is part of the Gulf railway network, which aims to connect Oman with the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. The project starts from Salalah in the south to Burimi in the north, passing through the port of Duqm.


This MoU is an important step in light of the significant efforts being made by the GCC countries to diversify their sources of income in order to build a healthy and strong economy. Strengthening the export sector and strengthening trade relations at the international level is therefore important for GCC countries. It contributes to the efforts in developing the industrial and agricultural sectors, increase local added value and joint ventures, support trade exchange and facilitate links between the two sides.


أجرى المقابلة: ايمن ابو الخير


(يمكن قراءة المقال الذي خصص لهذه الزيارة بالضغط على الرابط)


بمناسبة الزيارة التي قام بها الامين العام لاتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي عبد الرحيم نقي لغرفة جنيف للتجارة والصناعة كانون الاول / ديسمبر 2017 حيث توجت بتوقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين الطرفين، كان لنا هذا اللقاء.


بقلم ايمن ابو الخير

مؤسس ومدير منصة رواد الأعمال العرب السويسريين، جنيف، سويسرا


(اقرأ المقابلة التي اجريناها مع الأمين العام لاتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجى عبد الرحيم نقي على الرابط)


تتويجا للجهود الحثيثة لتقوية العلاقات الاقتصادية بين سويسرا الاتحادية و دول ومجلس التعاون الخليجي، فقد تم مؤخرا توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين غرفة تجارة وصناعة وخدمات جنيف واتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي للتجارة والصناعة، وقام بتوقيع مذكرة التفاهم  نيابة عن اتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجى الأمين العام للاتحاد عبد الرحيم نقي، بينما وقعها نيابة عن  غرفة تجارة وصناعة وخدمات جنيف  نائب مديرها العام السيد سوبيليا فانست، عضو مجلس ادارة الاتحاد العالمي لمجلس ادارة غرفة التجارة الدولية.


وتنص مذكرة التفاهم على التعاون بين الجانبين لمساعدة أصحاب الاعمال لكلى الجانبين على التواصل مع الجانب الاخر، كما أنه من المتوقع أن يتم تنظيم منتدى للتعاون الاقتصادي بين الجانبين، حيث أنه من المفترض أن يعقد للمرة الأولى خلال العام 2018.


وقد أعرب الامين العام لاتحاد الغرف الخليجية عبد الرحيم نقي عن أهمية توقيع مذكرة التفاهم هذه باعتبارها خطوة ضرورية في مسيرة التعاون الخليجي السويسري والتي من شأنها المساعدة في تسهيل التواصل بين الجانبين وتنمية العلاقات الاقتصادية لخدمة المصالح المشتركة.


حضر توقيع مذكرة التفاهم سعادة السيد عادل عيسى المهري، سفير بعثة مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية، ومندوب وزارة الاقتصاد في حكومة جنيف، بالاضافة الى ممثلين عن عدة قطاعات سويسرية كالصحة والتعليم وممثلين عن قطاع البنوك وادارة الثروات فضلا عن غرفة التحكيم السويسرية التي تعنى بفض النزاعات التجارية وعدد من الشخصيات الاقتصادية.


ومن الجدير بالذكر أن غرفة جنيف للتجارة والصناعة تولي اهتماما خاصا بمنطقة الخليج العربية حيث قامت بتنفيذ عدة رحلات اقتصادية الى منطقة الخليج خلال الفترة الماضية نظرا للأهمية الاقتصادية لهذه المنطقة. كانت اخر زيارة قامت بها الغرفة خلال تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2016 ضمن وفد برئاسة رئيس بلدية جنيف،عضو البرلمان الوطني السويسري، غيوم برازون. حيث قام الوفد بزيارة الى عدة دول خليجية وكان لنا لقاء مع نائب مدير الغرفة، فانسا سوبيليا بهذه المناسبة وقمنا بتخصيص مقال حول الزيارة تحت عنوان "زيارة وفد رجال اعمال من جنيف الى دول الخليج العربية" (رابط المقال).


وتشير بيانات التجارة بين الجانبين الى الاهمية الاقتصادية التي تحظى بها العلاقات الثنائية، حيث يعتبر مجلس التعاون الخليجي الشريك الاول لسويسرا في منطقة الشرق الاوسط. وقد شهدت السنوات العشر الماضية زيادة مضطردة للبادلات التجارية بين الجانبين. فقد ازداد حجم التبادلات التجارية (الصادرات والواردات) من حوالي 2.5 مليار دولار في العام 2000 الى حوالي 25 مليار دولار خلال العام 2016. وتأتي الامارات العربية المتحدة في المقام الاول باعتبارها الشريك التجاري الأكبر لسويسرا يليها المملكة العربية السعودية. تشكل الاحجار الكريمة والصناعات الدوائية والساعات والالات الكهربائية احد أهم السلع التي يتم تبادلها.


وقدم السيد عبد الرحيم  حسن نقي، عرضا شيقا عن التطورات الاقتصادية التي تشهدها دول المجلس، مع عرض للمشروعات الاقتصادية والتنموية والحاجات الخاصة بالاستثمار في القطاعات المختلفة.

وقد بلغ عدد سكان دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي حوالي 47 مليون نسمة حيث بلغ نصيب الفرد من الناتج المحلي الاجمالي حوالي 33 مليون دولار. فيما يقدر الناتج المحلي الاجمالي لدول المجلس مجتمعة بحوالي 1.6 مليار دولار. كما تتمتع دول المجلس باحتياطي نفطي يشكل ما نسبته 33% من الاحتياطيات العالمية، مقابل 21% للاحتياطي من الغاز. 

ويعتبر القطاع النفطي والغاز احد ركائز الاقتصادات الخليجية، حيث يساهم بما نسبته 42% من الناتج المحلي الاجمالي و70% من الصادرات.


وتستقطب دول المجلس استثمارات أجنبية كبيرة، تضاعفت منذ العام 2005 لتصل الان الى 431 مليار دولار، في المقابل تقوم دول المجلس بالعديد من الاستثمارات في الخارج، حيث وصلت الى حوالي 248 مليار دولار، وذلك لا يشمل الصناديق السيادية التي تقدر ثروتها بحوالي 2.7 تريليون.


وتعتبر دول المجلس التعاون الخليجي بيئة جذابة للاستثمارات الاجنبية نظرا لما تتمتع به من عوامل كالاستقرار السياسي والثروة السكانية الشابة والبنى التحتية المتطورة وتوفر السيولة واتساع الاسواق مع مستويات عالية للقوة الشرائية و توفر رؤوس الاموال.


وقد تم استعراض السياسات المحفزة للاستثمار في دول المجلس. حيث أوضح الامين العام بأنه بالرغم من أن القوانين الخاصة بالاستثمار تنص على أن لا تتجاوز حصة المستثمر الاجنبي نسبة 49% من حجم الاستثمار الاجمالي في المشروع، الا أنه يمكن لهذه النسبة أن تصل الى 100% في بعض الظروف خاصة بالنسبة للمشروعات ذات الاهمية التنموية والتي تتناغم مع الخطط الاستراتيجية على المستوى الوطني أو التي تعمل على استغلال الموارد الخام المحلية.


ومن الميزات الاخرى كذلك حرية تحويل رؤوس الاموال والارباح الى خارج دول المجلس، وانعدام الجمارك على السلع نظرا للعمل بالسوق الخليجية المشتركة. وهذا ينطبق ايضا على السلع التي تدخل في الصناعة كالمواد الخام والالات والمعدات. كما أنها تمتاز بانعدام الجمارك على التجارة مع الدول العربية الاخرى عملا باتفاقية المنطقة العربية التجارية الحرة، هذا فضلا عن سوق العمل الذي يوفر كفاءات متنوعة من عدة دول وفي كافة القطاعات.


ويتوفر في دول المجلس اكثر من 40 منطقة صناعية ومنطقة تبادل حر للمنتوجات الصناعية والتجارية والخدمات، حيث تتمتع هذه المناطق بامكانية تملك المشروعات بالكامل وامكانية توظيف كفاءات غير وطنية كما أنها توفر الوقت والجهد اللازم للقيام بالاعمال.


وفيما يتعلق بفرص الاستثمار التي تتيحها دول المجلس، فقد تم استعراض العديد من القطاعات الاقتصادية على النحو التالي:

- مشاريع الانشاءات، حيث تقدر الحاجات الاستثمارية في هذا القطاع بحوالي 2.43 تريليون دولار.

- مشاريع الاتصالات بواقع حوالي 893 مليار دولار.

- مشاريع المواصلات بواقع حوالي 387.6 مليار دولار.

- مشاريع النفط والغاز بواقع حوالي 337 مليار دولار.

- مشاريع الكهرباء بواقع حوالي 313 مليار دولار.

- المشروعات الصناعية بواقع حوالي 178 مليار دولار.

- مشروعات البنوك والتأمين بواقع حوالي 160 مليار دولار.

- المشروعات العقارية بواقع حوالي 117 مليار دولار.

- المشاريع الصحية بواقع حوالي 71 مليار دولار.


وتم التطرق الى الرؤية المستقبلية للمملكة العربية السعودية باعتبارها اكبر الاقتصادات الخليجية وبالنظر الى التحولات الكبيرة التي تشهدها على المستوى الاقتصادي في ضوء هذه الخطة.


وفي الختام تم التطرق الى ابرز المشروعات الضخمة في دول المجلس على النحو التالي: 

مشروع مدينة الملك عبد الله الاقتصادية (93 مليار دولار): ويهدف الى انشاء مدينة جديدة بالقرب من مدينة رابغ (حوالي 100 كلم شمال جدة). ويتضمن هذا المشروع ميناء جديد بمساحة 14 كم مربع ومنطقة صناعية بمساحة 62.5 كم مربع وكذلك مركز للاعمال بمساحة 13.5 كم مربع ومشاريع اسكان بمساحة 48 كم مربع بالاضافة الى منتجعات واسكانات فاخرة بمساحة 27 كم مربع.

مشروع مدينة لوسيل (45 مليار دولار): ويهدف الى انشاء مدينة حديثة شمال مدينة الدوحة عاصمة دولة قطر وتبلغ المساحة الإجمالية لمدينة لوسيل 38 كيلومتراً مربعاً وتوجد بها 4 جزر و19 منطقة تجارية، سكنية وترفيهية متعددة الاستخدامات، كما يتوفر فيها أماكن سكنية ومرافق عامة، حيث تستوعب هذه المدينة 200 ألف ساكن و170 ألف موظف، ويمكن للمدينة أن تستقبل 80 ألف زائر، لتحتضن بذلك 450 ألف نسمة، وتضم العديد من المنشآت والوحدات السكنية والمكاتب مختلفة المساحات، كما تشتمل على 22 فندقاً من أعلى طراز وبمختلف التصانيف العالمية للنجوم، وتضم مدينة لوسيل كلاً من مدينة الطاقة والمدينة الترفيهية.

مشروع شبكة سكة الحديد العمانية (30 مليار دولار): وهي جزء من شبكة سكة الحديد الخليجية والتي تهدف لربط عمان بالامارات العربية والمملكة العربية السعودية وقطر والبحرين والكويت. وينطلق المشروع من سلالة في الجنوب الى بوريمي في الشمال مرورا بميناء الدقم. 


تعتبرمذكرة التفاهم هذه خطوة هامة في ظل الجهود الكبيرة التي تقوم بها دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي لتنويع مصادر الدخل ولبناء اقتصاد صحي وقوي. ولهذا فان تدعيم القطاع التصديري وتقوية العلاقات التجارية على المستوى الدولي يعتبر أمرا هاما بالنسبة لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، وهي تسهم في الجهود الرامية لتنمية القطاعين الصناعي والزراعي وزيادة القيمة المضافة المحلية والمشروعات المشتركة ودعم التبادل التجاري والعمل على تسهيل التواصل بين الجانبين.







(English version)

Durant la dernière décennie, la région MENA a fait l’expérience d’une croissance économique et démographique considérable, qui devrait continuer dans le futur. La demande d’énergie dans ces diverses régions (composée d'importateurs et d’exportateurs d’énergie) se développe entre 3% et 8% par an. En réalité, la demande d’énergie s’élève si rapidement dans le monde Arabe que même les pays qui ont traditionnellement exporté de l'énergie dans le passé sont confrontés à la perspective de devenir eux-mêmes des importateurs d’énergie. La courbe suivante montre la demande croissante d’électricité dans la région Arabe à travers le temps, plus précisément au sein du Conseil de Coopération du Golfe.


لا بد من إشراك المغتربين لإطلاق الطاقات البشرية غير المستغلة خاصةً وقت الأزمات


اظهرت دراسة لمجموعة البنك الدولي في مطلع العام 2017 حول الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه المغتربون في تعزيز التكامل الاقليمي والاقتصادي ونشرت تحت عنوان "حشد جهود المغتربين من منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا من أجل تحقيق التكامل الاقتصادي وريادة الأعمال" أن المغتربين من بلدان الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا يمكنهم القيام بدور بالغ الأهمية في تعزيز التكامل الإقليمي وريادة الأعمال والنمو الاقتصادي في المنطقة، كما يمكنهم مساعدة بلدانهم على أن تصبح من الأطراف الفاعلة الرئيسية في الاقتصاد العالمي.

(Version française)

Over the past decade, the MENA region has experienced considerable economic and population growth, which is only expected to continue in the future. The demand for power in this diverse region (comprised of energy importers and exporters) is expanding between 3% and 8% annually. In fact, the demand for energy is rising so rapidly in the Arab world that even countries which have traditionally exported energy in the past are facing the prospect of becoming energy importers themselves. The following figure shows the increasing demand for electricity overtime in the Arab region, especially in the Gulf Cooperation Council.



In recent years, the demand for energy in the MENA has risen significantly due to the region’s rapid population growth, economic development and urbanization. The power demand in the MENA is expanding between 3% and 8% annually, which is above the global average. A reality that has spurred the formation of a vibrant market for energy solutions, which has the potential to drive economic diversification and create new jobs in the Arab world in the future.

However, many Arab countries still lack some of the basic elements needed to enable the development of new energy markets. In order to reap the full economic, social and environmental benefits of these budding markets, more Arab countries need to improve the legal frameworks regulating the “green economy,” ensure the availability of funding for “green enterprises” and develop individuals with the “green expertise” needed to create and implement such energy solutions.

Taka Solutions, a Dubai-based startup in the energy sector, is a prime example of a “green enterprise” that is trying to deploy innovative energy solutions that support the MENA’s economic development in a sustainable way. In the following interview, Charles Blaschke, Managing Director of Taka Solutions, shares how his startup is trying to promote energy efficiency in the region, while also educating their clients and the public about the importance of responsible consumption.

1. What is Taka Solutions?

Taka Solutions is a Dubai-based ESCO – Energy Services Company – that finances, develops and implements solutions aimed at enhancing customers’ energy efficiency and reducing energy-related expenditures providing both economic and environmental benefits.

We have delivered; audits to 350 buildings in the UAE, over 5 million sq.ft. worth of retrofits and an average of 29% energy savings. Taka Solutions is building a new energy future for the MENA and the world.


2. How is Taka Solutions trying to change the perception of energy consumption in the MENA region?

To achieve the region’s energy efficiency targets in the buildings sector, a global “race to the moon” approach is needed to launch deep building retrofits. The private sector’s effort towards energy efficiency in buildings is crucial to offset building energy demand growth while still providing comfort, improved quality of life and reduced energy/operational costs.

Greater effort to improve global understanding of energy efficiency services and energy performance contracting therefore seems be a priority. Taka Solutions, is trying to change the peoples’ perception by findings new and simpler ways to explain the benefits of energy efficiency.

Our business itself is built around an innovative paid-from-savings model, benefiting building owners, operators, end-users and finally the planet. Sharing is caring!

Making energy, efficiency and people buildings and homes easier to understand, and giving them the information in a clear and concise way will help them learn about their impact, consumption and how to reduce it. Buildings and homes represent 40% of the worlds carbon output, and they can easily save 50% using readily, easy, cheap technology. If everybody did this the world would meet the COP21 targets and more.


3. What are Taka Solutions’ objectives in the MENA region? How are you trying to position yourself in the region’s energy sector?

In a few bullet points, Taka Solutions objectives are:

  • To make of energy efficiency services a simple and seamless user experience.
  • To shift energy efficiency’s current reputation of “hidden fuel” to “first fuel”
  • To leverage technology, engineering and finance in an integrated solution addressing our customers’ energy needs efficiently.
  • To create value for society, business and people
  • To make the biggest impact by reaching more customers, and helping them save more, with deeper retrofits and technology, not just the cheap and easy stuff

We really want to refine and focus our energy to plan the launch into new markets to reach more people. We position ourselves as a global and trusted energy efficiency partner.


4. Are Taka Solutions’ internal objectives aligned with any national, regional or international energy frameworks? (For example, IRENA’s Pan-Arab Renewable Energy Strategy 2030 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda)

International organizations’ policies and objectives are part of Taka Solutions’ DNA. Not only are our objectives aligned, but we also share the same vision of a world where energy needs are met without negative impact.

As a company, we forged a global vision of the challenges to develop a diversified energy mix and manage resources, buildings as well as networks to achieve sustainable growth. In the United Arab Emirates, in Saudi Arabia, in Jordan and Kuwait, we have seen a rapid development of the urban environment as well as governments creating entities or investment funds pushing energy efficiency across buildings and new renewable energy infrastructure.

Over time and with tangible results being published, private customers are showing more and more interest in taking part in this clean energy transition. Taka Solutions is therefore at the forefront of this transition and making these international policies and frameworks a reality.

We are facing the world’s biggest challenges head on, with a solution that works. This is why most global and local governments around the world have policies and programs around sustainability, energy, and efficiency, of which we are not only aligned with, but solving without manipulation or intervention, using raw engineering and business.


5. As you mentioned in an article in Arabian Business, Taka Solutions focuses on promoting efficient energy use. With this in mind, do you believe that countries in the MENA region should investment more in energy efficiency or renewable energy production?

There are three levels in the electricity value chain, generation, distribution and consumption. For the MENA to remain a central player in the global energy industry we believe that the MENA countries should diversify their investment on each level, but will gain the most from efficiency.

This is because it is the easiest, cheapest and most scalable, because every single person can make an impact. If each of the 5,000,000 people in the UAE reduced their energy at home and work by 50% (which is very possible and even easy), then the countries energy consumption would reduce by 30%. That is a HUGE impact.

On the generation side, in rapidly developing cities, the need to satisfy growing electricity demand offers an opportunity to deploy energy efficiency services and renewables from the outset to ensure the development does not consume, or require large generation. This allows for renewables to be made to serve these.

On the distribution side, incorporating a higher share of renewables and supporting the electrification of end-use sectors will require a more flexible electricity system. Existing regulatory and market frameworks are currently supporting the system-wide flexibility benefits of certain technology options, such as smart metering and feed in tariffs.

On the demand side, increasing the efficient use of electricity can help reduce investments both in generation and at the system level investigating opportunities to avoid the unnecessary use of electricity and to improve the efficiency of remaining generation should be a first step in any effort to transition towards a sustainable energy system.

The cost of more efficient technologies on the end-use side are often more than made up by savings making the investment in energy efficiency more attractive than investments in generation. In the end, energy efficiency can free up the same amount of energy than new renewables only at a fraction of the cost.


6. With one of the youngest and fastest-growing populations in the world, the MENA region will inevitable need to generate more energy as its population grows. Keeping this in mind, how do you think government and renewable energy providers can ensure that they are efficiently using the energy they are producing?


1. First, reducing the existing consumption and demand using energy efficiency and performance standards.

2. Second, ensuring that all new development is efficient through good code, and strong enforcement.

3. Third, requiring all new generation to be clean and renewable – but without too much intervention and support, to ensure sustainable business that does not fail without subsidies.

Indeed, growing cities will have to match energy demand with supply and the way the infrastructure is designed, built, operated and maintained can yield different energy performance outcomes. Compact urban development, energy-efficient buildings, public transport, low-carbon end-use fuels, distributed renewable resources generation and smart energy networks all offer a vast and largely untapped potential to effectively achieve the MENA countries’ energy related targets.

For the past 3 years, governmental entities led the way on the critical tasks of adopting, monitoring and enforcing building energy codes for new power plants or buildings construction and a global uptake of retrofits in existing power generation assets. These efforts have included the development of local energy and awareness programs supporting the private sector, as well as end-users’ involvement, which is a great step in ensuring the efficiency of the energy system.

The results of the region’s first renewable energy production assets and energy performance contracts are a huge step in developing the understanding and confidence in these innovative business models.


7. What criteria were used to judge the participants of the GCC edition of The Venture competition and what aspects of the Taka Solutions business model led you to win the GCC final?

The five criteria that were used to evaluate the participants of The Venture were:

  • Market opportunity and size
  • Business Model & organizational strategy
  • Skills, Experience and commitment of the Team
  • Social impact
  • Scalability

The two main drivers that led to the Taka win were;

1. Paid from savings model that could have a big impact in solving the world’s biggest challenge, with aligned interest between Taka, the customer and the environment, where Taka bares all risk and is only paid once we save

2. The B2C mobile app and business model that would help to reach down to the individual level, and help people save, the ones who can and want to save, and need to save.

Cities are at the heart of the decarbonization and energy efficiency quest. With more than half of global population and about 80% of the world’s GDP in 2016, cities account for about two-thirds of primary energy demand and 70% of total energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Continuing on the current trends, carbon emissions from energy use in cities, including indirect emissions from power and cooling/heating production would increase by 50%. Hence the market opportunity, size, business model, social impact and scalability of Taka Solutions’ business model.

Finally, and most importantly, the team was recognized for its expertise and commitment towards contributing to a world where energy needs are met without negative impact. A company is only as strong as the people behind it.


8. What gaps currently exist in the MENA’s energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors?

The biggest gaps are the understanding from customers about the potential or energy efficiency, and specifically the paid from savings model and their inability to make smart, informed decisions to saving and reducing their energy consumption, while getting new technology, engineering, finance and a better building that is better for their tenants.

If we look at renewable energy strictly as a means of large scale power generation and energy efficiency as small-medium scale services then the gaps are huge. Renewables being a tangible product, they benefitted from a seamless deployment and gained popularity. On the contrary, energy efficiency is a service aimed at uncovering a hidden potential which is more complex to show.

Despite this apparent gap, we also see growing synergies between energy efficiency and renewable energy especially in the building, transport and district energy systems sectors.

Net zero-energy building (NZEB) projects are getting more and more consensus and we have recently offered consultancy services for a few of these in the UAE. The energy efficiency of the building is ensured from the design stage and the remaining needs for energy are satisfied with renewables.


9. What challenges do you face as startup in the energy sector in the MENA region? What can be done to eliminate these challenges?

Our biggest challenge is educating people about their impact on the environment by not using energy efficiently and the magnitude of savings and positive impact they can have by saving energy. Another challenge we face is how we manage our resources to achieve a global impact and create the greatest capacity to reach people effectively to help them save more.

Finding qualified and experienced employees, partners, contractors and vendors is a huge challenge now, and will get bigger over time.

We are looking to spread the word around different educational institutions. By taking part through global conversations and through combined teamwork, and experts in a wide variety of areas, we can team up by cutting and making our presence be known globally through platforms such as the Venture.


10. What role do you think that startups should play in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors in the MENA region?

We might say that the recipe to Taka Solutions’ success includes adaptability, research, ingenuity, and the fearlessness to go against the pack to find new and better ways to navigate the industry. Startups are generally highly adaptable and every idea is valued and considered, making of them very agile, quick and customer centric entities.

Startups can therefore adapt their offers much more easily than big corporations which have defined range of offers and capabilities. Providing innovative, out of the box solutions is where startups can challenge the status-quo.


11. What should the key stakeholders in the MENA’s startup ecosystem do to promote energy-focused entrepreneurship in the region?

The energy industry, and especially the energy efficiency sector, is still in a growth phase, creating or reinforcing existing associations gathering the different players in the market would help shape best practices and promote energy-focused entrepreneurship in the region.

Creating an infrastructure that would help small companies support larger companies with their services, and get contracts, along with secured payments would make a very large positive impact.


12. What trends do you see emerging in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors and where would you advise foreign venture capitalists and angel investors to invest?

Foreign venture capitalists have already understood the attractivity of the energy efficiency and renewable energy businesses. We already see large Groups entering the MENA looking for partners already having an experience in the region, enabling them to take part without having to start from scratch.

For a riskier, but very lucrative investment would be in technology deployment and R&D in existing energy efficiency firms of the region. There are many hardware, software, equipment, technology and processes that can be used in projects in the region that are not available.

To have the venture funding to create and deploy these (through existing contracts like we have) would make a low-risk investment with a huge potential return. A secure investment would be the newly formed green funds financing renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

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Cogestra Laser SA

144, route du Mandement 

1242 Satigny - Geneva
