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نجحت شركة "إيفيردوم (Everdome)"، التي تعمل في مجال العالم الافتراضي (الميتافيرس) ومقرها الرئيسي في الإمارات، بالحصول على التزام بتمويلها من شركة "جي إي أم ديتجال ليمتيد"، وهي شركة استثمار في الأصول الرقمية يقع مقرها الرئيسي في جزر البهاما، بقيمة 10 مليون دولار.

نجاحات إيفيردوم تدفع بالاتفاق

يأتي الإعلان عن اتفاقية التمويل في الوقت الذي تحقق فيه "إيفيردوم" نجاحات واسعة، إذ استطاعت الشركة منذ يونيو/حزيران الفات من بيع ما يقرب من 11،700 قطعة أرض، أو ما يعادل 97% من إجمالي مساحة "الميتافيرس" الخاص بالشركة، بمزاد علني استغرق نحو ثمانية أسابيع، حيث بلغت قيمة الأراضي المباعة نحو 18.6 مليون دولار أمريكي أو ما يعادل مليار و531 $DOME، وهي العملة الرقيمة الخاصة بالشركة، أي أن متوسط سعر قطعة الأرض في عالم "إيفيردوم" الافتراضي بلغ نحو 1590 دولار أمريكي.

إيفيردوم المتحكمة التمويل

ستتولى شركة "إيفيردوم (Everdome)" التحكم بتوقيت وعدد عمليات الاقتراض بموجب اتفاقية القرض الرئيسة، ولا يوجد حد أدنى من الالتزام بالقرض. واستناداً إلى تقديرها الخاص، تتمتع "إيفيردوم (Everdome)"، بالقدرة على بيع ما يصل إلى 200 في المائة من متوسط الحجم اليومي القابل للبيع من الرموز عبر مجموعة متنوعة من البورصات إلى شركة "جي إي إم ديجيتال".

استدامة أعمال إيفيردوم المستقبلية

وعن المكاسب المتوقعة من التمويل، علق روب جرين، الرئيس التنفيذي ومؤسس شركة "إيفيردوم (Everdome)"، بالقول "سيتم استخدام الاستثمار الذي التزمت به "جي إي إم" لتعزيز عروض "إيفيردوم (Everdome)" وضمان استدامة الأعمال في المستقبل..نحن سعداء للغاية لإبرام هذه الشراكة مع "جي إي إم" الحصول على هذا الاستثمار التاريخي معها، ما يؤكد أننا نتقدم على المسار الصحيح، في الوقت الذي نسعى فيه إلى تخطي الحدود الجديدة في عالم "الميتافيرس (Metaverse)" الافتراضي. تعد هذه المرحلة بمثابة الوقت المثالي لكي نعمل على تسريع الجهود من أجل تطوير منتجاتنا. وهذا بالضبط ما سيساعدنا التزام "جي إي إم" بالاستثمار على القيام به. لقد بلغت "إيفيردوم (Everdome)" محطة مثيرة للغاية في مسيرتها، وبالتعاون مع "جي إي إم"، سنقوم بالخطوة التالية من أجل نقل منظومة "الميتافيرس Metaverse)" الافتراضية خاصتنا إلى المستوى التالي".

ومن المتوقع هذا الاتفاقية، "إيفيردوم (Everdome)" على التركيز في تنمية فريق عملها وتوسيع تكنولوجيا "الميتافيرس"، إلى جانب المساهمة في تحسين قدرتها على تخصص الأموال لتعزيز الجهود التسويقية، وتمكين الشراكات والاستثمارات التي من شأنها أن تدعم النمو المستدام لشركة "إيفيردوم (Everdome)".

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Start-ups in the Middle East and North Africa succeeded in gaining about $324 M in June with 66 deals. The value of start-up deals grew by more than 84%, and by 57% in terms of the number of deals, compared to last month.

In June, start-up deals were affected by a number of major funding deals that set venture capital trends in terms of geographical and sectoral distribution. The top five financing deals accounted for about 91% of total volume of start-ups financing in June.


The figure below shows the size of the five largest funding deals, their geographical status and the sector in which they are active

The previous chart shows that UAE startups own the lion's share of the largest financing deals in June, with the largest 4 financing deals for startups belonging to Emirati startups, while in terms of sectors, the fintech technology sector accounts for three deals. Below we review a summary of the companies that collected the five largest financing deals in the month of June.

First: Harvest

Harvest's (UAE) deal was the largest financing deal in June, after it secured a total funding volume of $180.5 M through a funding round involving a number of international and local investors, including Metric Capital Partners, IMM Investment Corp and Olayan Group. Harvest is active in agricultural technology that uses hydroponics technology to grow fruit and vegetables in harsh desert climates. Harvest is among the most highly funded start-ups with a total of more than $387 M raised by Harvest up to its last funding round. According to Harvest's press release, the company will exploit the new financing to invest in research and development, to expand its business in the GCC countries, and to break into new markets in Asia. 

Second: Huspy

Huspy (UAE) is one of the leading start-ups in real estate financing and home purchase. In its (A) Series funding round led by Sequoia Capital India and with the participation of a number of other companies and financing funds, Huspy received approximately $37 M. The company facilitates home purchases and financing operations. According to Huspy's founders, the company will use new funding to expand its business in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa as well as develop its technologies.

Third: HyperPay

Saudi Arabia's HyperPay ranked third in terms of the volume of funding deals in June, successfully raising more than $36.7 M from its funding round led by Mastercard, with the participation of  Capital Partners funds and AB Ventures. The Saudi company is active in the fintech field. Through its portal, it provides services to process traders' payments, such as risk management solutions, monitoring system, instalment and billing systems, etc. According to the company's statement on the occasion of the recent funding round, it will use the funds of the last round to support its regional expansion plans in Egypt, Qatar and Oman, as well as to develop its technical team, investing in product search and development, and accelerating its adoption of easy and fast digital payment systems.

Fourth: NymCard

NymCard (UAE) successfully raised about $22.5 M in a funding round led by “Desert ID”, Reciprocal Ventures, “Shorouk Partners”, with the participation of “Shimera Capital”, DFDF, Knollwood, Endeavor Catalyst and “OTF Jasoor Ventures”. NymCard is active in fintech and banking, enabling fintech companies to deliver and operate prefabricated finance in their applications through modern application translation interfaces, enabling companies to focus on product offerings rather than dealing with complex payments. The new funding will help the company drive its operations towards expanding in the region and developing its technical capabilities.

Fifth: Cartlow

Finally, the UAE company Cartlow came fifth, with a total funding value of about $18 million in the company's first funding round, led by Al-Sulaiman Group. Cartlow works in logistics where it provides retailers and consumers with a reverse logistics service, including return management, warranty management, repurchase and replacement. The company will employ its first funding round funds to improve its technologies, contribute to enhancing of the circular economy and reducing waste in value chains, according to Cartlow's press release.

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Since 2021, Middle East and North Africa start-ups have witnessed a new leap in their growth. Although start-ups in the region have seen growth in the size and number of finance deals since 2013, as of the beginning of last year, there has been an unprecedented rise in start-up growth as the incubating business environment for start-ups in both the Gulf States and Egypt has evolved. In addition, new countries have entered the line of interest in start-ups, most notably Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia.

The first half of 2022 was a new chapter in the great growth of start-ups. The total volume of deals acquired by start-ups in the region was more than $1.7 billion, with growth from the first half of last year of more than 83.7%, and up to 125% compared to total funding for start-ups in 2019-2020 in total! The number of start-up finance deals reached about 341 deals with a growth rate of about 38.6% compared to the first half of 2021 and nearly 94% compared to 2020 in total.

In the following lines, we will take a look at the situation of start-ups in the Middle East and North Africa for the first half of 2022, where funding is distributed geographically and sectorally, along with gender distribution, start-up funding phases, and others.

Distribution of Start-up Finance by Country

UAE start-ups have taken the lead in the Middle East and North Africa over the past decade in recent years, Saudi start-ups have advanced and become strong competitors of Emirati companies as a hub for attracting bold finance. In recent years, Saudi startups have advanced and become a strong competitor to Emirati companies as a center for attracting venture capital, thanks to economic reforms, developing the business environment for startups, and supporting and establishing investment funds to finance them. Egypt has also focused on supporting start-ups by improving the investment environment and supporting the establishment of investment funds, and providing facilities for foreign investors and entrepreneurs, which transformed the focus of corporate transaction finance over the past years.

While most start-up financing is concentrated in the UAE, both Saudi and Egyptian start-ups have a balanced share of the size of these investments. However, UAE start-ups continued to acquire the biggest share of total finance in the first half of last year, UAE companies received approximately 45% of total start-up finance. Start-ups in Saudi Arabia and Egypt received 28% and 9% respectively, but in the first line of 2022, changes emerged in the concentration of funding for start-ups in the region, The percentage of funding received by UAE start-ups was about 37.4% and althought it leads the list of the most attractive countries to fund the region's start-ups, its share shrank by about 7.5% compared to the first half of last year.

The decline was in favor of the expansion of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, with Saudi start-ups' share of total financing reaching about 32.7%, a difference of less than 5% from the UAE. Egyptian start-ups accounted for about 18.5%, up 3.5%  compared to the same period last year. In the fourth place, Bahraini start-ups finished at 6.5%, which is more than 4.5% growth compared to the same period. It is also a significant rise in absolute numbers. According to the data of the first half of this year, Bahrain can be classified as a central country in attracting funding for start-ups in the region.


Sectoral Distribution of Start-up Finance

Since 2013, e-commerce start-ups have accounted for the largest share of total finance, but this has begun to change over the past two years. After e-commerce companies are extensively providing services, new start-ups entering the e-commerce market is difficult especially with the entry and expansion of large players in the Gulf and Egyptian market such as Amazon. At the same time, there was a need to improve and digitize the fintech market, this prompted the emerge of dozens of start-ups in the Middle East and North Africa region. This changed the trends of start-up financing to those companies that accounted for the largest share of funding in the past year by 18%, while the e-commerce share was only 12%. Besides the emerge of fintech companies, start-ups have also emerged in other areas, most notably health, education, food and agricultural technology.

In the first half of this year, fintech start-ups accounted for about 38.4% of total finance, with growth from the first half of last year reaching approximately 6.4%, In second place, agro-technology companies came in at about 21%, but about 50% of the total financing received by agro-technology companies belongs to the UAE company Pure Harvest. Therefore, it cannot be seen as a clear indicator of the growth of the agro-technology sector, as the number of agro-technology companies that received funding during the same period has not exceeded four. On the other hand, start-ups active in logistics, health and education technology and software show increasing and more sustained growth both in terms of the number of deals and the amount of funding received over the past two years.


Start-up Financing Stages

With the increase in the number of business accelerators in the region, particularly in the Arabian Gulf and Egypt, the number of start-ups receiving financing through fast-growing companies or so-called business incubators has risen. The proportion of start-up investment deals funded through business accelerators in the first half of this year reached about 27%, however, seed and pre-seed funding continued to dominate the start-up finance landscape. The proportion of companies that received an initial funding round reached about 22% and nearly 10% of start-ups received pre-establishment funding rounds. While the proportion of companies that obtained financing in the series (A) and (B) stages was limited to 4.8% and 3%, respectively, and the financing in the Series (C) stage was limited to only one company.


Funding Disaggregated by Gender

Data for the first half of 2022 show significant progress in terms of the high proportion of funding obtained by women-run start-ups rising to about 93% compared to the first half of last year. The percentage of funding received by these companies was about 2.7%.


سجلت استثمارات الشركات الناشئة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في شهر يوليو/تموز هبوطاً في حجم وعدد صفقات التمويل، إذ بلغ معدل الانخفاض نحو 68% على أساس شهري، فيما بلغت نسبته مقارنةً بالشهر الفائت من العام الماضي نحو 84%، فقد بلغ إجمالي حجم صفقات الشركات الناشئة في شهر يوليو/تموز نحو 105 مليون دولار فقط ذهبت لنحو 44 صفقة، ليكون حجم صفقات الشركات الناشئة لشهر يوليو/تموز هو الأقل منذ بداية العام الجاري.

حجم وتوزع تمويل الشركات الناشئة حسب الدول

تصدرت الشركات الناشئة الإماراتية مشهد التمويل في شهر يوليو/تموز إذ حصلت على نحو 76 مليون دولار، أي ما يقرب من 72% من إجمالي تمويل الصفقات، كما بلغت عدد صفقات التمويل التي حصلت عليها 13 صفقة أو 30% تقريباً من صفقات الشركات الناشئة. فيما حلت الشركات الناشئة المصرية في المركز الثاني بواقع 14.8 مليون دولار من إجمالي التمويل، ذهبت إلى 4 صفقات، ويعد ذلك نمواً في حجم تمويل الشركات الناشئة المصرية بنسبة 72% على أساس شهري، يأتي هذا النمو بصورة رئيسي، بفضل صفقة شركة Cartona والتي حصلت بموجبها على نحو 12 مليون دولار.

بمقابل نمو تمويل الشركات الناشئة المصرية شهد تمويل الشركات الناشئة السعودية تراجعاً بنحو 55% على أساس شهري، وهو ما وضع الشركات السعودية في المرتبة الخامسة بحصيلة تمويل لم تتجاوز المليونين دولار ذهبت إلى 6 شركات، وهي المرة الأولى التي يتراجع فيها حجم تمويل الشركات الناشئة السعودية إلى هذه الدرجة. فيما جاء تربع الشركات الناشئة السودانية في المركز الثالث نتيجة لصفقة "بلوم" السودانية التي تعمل في مجال التكنولوجيا المالية، حيث حصدت خلال جولة تمويل بذرية على ما يقرب من 6.5 مليون دولار.

أما على صعيد عدد الصفقات فيلاحظ عدد الصفقات الكبير الذي سجلته الشركات الناشئة اللبنانية، حيث بلغ عددها 13 صفقة، وهنا ينغي الإشارة إلى أن جميع صفقات التمويل، هي عبارة عن منحة مقدمة من برنامج التسريع Energy Innovation Hub الذي حصلت بموجبه 13 شركة ناشئة لبنانية على منحة مقدارها 12 ألف دولار لكل منها.

حجم وتوزع تمويل الشركات الناشئة حسب القطاعات 

لا جديد على صعيد توزع استثمارات الشركات الناشئة قطاعياً، إذ ظلت شركات التكنولوجيا المالية مسيطرة على حصة الأسد بعد أن جمعت ما يزيد عن 53 مليون دولار، بما يعادل نحو نصف التمويل الذي حصلت عليها الشركات الناشئة في المنطقة في شهر يوليو/تموز. وقد جاء تصدر شركات التكنولوجيا المالية جاء بفضل صفقة شركة YAP التي بلغت قيمتها نحو 41 مليون دولار. أما في المركز الثاني فقد حلت شركات التكنولوجيا الغذائية بإجمالي تمويل بلغ 23 مليون دولار، تليها شركات التكنولوجيا العقارية بحوالي 13 مليون دولار.

توزع الاستثمارات حسب مراحل التمويل

أحدثت منحة برنامج التسريع Energy Innovation Hub تغيراً استثنائياً في توزع الاستثمارات على مراحل التمويل، حيث جاء التمويل عبر المنح  في المرتبة الأولى بنحو 17 عملية تمويل، منها 13 منحة أتت عن طريق برنامج التسريع كما ذكرنا سابقاً، فيما عدا ذلك ظلت مراحل التمويل الأولية مسيطرة على مشهد التمويل، فيما اقتصر التمويل في السلسلة على (أ) على جولتي تمويل منها جولة التمويل الذي ذهبت لشركة Cartona.

توزع الاستثمارات حسب النوع الاجتماعي

حصلت الشركات الناشئة التي تديرها سيدات على 0.1% من إجمالي استثمارات الشركات الناشئة، وهي أقل حصة تحصل عليها منذ بداية العام، بالمقابل بلغت نسبة التمويل الذي حصلت عليه الشركات الناشئة التي يديرها رجال على نحو 90.7%، اما الشركات التي تدار بشكل مشتركة فبلغت نسبة ما حصلت عليه 9.2%.

Dubai’s Emaar Development has reported record property sales of AED 15.216 billion ($4.143 billion) in the first half of 2022, up 10% year-on-year. The developer’s profits surged to AED 1.28 billion in Q2.

While profits were up from AED 1.003 billion year-on-year (YoY) in Q2, and grew from to AED 2.507 billion in H1 from AED 2.09 billion, financial reports posted to Dubai Financial Market (DFM) today showed revenue for the second quarter softened down from AED 3.907 billion YoY to AED 3.714 billion.

Revenue for the first half of the year was AED 7.282 billion, down from AED 7.754 billion YoY, the results showed.

Emaar said in a statement published to DFM today that its sales backlog increased to AED 32.753 billion and that it launched 15 projects in the first half of the year.

Emaar Development is the development arm of Emaar Properties, which will acquire Dubai Creek Harbour from Dubai Holding in a $2 billion deal, it was announced today.

source: Zaway

Expats with student visas and those on dependency visas are now allowed to stay abroad for over six months as it applies to those with work permit. “The initiative is to make life for expats in Kuwait easier, with consideration to foreign students as the world battles COVID-19,” sources told Kuwait Times. The only exception is for domestic workers.

If they stay abroad for more than six months, their residency permit will be cancelled unless their sponsors sign an agreement.

A government decision allowing expatriates with iqama to remain outside the country for more than six months is still in force. Until now, the decree has not been cancelled,” the sources said. However, the sources said only domestic workers are not permitted to remain outside Kuwait for more than six months unless their sponsor applies for an exception on their behalf.

Expatriates are also allowed to renew their residency permits while they are outside Kuwait. “The decree allowing the expatriates to renew their iqamas online while abroad is still in effect,” the sources added.

Residency of expatriates who stay outside Kuwait for more than six months won’t be canceled, except for domestic workers.

This decision to continue with the exemption will be valid until further announcement. Kuwait’s Interior Ministry had made this exemption for expatriates during the COVID pandemic as expatriate arrivals into Kuwait were suspended for fear of spread of coronavirus.

Kuwait has slowly returned back to normalcy with all government and private sector offices functioning to pre-pandemic levels. The government recently cancelled all online work without exceptions.

Regarding the opening of visit visas, the Ministry of Interior has decided to extend its decision to halt the issuance of family visit visas until the end of this current year. According to sources, the Ministry said that security of the state and the parliamentary elections are of vital importance to the Ministry.

The Ministry will deploy its personnel and will increase its presence in strategic areas during electoral gatherings, election-day and campaigns.

The new elections will be held at the beginning of October. Files related to security need adequate time to be studied, especially the ones related to issuing family visas.

source: Kuwait Times

Translated by: Pirween B. Sido 

In a new step to strengthen its role as a supporter of entrepreneurs and startups in the MENA ; Majid Al Futtaim, in partnership with Astraulabs, launched the Majid Al Futtaim Launchap program to support and accelerate the growth and development of start-ups and SMEs in strategic sectors. and its evolution.

Platform to support innovation:

According to Joe Abi-Akl , Chief Executive Officer of Institutional Development at Majid Al Futtaim Group ; The program will provide the latest innovative solutions and services through the care and development of startups and SMEs within the overall ecosystem of innovation, This program will have positive benefits for consumers, employees, business owners, investors and governments across the region , Roland Dahir, Chief Executive Officer of Estrolabs, adds that the program will be presented via its launch platform all support for startups to identify and select ambitious local brands and startups that can contribute to the growth and development of the sustainable digitization ecosystem, Large companies will be able to take advantage of their market position and knowledge of the sector's needs, as well as their vast resources, to attract SMEs that still find it difficult to penetrate markets and grow in their own sectors ,the program's launch platform will also offer opportunities to provide fast and modern solutions and services to customers.

At the same time, there are more tangible growth opportunities, such as accelerating opportunities for acquisition deals. Improve operational efficiency and provide best-in-class professional guidance to the region's start-ups, small and medium enterprises.

target areas:

The Programme directs its support to key areas of economic growth, including domestic emerging companies, attracting successful start-ups focused on culture, heritage, sustainability and innovation; As well as health and beauty companies, which offer innovative products and technical solutions designed to enhance the customer experience.

In addition to "Real Estate Technologies" companies that provide innovative and sustainable solutions that contribute to assisting construction companies, digitizing the real estate development sector, residential communities and hotel spaces, and improving experiences in shopping malls.

About Majid Al Futtaim Group:

Founded in 1992, Majid Al Futtaim Group is a shopping mall, shops and recreational communities in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Today, the group is developing and managing malls, integrated cities and retail facilities in the United Arab Emirates.

UAE-based DeFi platform ZKX has raised $4.5 million in Seed funding from StarkWare, Alameda Research, Amber Group, Huobi and Crypto.com.

Founded in 2021 by Eduard Jubany Tur, Naman Sehgal, and Vitaly Yakovlev, ZKX is a decentralised finance platform that helps make faster transactions and keeps gas fees low, and is built on StarkNet.

The funding will go towards further development of its open-source protocol, DAO funding and growth of the ZXK ecosystem.

Dubai-based DeFi platform ZKX raised $4.5 million in seed funding today from StarkWare, Alameda Research, Amber Group, Huobi, Crypto.com and others.

The decentralised finance platform helps make faster transactions and keeps gas fees low, and is built on StarkNet. These funds were raised in spite of a cryptocrash in particular and funding winter in general

“The downturn is driven by the Federal Reserve tightening interest rates and driving de-risking across asset classes. Alameda, Crypto.com, and our other partners have been actively fostering and building the Web3 ecosystem for years. This should only strengthen the ecosystem in the long run by cleaning up the bad apples and focusing on the strongest players,” said Eduard Jubany Tur, Founder at ZKX.

The funding will go towards further development of its open-source protocol, DAO funding and growth of the ZXK ecosystem.

ZKX was founded in 2021 by Eduard Jubany Tur, Naman Sehgal, and Vitaly Yakovlev. The team has hired from Flipkart, PayTM, and Byju’s, with decades of shared experience in venture building and scaling technology startups in over eight countries.

It had earlier received investment from Sandeep Nailwal, co-Founder, Polygon, and Ashwin Ramachandran, General Partner, DragonFly Capital.

The platform aims to address some of the key challenges of the DeFi market, such as over-reliance on centralized entities, scalability, high gas fees for traders and painful user experience.

“We are determined to build an exchange that breaks down the barriers to using DeFi by building a protocol that enables trading derivatives of assets on StarkNet. Our goal is to expand our reach across emerging markets, enabling users to have fair representation within a DAO,” said Jubany.

Source: Business Insider

Dubai-based start-up YAP, which operates a digital banking app, has raised $41 million to fund its expansion in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.

The new investment came from Saudi Arabia's Aljazira Capital alongside other investors including Abu Dawood Group, Astra Group and Audacia Capital, the company said in a statement on Monday.

The fintech firm launched last year a digital banking platform, which now has more than 130,000 users.

The app provides a complete view of a consumer's spending analytics and ways to transfer money, pay bills and make purchases. Users are not required to maintain a minimum balance in their account.

The start-up intends to complete its Series A funding by the end of the year and use the new capital to support its expansion and growth in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan and Ghana.

It said it has partnered with Bank AlJazira to launch its consumer and business platforms in Saudi Arabia and received regulatory approval in Pakistan and Ghana to offer similar services. It also plans to launch in Egypt soon.

source: Zawya

Tunisia-based Smart Capital, the manager of the Anava fund of funds, has invested $5.2 million in the Badia Impact Squared Fund (BIF2), a newly-launched fund targeting regional early-stage, high-growth startups.

BIF2 is managed by Silicon Badia, a global early-stage venture capital firm. Anava has already secured an initial close of €40 million and eyes a final close at €100 million.

Smart Capital, the manager of the Anava fund of funds, has committed $5,2 million to the Badia Impact Squared Fund (BIF2), a venture capital fund managed by Silicon Badia, a pioneering venture capital firm that invests in early-stage and growth-stage technology firms operating globally.

Anava has a goal size of €100 million (with a first closure of €40 million fully subscribed by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC)) and intends to participate in more than 13 private equity funds. Anava is one of the three pillars of the national programme Startup Tunisia, which also consists of Startup Act (incentives), Startup Ecosystem (support for support structures), and Startup Invest (financing programme including Anava), the management of which is delegated to Smart Capital.

Silicon Badia, which has offices in the United States and the Middle East, has invested in over 80 technology firms in over 15 industries and cities worldwide. Its second regional fund, BIF2, is a sector fund that invests in ICT startups in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, and Lebanon at the Series A and Series B stages.

BIF2 completed its first closure in October 2020, bringing together the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF), and Finance in Motion, among other prestigious institutional LPs (FIM). Anava’s contribution is part of the second close of the Fund, in which 15 percent of its commitment will be given to Tunisia-based Startups. BIF2 made its initial investment in the Tunisian fintech business Expensya in November 2020, when it co-led the company’s $20 million Series B fundraising.

Smart Capital CEO Alaya Bettaieb said: “We are thrilled to be able to assist Silicon Badia with their second close. This investment arrives at a key time for Tunisian businesses seeking capital and skills to go beyond the country’s borders. In addition, this partnership will contribute to the diversification and expansion of Anava’s portfolio.”

Silicon Badia CEO Fawaz Zu’bi said, “We regard Anava’s investment in our second regional fund as a crucial strategic step in our efforts to grow our presence in North Africa, which is now solidified to include Tunisia. Our Fund has already made its first investment in Tunisia’s thriving innovation environment, where we are enthusiastic and eager to create bridges and invest.”

Source: Wamda

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