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To look cool, everyone talks about digital transformation without actually knowing what it really is. Some businesses are already reaping the benefits of digital transformation while others are still hesitant about investing in digital transformation.

If your organization belongs to the latter category then, this article will change your mind and convince you to say ‘yes’ to  digital transformation.

Enterprise digital transformation is not just about automating processes. There is much more to digital transformation than what most people might think. It also includes changing mindsets, goals and approaches.

Companies undergoing digital transformation knows that it takes time. If you are expecting to change everything overnight then, that is not going to happen.

When done correctly, digital transformation can:

  • Streamline processes
  • Boost efficiency
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Increase revenue

How can I digital transform my business the right way? To answer this question, here are some examples of successful brands who have not only completed transformation business process and are also reaping rich rewards. Follow in their footsteps to digitally transform your business.

In this article, you will learn about six inspirational examples of digital transformation companies that you can learn from.

6 Digital Transformation Examples

1. Nike

Famous for its sports shoes and clothing, Nike started to lose its luster. To turn things around, Nike decided to transform its brand and supply with the help of digital transformation and become a digital transformation company. Instead of selling their products through vendors, they decided to reach out to customers and sell to them directly. This shorten their development cycle and allowed them to launch new products quickly.

They created a new digital transformation strategy with Amazon. Soon, Nike started opening experience stores and focus on enhancing their app experience.

By harnessing the power of data analytics and connecting with their customers at a personal level, Nike succeeded in knowing their customers preferences and started recommending the right products. Nike’s revenue grew from $33.5 billion to $39.1 billion and its stock price jumped from $53 to $90 in less than two years.

2. Disney

Disney was falling behind the times, but they managed to turn the tables by acquiring few companies. Instead of developing their new streaming services, they purchased BAMTech to acquire streaming technology. Later, Disney invested heavily on marvel comics from 21st Century Fox, $52.4 billion to be exact. Next, Disney decided to connect directly with their customers. Due to this, they did not have to rely on distributors and advertisers.

They responded brilliantly by adapting to the changing industry dynamics and the positive customer feedback they received is a testament to that.

3. Microsoft

Microsoft enjoys a dominant position in desktop operating system market with 80% market share. Its software division is also doing well but it is dying a slow death in mobile operating system market. As competition from the likes of Apple and Amazon increase, Microsoft changed their strategy.

It all began when Satya Nadella took over the CEO role in 2014.  Microsoft shifted its focus from traditional software to the cloud-based solutions. The company took a U-turn and started forming partnerships with software and technology vendors, a move you did not expect from a company like Microsoft, especially, when you take their history into account.

Their stock prices went from $38 per share in 2014 to $139 in 2019 and their revenue soared from $93.5 billion to $122 billion. In fact, Microsoft became only the third company to join the prestigious $1 trillion market valuation club.

4.General Electric

By far the most interesting example of digital transformation comes from none other than General Electric. With a rich history spanning over 125 years and some of the big names such as Thomas Edison as its founding fathers, General Electric is one of the pioneers and one of the most iconic brands in electrical industry.

Unfortunately, they failed to live up to its name as the time passes and start to lose its touch. Thankfully, they decided to embrace 3D printing technology, which turn their fortunes around. It helped them to drastically cut down on transportation and storage costs General Electric has already produced 19 different airplane turbine parts by using 3D printing. After getting positive results from the 3D printing, they decided to pursue it for long term and planning to invest $3.5 billion.

5. DHL

DHL is well known for its excellent stock management and supply chain but that did not stop them from improving. Their stock management and supply chain systems are easy to use and automated, but they want to take things to the next level. For this they decided to team up with Ricoh and Ubimax to develop application for smart glasses. By pairing smart glasses with these applications, it can be used for reading bar codes, streamline pickup and drop off and reduce the chances of errors. Their stock price doubled from 20 euros in 2016 to 40 euros in 2018.

6. Best Buy

Best Buy was in the midst of a crisis in 2012 and some thought it will die soon. The situation was so bad the Best Buy employees did not believe that they could get out of this crisis and survive against Amazon. A new CEO combined with a new digital perspective proved to be a lifesaver for Best Buy.  In fact, they turned the company’s fortunes by improving the delivery times and enriching the lives of people with technology.

Soon, they launched a price matching program, which advised customers on which products they should buy instead of just selling it to them.

Best Buy also started offering in-home consultation for buyers who are not digitally literate and taught them how to use technology.

By using customer data at their disposal, they started offering customized recommendation and assistance.

All these moves helped them to triple their stock price from $23.70 in 2012 to $77 in 2018.


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source: taskque

The non-oil sector will continue to grow, rising from 1.3% last year to 1.6% in 2019 and 3.0% the year after.

The UAE's real GDP growth is projected to grow faster next year at 2.5 per cent on the back of stronger growth of the non-oil sector, according to International Monetary Fund's (IMF) latest report.

The IMF had earlier revised down growth forecast for 2019 to 1.6 per cent from its previous forecast of 2.8 per cent.

Jihad Azour, director for Middle East and Central Asia Department at IMF, said the UAE's nominal GDP is expected to slip from $414.2 billion in 2018 to $405.8 billion this year.

But it will recover again next year to $414 billion in 2020 on the back of non-oil sector growth.

Importantly, the non-oil sector will continue to grow, rising from 1.3 per cent last year to 1.6 per cent in 2019 and 3.0 per cent the year after.

But the oil GDP growth is forecast to slow down from 2.8 per cent in 2018 to 1.5 per cent this year. And it will further decline to 1.4 per cent next year when Expo-led non-oil sector will give fillip to the non-oil sectors such as tourism, aviation, hospitality among other sectors.

IMF predicts that the UAE's oil output will continue to increase from 3.02 million barrels per day last year to 3.10m bpd in 2019 and 3.17m bpd the year after.

He called on the regional governments to diversify their revenues through tax and non-tax sources.

For GCC, the GDP grew 2.0 per cent in 2018 but it slowed down to 0.7 per cent in 2019. It is a cut 1.4 per cent from its April 2019 forecast. For 2020, GCC is projected to grow 2.5 per cent, a cut of 0.3 per cent from its April 2019 forecast.

source: khaleejtime

The country’s annual real GDP growth rate stood at 2.2 percent in 2018 and growth in non-oil sectors reached 3 percent

Bahrain is ranked among the top-10 most improved economies in the world according to a World Bank report that assessed 190 countries.

The Doing Business 2020 report showed that Bahrain advanced 19 places to the 43rd place since last year.

The Arab kingdom has implemented a comprehensive economic reform programme as part of its Economic Vision 2030, increasing its foreign direct investment (FDI) to $1515 million in 2018, from $65 million in 2015, data from the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2019 showed.

The country’s annual real GDP growth rate stood at 2.2 percent in 2018 and growth in non-oil sectors reached 3 percent.

Four Arab countries were among the top 10 most improved economies: Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain and Kuwait.

Saudi Arabia was the top improver climbing to the 62nd place from 92nd last year. The UAE ranked 16th globally in the ease of doing business, topping the MENA region again.

World Bank identified Bahrain as having made the following reforms:

Enforcing contracts

The creation of a new specialised commercial court enforces contracts easier and establishes time standards for key court events, and allows electronic service of the summons.

Getting credit

Access to credit was strengthened by giving secured creditors absolute priority during insolvency proceedings.

Protecting minority investors

Protection of minority investors was strengthened by clarifying ownership and control structures.

Resolving insolvency

Introducing a reorganisation procedure made resolving insolvency easier and allowed debtors to initiate the reorganisation procedure.

Trading across borders

Bahrain made exporting across borders faster by deploying new scanners powered by artificial intelligence. The new scanners have the capacity to seamlessly screen 120 export trucks per hour.

Dealing with construction permits

The country has made obtaining construction permits easier by further streamlining the application process through the new building permit portal ‘Benayat’, which delegates the application review processes to licensed engineering firms. This has reduced the time to obtain a construction permit drastically from 174 days to 71 days.

Getting electricity

Bahrain made the process of getting electricity easier by investing in digitization and transparency of information and by improving its inspection and installation process.

These reforms have reduced the number of days it takes to connect to the national electricity grid from 85 to 69 days.

Registering property

The Arab Kingdom has made property registration easier by streamlining administrative procedures and improving the quality of the land administrative system, reducing the number of days required to register a property from 31 to two days.

Paying taxes

Bahrain has made paying taxes easier by implementing electronic payment of social insurance contributions.

source: zawya

Egypt’s economy grew 5.6% YTD

The unemployment rate in Egypt recording its lowest level in 30 years during the second quarter of 2019, recording 7.5%, according to data released by the Egyptian Cabinet’s media centre.

The decline in the unemployment rate resulted by the launch of 9,039 projects between July 2014 and December 2018 with a total cost of EGP 2.1 trillion, the cabinet’s data revealed.

Egypt’s economy grew 5.6% year-to-date, compared to 5.3% in 2018. Inflation reached 4.8% in September, against 14.4% in 2018.

source: zawya

the bank is considering financing the purchase of an airliner and a cargo ship in consideration of $43.35mln

The Egyptian Arab Land Bank is planning to arrange EGP 1.7 billion finance in the healthcare and aviation sectors, the bank’s deputy chairman Amr Gadallah told Mubasher.

The bank is currently arranging EGP 1 billion syndicated loan for the healthcare sector which will be used to fund a private company, Gadallah added, noting that the loan will be granted by four banks.

The top official revealed that the bank is considering financing the purchase of an airliner and a cargo ship in consideration of EGP 700 million.

source: zawya

Egypt has jumped six places to 114th out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s 2020 business rankings, from 120th in the 2019 report.

“The Arab Republic of Egypt made starting a business easier by abolishing the requirement to obtain a certificate of nonconfusion and improving its one-stop shop.” the World Bank said in its “Doing Business 2020” report released on Thursday.

The report said Egypt’s reforms had adopted improved the investment climate and facilitated procedures in four core areas, including enterprise establishment. This made Egypt improve 19 spots globally.

Egypt has also advanced six spots in acquiring electricity index due to notable reforms it implemented, including electricity infrastructure improvement and declining electricity delivery for beneficiaries.

“Egypt improved the reliability of electricity supply by implementing automated systems to monitor and report power outages.” the report added.

The North African country has climbed 15 spots in small investors’ protection given the legislation and decrees that protect them.

“Egypt strengthened minority investor protections by requiring shareholder approval when listed companies issue new shares.”

The report also showed that Egypt has improved three spots, compared to last year, in taxes payment.

The country had adopted a new electronic system for the application of value-added and income tax acknowledgements, electronic payment of disbursements.

The new electronic system, according to the report, has eased the way investors deal with the taxation system.

“Egypt made paying taxes easier by implementing an online system for filing and payment of corporate income tax and value-added tax.”

The report also placed Egypt among the top 25 countries in the world regarding the number of reforms.

The economies that showed the most notable improvement were Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Togo, Bahrain, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, China, India, and Nigeria, according to the report.

source: amwalalghad

New FDI law and economic incentives help increase foreign capital inflows by 135%

Dubai attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) of Dh46.6 billion in the first half of 2019, up 135 per cent on the same period last year, according to the Dubai Media Office.

In a statement published at the start of Dubai Investment Week, the Dubai government said it ranked third in the world for attracting FDI, both in terms of the capital value flows and number of greenfield projects.

“A new FDI Law, numerous economic incentives and concerted efforts to deepen cooperation and partnerships with the private sector have all contributed to Dubai’s record FDI achievements,” said Sami Al Qamzi, director-general of Dubai Economy.

“The FDI results of the first half of 2019 is a testament to the Dubai economy’s competitiveness and resilience in the face of global shifts and challenges that have adversely affected the flows of FDI globally in recent years,” he added.

In the first half of 2019, Dubai attracted 257 FDI projects with 61 per cent of total projects being greenfield, 27 per cent new forms of investment, 6 per cent reinvestments, 5 per cent made via mergers and acquisitions, and the remaining 1 per cent through new joint ventures.

In terms of investment sources, 34 per cent of the capital invested came from the US, 28 per cent from China, 11 per cent from the UK, and 5 per cent from both France and Singapore, according to the Dubai FDI Monitor.

These five countries together accounted 83 per cent of total FDI capital flows into Dubai in the first half of 2019.

Notable FDI deals recorded in Dubai during the first half of 2019 include Uber's acquisition of Careem and Mastercard's investment in payment processor Network International.

Around Dh13bn of capital flowed in through such investments.

Major FDI projects announced during the first six months included Zhejiang China Commodities Group's investment in the new ‘Merchant Market’ joint venture and China Co-Op Group's investment in a new food processing plant in Dubai.

Both projects amount to Dh12.5bn in greenfield FDI.

There were also increased corporate reinvestments in Dubai, such as HSBC's new Middle East headquarters worth an estimated Dh918 million, Siemens’ new Solar Hydrogen Facility worth Dh248m and the BMW Training Centre project worth Dh29m, among others.

The FDI flows and rankings results were revealed by Dubai Investment Development Agency (Dubai FDI), which is part of Dubai Economy, the emirate's economic development arm.

source: thenational

Kingdom has seen an 85% increase in business licenses compared to same period last year

Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), which is responsible for increasing investments and supporting businesses in the kingdom, has issued 558 licenses in the first half of 2019.

“SAGIA has already issued 558 licenses in the first half of 2019, that's a 85 percent increase compared to the same period last year,” an official tweet from the investment authority confirmed.

New licenses approved for foreign businesses in Saudi Arabia jumped by 70 percent in the first quarter compared to the same time last year, mainly due to an increase in applications for business licenses from Britain and China which went up by 86 percent and 71 percent respectively.

Saudi Arabia is looking at foreign investment to reduce its dependence on the oil. Though Foreign Direct Investment numbers of the kingdom are not available, the growth in foreign licenses reflects its efforts to remove restrictions on foreign investments.

Saudi Arabia improved its ranking in the World Bank's latest Doing Business report, climbing 30 places to 62nd, driven mostly by reforms aimed at building more economic diversification.

According to the World Bank, Saudi Arabia's reforms included establishing a one-stop shop for business registration, introducing a secured transactions law and an insolvency law, improving protections for minority investors, and measures to bring more women into the workforce.

source: zawya


Egypt is the fastest growing startup ecosystem in the Middle East and North Africa region, according to a report published in 2018 by Magnitt, bagging 22 percent of all deals last year, second only to the United Arab Emirates. The country has also seen a significant spike in the number of venture capital companies, international funds, incubators, and accelerators over the last couple of years, which, along with government initiatives, have made Egypt an attractive hub for startups in the region.

“Egypt is seeing a second wave of entrepreneurs and investors that are more mature and experienced. The population is also starting to embrace technology for everyday activities and we see that large but young tech firms are a great source of talent and inspiration,” Ziad Mokhtar, managing partner at Algebra Ventures was quoted by the Magnitt report as saying.

Following are 5 things to know about this up-and-coming young entrant in the global startup space:

Almost Unicorns

Egypt is still a relatively new startup hub, and while it does not have any unicorns to its name yet, several promising companies are on their way to the $1 billion club.

Swvl, an app that allows customers to book rides on buses and vans in their network, tops the list with a total of $80.5 million raised over four funding rounds so far, according to data aggregator Crunchbase.

Vezeeta, a healthtech platform which allows patients to book doctors on the app, with $23.5 million raised over five funding rounds so far, according to Crunchbase, is next in line. The company closed it latest funding from a series C round in December 2018.

Instabug, Yaoota, Basharsoft, and Halan are some others on the list.

Incubators on the Rise

Flat6Labs is the most prominent accelerator in Egypt, and was the only one in the country up until a few years ago. EdVentures, the corporate VC arm of Nahdet Misr, one of the leading publishing groups of Egypt, is one of the main players in the education startup sector. Sawari, Algebra and Endure Capital are other private VCs.

Falak is a government run accelerator that invests in early-stage startups, and was established to give the startup industry in the country a much needed shot in the arm.

Government Efforts to Scale the Industry

The Egyptian Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation has a number of different startup programs and networks that helps founders develop their entrepreneurial skills, and companies navigate regulations. The initiative by the ministry, called ‘Fekratek Sherkate’ administers these programs, including Falak.

Bedaya, founded by Egypt’s General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, is an incubator that offers funding as well as office space, networking opportunities and manufacturing zones to startups. The incubator’s ‘Bedaya Fund’ provides financing opportunities for startups in the food, agricultural, manufacturing, services, and information technology sectors.

TIEC, or Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center is another government incubator that funds startups in the information and communication technology sector, as part of the government plan to develop the country’s communication infrastructure.

Tech Leads the Way

Technology is the hottest startup sector in Egypt, with the country poised to lead the way for tech innovation in the Middle East and Africa, a Business Insider report earlier this year said. However, issues with the country’s economy, which has been struggling in the wake of the Arab Spring crises, and the ouster of leader Hosni Mubarak, a generally weaker currency versus the U.S. dollar, and complex bureaucracy make it hard for startups to operate efficiently. Several companies have been forced to relocate to Germany, Dubai, China or the Cayman Islands inorder to take some of the pressure off.

Bootcamps and Events Make Connecting Easier

Events give startups an important opportunity to network, connect and learn from experts and investors around the world.

Egypt has several annual events that help put regional startups on the global map - RiseUp Summit - biggest in the country, Vested, and the Techne Summit, held in Alexandria, are some of the must-attend gatherings.

Techne Summit, in fact, returns for its fifth edition in Alexandria, Egypt, at the end of the week, with topics of discussion ranging from healthtech, e-commerce, and fintech, to retail, marketing and media technology, among others.

The event, slated for September 28 to September 30, will feature the launch of a network comprising angel investors from across the Mediterranean region, called ‘Mediterranean Business Angel Investment Network’, or Med Angels. Investors from France, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Slovenia, Croatia, among others, are already a part of the network, which aims to “facilitate cross border investing among participating member networks,” as per its press release.

The Med Angels platform claims it will help connect more than 100 networks with nearly 10,000 angel investors, across 24 countries.

Featuring also for the first time will be a global startup competition, called ‘Startup World Cup’ - a competition for seed-stage startups, the winner of which will get a chance to win $1 million, and an entry into the final round in Silicon Valley.

Speakers at the event include Egypt’s Minister of  Communications and Information Technology Amr Talaat, AUC Venture Lab’s director Ayman Ismail, Hadeer Shalaby, regional director of Careem Bus, and representatives from Citibank, Mastercard, AXA, Unilever, IBM, Praxis, Microsoft, and Central Bank of Egypt, among others.

On The Agenda

The 2019 event features several satellite events, or side events, such as air yoga, educational sessions on social media management, Cloud services management etc, at various locations in Alexandria

The main event is replete with workshops on product design, company incorporation procedures, legal issues relating to startup investing, fireside chats on technology and building hospitals of the future, pitching competitions for startups, and 1-to-1 meetings.

Event-goers will also be able to take part in several competitions based on specific themes, or sectors, such as healthcare, women in tech, and fintech companies tackling financial inclusion, payments and SME lending, to name a few.

Techne Summit kickstarted in Egypt in 2015, and, as of 2018, had hosted over 6,000 participants, 130 speakers, 230 startups, and 80 investors from more than 25 countries.

source: Entrepreneur



يقدم التقرير الصادر عن MAGNIT وشركة 500 Startups صورة عامة عن بيئة الاعمال للشركات الناشئة في الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا عبر مجموعة من المحاور التي تتضمن دراسات إحصائية تهدف لمعرفة التحديات والفرص لرواد الاعمال في المنطقة، وقد تم جمع البيانات عبر استطلاع للرأي شمل أكثر من 100 مؤسس لشركات تتخذ من الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا مقرا لها وهي شركات ممولة من الصندوق الإقليمي التابع لشركة 500 Startups. فيما يلي نقدم موجزا عن هذا التقرير عبر استعراض محاوره الرئيسية.


أولاً: البيانات الديموغرافية

تظهر البيانات الديمغرافية ان 54% من الشركات الناشئة التي شملها الاستطلاع تأسست خلال السنوات الثلاثة الماضية وان 9% فقط تم تأسيسها قبل عام 2014 الامر الذي يظهر النمو المتزايد للشركات الناشئة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال افريقيا خلال السنوات القليلة الماضية. كما اظهر التقرير ان نسبة الشركات التي تم تأسيها من قبل شخصان بلغت 51% مقابل 20% للشركات التي تم تأسيسها من قبل شخص واحد. من جهة أخرى غالبية الشركات الناشئة توظف ما بين 1-10 موظفين دائمين، فيما بلغت نسبة الشركات التي توظف 50 موظف وأكثر 7% فقط، ويعود السبب في الانخفاض النسبي لأعداد الموظفين، في ان معظم الشركات الناشئة ترتكز على الأنشطة الخدمية وتستخدم أدوات تقنية عالية تنتفي معها الحاجة لعدد كبير من الموظفين.


ثانياً: جمع الأموال

يعرض هذا المحور مجموعة من الأسئلة التي طرحت على المؤسسين حول الجولات التمويلية الأخيرة التي قاموا بها وذلك من حيث المدة التي استغرقتها وعدد الشركات التي قدمت لهم عروضاً في جولاتهم الأخيرة، وتفيد نتيجة الاستطلاع بان أكثر من 60% من الشركات الناشئة لم تستمر جولاتهم لأكثر من 6 أشهر تلقت خلالها 29% من الشركات ما بين 6 الى 10 عروض تمويلية.           

كما يطرح معدو التقرير في هذا المحور أسئلة هامة حول المعايير المرتبطة بالبحث عن المستثمر المناسب والصعوبات التي يواجهونها خلال عملية البحث عن الأموال، فعلى سبيل المثال أجاب أصحاب الشركات عن اهم المعايير التي يجب اخذها بعين الاعتبار عند البحث عن المستثمر الرئيسي لشركاتهم الناشئة، وهو سؤال يهم جميع الباحثين عن التمويل لشركاتهم الناشئة، وقد وقعت اختياراتهم لاهم المعايير وفقا للترتيب التالي: 1-شبكة العلاقات 2- شروط الصفقة 3- التمويل طويل الأمد.


ثالثاً: ديناميات الاستثمار

   يقدم هذا المحور من التقرير إجابات وافية عن رؤية رواد الاعمال المؤسسين للشركات الناشئة حول مستقبل أعمالهم وتوقعاتهم بتحققيهم مكاسب مرتفعة في المستقبل، إذ كانت إجابة 59% بأنهم واثقون بان قيمة شركاتهم ستصل الى 100 مليون دولار في المستقبل، كما توقع 46% انهم قادرين على الخروج من شركاتهم خلال فترة تتراوح ما بين 3 الى 5 سنوات، وهي توقعات إيجابية بطبيعة الأحوال، وتعطي مؤشراً عن قيمة الأرباح التقديرية التي يمكن ان يحصل عليها الأشخاص المقبلين على تأسيس شركاتهم الخاصة والمستثمرين في قطاع الشركات الناشئة.


رابعاً: تعيين الكفاءات

   يجيب هذا المحور من التقرير عن الأسئلة المتعلقة بالصعوبات التي يتعرض لها رواد الاعمال خلال عملية البحث عن الكفاءات اللازمة لتوظيفها في شركاتهم الناشئة، حيث كانت الإجابة عن السؤال المتعلق بأصعب تحد يواجههم من حيث تعيين موظفين في الوقت الحالي، بأن قلة الكفاءات تعد من ابرز التحديات بالإضافة الى القيود المالية (الرواتب) فيما لم تشكل العوائق المتعلقة باللغة والقيود المتعلقة باللوائح والأنظمة عقبة كبيرة اما رواد الاعمال، وبالرغم من الصعوبات التي يواجهونها في إيجاد الكفاءات والمواهب المطلوبة فانهم يتطلعون، بالمتوسط، الى تعيين 16 موظف جديد في العام القادم.


خامساً: العمليات

في هذا المحور يتطرق التقرير الى الخطط التشغيلية التي ينوي المؤسسين تنفيذها في المستقبل، وفي هذا الشأن أكد 81% من المشاركين في الاستطلاع انهم مهتمون بالنمو أكثر من تحقيق الأرباح، وبالرغم من ذلك يعتقد أكثر من نصفهم بأنهم سوف يبدؤون بتحقيق الأرباح خلال ال 3 سنوات القادمة، فيما أشار 13% منهم الى انهم قد بدؤه بتحقيق الأرباح فعلاً.


سادساً: من هي الشركات الناشئة التابعة لصندوق ال 500 Startups

   يقدم التقرير في محوره الاخير مجموعة من المعلومات المتعلقة بطبيعة قطاعات الاعمال التي تركز عليه الشركات الناشئة ومقارها الرئيسية وحجم الأموال التي تم جمعها وغيرها من المعلومات الهامة، اما عن السؤال حول المقر الرئيسي فحلت كل من دبي والقاهرة في المرتبتين الأولى والثانية بنسبة 27% و23% على توالي فيما جاءت الرياض بالمرتبة الثالثة بنسبة 11%، وعن اهم القطاعات التي تركز عليه الشركات الناشئة فهي بمجملها تنتمي الى قطاع الخدمات يتصدرها التجارة الالكترونية والخدمات الاستهلاكية والحلول التكنولوجية المالية.



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