
VP stresses nation must continue developing transportation systems to preserve excellence

The UAE's logistics system is the strongest and most efficient in the region and the private sector is the engine for the future economy, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, said on Saturday.

He said the UAE must continue developing its transportation systems to preserve excellence in this regard.

"We want to achieve another qualitative leap in infrastructure, energy and transportation, and this leap must be under one comprehensive and integrated plan," Sheikh Mohammed said during a meeting with a team from the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure.

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs; Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs; and Suhail bin Mohammed Faraj Faris Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, attended the meeting.

"Today, the UAE is the region's biggest hub for business and innovation, and energy and infrastructure projects are key to sustain this distinction," Sheikh Mohammed said.

He asserted that the private sector is the engine for future economy and the UAE will continue developing partnership with the private sector in the fields of infrastructure, energy, transportation and housing projects.

Al Mazrouei presented to Sheikh Mohammed and his accompanying delegation the ministry's 10-year plan, aimed at integrating the energy, infrastructure, housing and transportation sectors into one comprehensive asset management system to enhance the services and ensure sustainability.

He also briefed the Prime Minister about the country's pioneering rankings in the energy, infrastructure and housing sectors as the UAE has maintained its first global ranking for the third consecutive year with scores of 100 per cent in all 'Getting Electricity' indicators in the World Bank's Doing Business 2020 report.

The UAE was also ranked first regionally and 12th globally in terms of the quality of infrastructure, and was ranked first regionally and seventh globally in terms of the availability and quality of road and transport infrastructure.

"The new comprehensive asset management system would reduce maintenance costs by 20 per cent," Al Mazrouei said.

He also reviewed the strategy and initiatives for electricity and future energy for the next 50 years.

In a related context, the minister spoke about the objectives of the Federal Centre for Road Network Operations Management, which the ministry is nearing completion.

Al Mazrouei also shed light on the achievements of the citizens' housing sector, its development initiatives, a mechanism for sustainability and meeting future needs, preserving the national gains in that area and the mechanism that works accordingly.

source: zawya

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, issued law No. (4) of 2020 on Saturday, outlining the regulations governing drone activity in Dubai, a statement issued by the Dubai Media Office said.

The law aims to reduce risks associated with drone activity and specifies the duties and responsibilities of relevant authorities. The new law also seeks to help Dubai promote itself as a hub for drone manufacturing, smart transportation and innovation in the sector, and enable public and private entities to use drones and provide drone-related services.

The law applies to the activity of all types of drones across Dubai and its free zones. Drones that are used for military purposes are exempted from this law. However, they should coordinate with the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority to ensure safety and avoid endangering civil aviation operations.

Rules for flying drones in the emirate were first introduced in 2017.

Dubai Civil Aviation Authority

According to the law, the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority is tasked with overseeing the implementation of the law and managing all related operations and activities in line with federal legislations and international treaties and conventions. This also includes monitoring and controlling drone activity in their designated airspace and outlining the conditions and procedures for issuing permits and conducting trials.

The DCAA is also tasked with identifying and approving the designated areas and heights within which the operations and trials of drones can be conducted.

Dubai Air Navigation Services

Dubai Air Navigation Services is tasked with streamlining the activity of drones within Dubai's airspace and demarcating the airspace within which they can operate in order to support Dubai Civil Aviation Authority in monitoring drone activity.

Dubai Air Navigation Services is also tasked with providing air navigation services and air traffic movement and meteorological information to drone operators so that they can operate safely.

Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects

Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects is tasked with setting specifications, standards and conditions for 'Drone Airports' and presenting them to the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority for approval. Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects is also tasked with ensuring the design and plans of 'Drone Airports' are aligned with urban plans and transportation regulations in the city.

Dubai Police

The law tasks Dubai Police with managing all the security aspects of drone activity and coordinating with the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority to put in place security measures to prevent the illegal use of drones and crimes committed by using drones, as well as measures to deal with the loss of control of drones, especially when they are flying outside their designated areas and not complying with regulations.

Licence for drone activity

According to the law, all drone-related operations require a licence from the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority. It outlines the conditions for the use of drones and various permitted drone activities including those that are related to government operations, commercial activity, scientific and research activities, leisure, or activities specified by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority's Managing Director.

The DCAA Managing Director is also in charge of listing the permitted categories for drone operations in Dubai. Anyone who possesses a drone should register it with the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.

The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, in coordination with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, is tasked with outlining the procedures for the use of radio frequencies for drones and their systems and remote-control stations.

As per the law, a permit from the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority is required for developing infrastructure for the operation of drones. The permit will be issued in coordination with the Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects and other relevant authorities, in accordance with relevant regulations and conditions.

The law prohibits any person from establishing or operating airports for drones or making any modification on such facilities before obtaining a permit from the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority. This permit will be issued in coordination with the Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects and other concerned authorities.

When using airports and airstrips, drone operators must comply with the rules and safety standards set by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.

Refueling, power and operational safety certificate

In accordance with the law, a permit from the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority is required to supply drones with fuel or power. This permit will be issued in coordination with the Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects and other relevant authorities.

Prior to operating drones, its systems and airport strips, operators are required to obtain an operational safety certificate.

Mandatory guidelines for operating drones

The law specifies the guidelines that operators, pilots, supervisors and crew members should comply with including safety requirements and procedures, manufacturer's instructions, and security requirements set by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority in coordination with the Dubai Air Navigation Services and relevant authorities.

Use of airspace

The airspace and areas designated for drones will be determined by the Director General of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority. The Dubai Air Navigation Services is responsible for determining the air routes in which drones may fly according to pre-planned and approved procedure set out by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.

Controlled airspace and prohibited areas

In accordance with the law, all individuals, other than authorised personnel, are prohibited from operating drones in controlled airspaces designated for civilian or military aircraft.

The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority may allow select drone operations in controlled airspace in accordance with specific regulations, provided they do not affect civil aviation.

All individuals are prohibited from operating drones in restricted and dangerous areas.

The Dubai Civil Aviation Authority in coordination with Dubai Police may allow government agencies to use drones for security, rescue, firefighting, surveillance or other purposes that are in the public interest.

Drones for public services

Subject to the approval of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, government authorities may use drones for providing public services, control and inspection processes, data collection and statistics, ambulance services, firefighting, traffic monitoring, conducting monitoring required for environmental, health, planning and construction compliance, infrastructure, ports, beaches, sea ports, air surveys, and search and rescue operations, in accordance with the regulations adopted by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.

Acts of unlawful interference

According to the law, acts of unlawful interference, which endanger the safety of civil aviation and air transport include illegal seizure of drones, illegal control of their operating systems, any act that is deemed illegal as per regulations, and installation of any weapon, device or dangerous substance or prohibited materials on drones. Any individual who carries out any of these acts is subject to legal action.

Confidentiality and data protection

Anyone who uses a drone must take all necessary measures to avoid violating the privacy of individuals, as well as the privacy of private property and commercial assets and maintain the confidentiality of legally protected data.

Using recording, photography or remote sensing equipment to violate the freedom and privacy of individuals or families, as well as photographing facilities, buildings and restricted or prohibited areas without authorisation from concerned entities, and installing any equipment to collect information and data illegally, are strictly prohibited by law.

Punishments, violations and compensation for damages

Without prejudice to any other legislation, tough penalties including imprisonment and/or fines, could be applied to anyone who endangers the safety and security of the airspace, or designs, manufactures, assembles or modifies drones and its systems, and develops simulation and training systems, or imports or sells drones, parts or systems in the Emirate without permission from the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, as well as anyone who operates drones in violation of the provisions of the new law.

Any individual causing damage due to drone operations shall be responsible for damage compensation and removal of the cause of damage during the period determined by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority.

In case of delay, the Authority is authorised to remove the cause of damage, in addition to charging the person or party responsible for the damage 20 per cent of the cost of removing the damage.

Anyone with a grievance may submit a written appeal to the Director General of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (DAA) against the decisions, procedures or measures taken against him or her in accordance with this law, within 30 days of the date of the actions. The grievance will be reviewed within 30 days of its submission by a committee formed by the Director General of the Authority.

Apart from decisions made by the Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai in accordance with the provisions of this law, the Director General of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority shall issue the decisions required to implement the provisions of this law. Any provisions of other legislations that conflict with or contradict the provisions of the new law shall be considered void.

The law will be published in the Official Gazette and is effective from the date of its publication.

source: khaleejtimes

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