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Admin SAE

International Compliance Association (ICA), the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community, announces it has partnered with the European Business Association (EBA) to offer its qualifications to compliance and business professionals from all backgrounds and sectors in Ukraine.

ICA will be offering its certificates in anti-bribery and corruption, regulatory and business compliance, customer due diligence and diploma in governance, risk and compliance in partnership with EBA. The partnership is in line with both associations’ ongoing missions to help organisations conduct business in the right way and grow through the adoption of internationally recognised best practice. This new initiative also aims to empower and enable the business community in Ukraine to upskill its employees and safeguard its business from criminal, financial and reputational risk.

The global economy loses $3.6 trillion to corruption each year, having a devastating impact on business and society. In Ukraine corruption is estimated at 2 percent of the country’s GDP, which equates to $2.6 billion, according to last year’s figures. This figure is even higher when lost investment, tax payments, and other revenue-raising opportunities are considered.

ICA has a long history of providing international certifications that combine global best practice with regional insight and delivering training and education in an engaging and accessible way. The focus is always on real-world application of knowledge so that individuals can perform better in their roles.

Helen Langton, CEO, ICA, commented: “I am excited about the opportunity to bring the breadth and depth of ICA’s international experience to Ukraine and work closely with EBA to provide best-in-class training and qualifications to their members. ICA qualifications are designed to equip today’s regulatory and financial crime compliance professionals with the skills they need to manage and mitigate risk in all its forms which in turn contributes to business growth and helps drive Ukraine’s economy forward.


Anna Derevyanko, Executive Director, EBA, added: “The Association unites more than 1,100 businesses. Every day we work together with international partners, Ukrainian state officials and institutions to create a stable and reliable business climate in the country and strive to reach new goals to make the voice of modern business in the country stronger. We have a wonderful and professional team – in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Dnipro and Kharkiv – to give our members the highest level of advocacy, besides, developing educational programs and CSR projects, where big businesses share their experience with small ones. But there is always a room for change and qualitative transformations and this joint qualification is our next ambitious goal to help drive Ukrainian business forward.”

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About the European Business Association

The European Business Association (EBA) was established in 1999 with the support of the European Commission, and acts as a platform in which members can discuss and find solutions to common problems affecting business in Ukraine. The EBA members come from 59 countries and 97 sectors of activity and together create about 2 million jobs. Today the Association is not about only large companies, but also represents medium-sized businesses. Every year, the business community brings around 400 problems or initiatives to the government and more than 60 percent of those problems are successfully resolved.

For more information visit: https://eba.com.ua/en/


For any media inquiries or interview requests, contact:

Oksana Myronko

Head of Communications

European Business Association

T.: +38 063 63 86 871

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


About the International Compliance Association

The International Compliance Association (ICA) is the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community. It has enhanced the knowledge, skills and behaviour of over 142,000 professionals in 153 countries either through their internationally recognised portfolio of professional qualifications (awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester) or through accredited in-company training.

For more information visit: www.int-comp.org

For any media inquiries or interview requests, contact:

Slavka Atanasova

Content Marketing Manager

International Compliance Association

T: + 44 (0)121 362 7747 (2306)

M: +44 7561 525126

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

His Excellency Ebrahim Obaid Al Zaabi, Director General, Insurance Authority, will deliver the keynote address


With over 15 years’ experience in hosting relevant, practical and inspiring events, the International Compliance Association (ICA), the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community, is excited to bring the ICA Inaugural MENA Regulatory and Financial Crime Compliance Conference to the Fairmont Hotel, Dubai on 1-2 March 2020.

ICA is honoured to welcome His Excellency Ebrahim Obaid Al Zaabi, Director General, Insurance Authority, to deliver the keynote address, along with a range of fantastic speakers from HSBC, Standard Chartered, PwC, the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) and other leading financial organisations.

The evening keynote address will be delivered by Patrick Loots, Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Officer, United Nations Office, who will provide an alternative look at traditional approaches and stereotypes to education and training with specific reference to rehabilitation of special groups such as disengaged “terrorists”.

Financial crime and compliance industry leaders from global and regional banks, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, law enforcement, money services businesses, international consultancies and technology providers will gather from all parts of the Middle East, North Africa and beyond to network, exchange ideas and discuss the latest developments in the compliance space. Topics to be explored at the event include the conduct agenda, data security, ultimate beneficial ownership and crypto-risk.

Other distinguished speakers include Yeva Gazazyan, CFA, Ph.D., Head of Compliance (FCC & RC), HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC; Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, Head of Information and Cyber Security, Standard Chartered Bank; Peter Smith, Managing Director of Strategy, Policy and Risk, Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA); and Richard Chudzynski, Middle East Data Protection and Privacy Legal Leader, PwC.

Pre-conference masterclasses in anti money laundering and governance, risk and compliance will take place on 1 March, providing an ideal opportunity for delegates to take a deeper dive into the latest local and global issues.

ICA CEO Helen Langton commented: ‘Building on our presence in the United Arab Emirates for the last 12 years, I am excited about the launch of ICA’s first conference in the MENA region in line with our vision and mission to provide a much-needed platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practice and to promote the professionalisation of compliance. I invite all compliance professionals from the region to attend the conference and take this opportunity to gain practical skills, expand their network and forge new, strategic alliances with their peers cross-industry.”

To find out more, visit: www.dubai.int-comp.org



About the International Compliance Association

The International Compliance Association (ICA) is the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime compliance community. It has enhanced the knowledge, skills and behaviour of over 140,000 professionals in 157 countries either through their internationally recognised portfolio of professional qualifications (awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester) or through accredited in-company training.

For more information visit: www.int-comp.org


تنظم على هامش فعاليات ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي 2020، الذي يقام تحت رعاية صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة -رئيس مجلس الوزراء- حاكم دبي رعاه الله، في الفترة من 24 إلى 26 مارس المقبل (مسابقة الشركات الناشئة)، بمشاركة ما يزيد عن 250 شركة ناشئة حول العالم.

تعد (المسابقة) فرصة هامة أمام الشركات الناشئة المتنافسة لعرض أعمالها أمام لجنة من الخبراء في مجال إدارة وريادة الأعمال والتكنولوجيا، والتواصل مع مستثمرين ورجال أعمال إقليميين وعالميين خلال الملتقى، فضلاً عن حصول الفائزين على جوائز نقدية وإرشادات ونصائح تساعدهم على زيادة إمكاناتهم في الحصول على تمويل لأعمالهم .

وانطلقت الحملات الترويجية للمسابقة في عدد من الدول، حيث تم الانتهاء من المنافسات في جمهورية التشيك والأرجنتين، وستكون المحطة التالية للتنافس تشيلي، كما سيشهد فبراير المقبل باقة كبيرة من المنافسات في دول عدة.

وقال داوود الشيزاوي رئيس اللجنة المنظمة لملتقى الاستثمار السنوي: "يقدم ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي من خلال ركيزة الشركات الناشئة فرصة للمشاركين لرفع رأس مالهم الاستثماري المبكر، أو الحصول على التمويل الأولي لبدء أعمالهم وتوسيع نطاقها، نظرًا للدور الهام الذي تلعبه الشركات الناشئة في تعزيز الصناعات الجديدة، حيث يشكل رواد الأعمال شريحة هامة بالأسواق نظراً لامتلاكهم مهارات الابتكار والقدرة على مواجهة تحديات العمل، لذا حرصنا من خلال الملتقى على عمل مسابقات تنافسية وبث روح الجد والمثابرة بينهم."

وأشار الشيزاوي إلى أن أرقام الإحصائيات والتقارير الأخيرة تظهر ارتفاعاً غير مسبوق في أعداد الشركات الناشئة والتي يتوقع أن تدعم 9.7 مليار نسمة بحلول عام 2050، كما تدعم هذه الأرقام نتائج أخرى كشفت عن توجه الشركات الناشئة نحو قطاعات التكنولوجيا المحلية والإقليمية بسبب آفاق نموها الواعدة، كما ظلت دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وجهة مفضلة لعملياتها في كل القطاعات، واستطاعت خلال السنوات الأخيرة أن تبرهن على مدى جديتها في مجال ريادة الأعمال وقدرتها على خلق بيئة ملائمة لدعم ازدهار ونجاح المواهب الشابة، فضلاً عن حفاظها على مكانتها كأكبر متلق لتمويل بدء التشغيل (من حيث عدد الصفقات) خلال النصف الأول من عام 2019."

تشمل المسابقة 5 فئات تتمثل بـفئة قياس معدل النمو والتي يتم من خلالها اختيار الشركة التي حققت أكبر معدل نمو، وفئة الأثر الاجتماعيّ التي تقيس مدى التزام الشركات بتقديم نماذج أعمال مستدامة وقابلة للتطوير وتخدم المجتمع.

وجاءت الفئة الثالثة ضمن معيار أفضل استخدام لفئة الابتكار، يتم من خلالها قياس مدى الاستفادة من تطبيق أحدث التقنيات في العمل.

أما الفئة الرابعة وهي التأثير المناخيّ والبيئيّ، وفئة الخصوصية وحماية البيانات والتي تعمل على مساعدة أكبر قدر من الأشخاص أو الشركات على إدارة وحماية بياناتهم الخاصة.

بحسب تقرير MENA Venture Investment الصادر عنMAGNiTT ، تحرز الشركات الناشئة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا تقدماً في الحصول على التمويل لأعمالها، حيث ارتفع إجمالي التمويل فيها خلال النصف الأول فقط من عام 2019 بنسبة 66 % بإجمالي 238 استثمار بلغت قيمتها 471 مليون دولار ، مقارنة بما شهده النصف الأول من عام 2018 من تدفق نقدي بقيمة 283 مليون دولار تم ضخها في الشركات الناشئة الإقليمية.

وعلى صعيد الصناعات حصلت FinTech على أكبر عدد من الاستثمارات في النصف الأول من عام 2019، وهو ما يمثل 17 % من جميع الصفقات التي تمت خلال الفترة المذكورة. يليها التجارة الإلكترونية بنسبة 12 %، بينما كان نصيب التوصيل والنقل 8%.

ووفقًا لنفس التقرير، استثمرت 130 مؤسسة بالشركات الناشئة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا خلال النصف الأول من العام الماضي بزيادة بلغت نسبتها 30 % مقارنة بنفس الفترة من عام 2018. كان نصيب المستثمرين الأجانب من تلك الاستثمارات 30 % مثل إنديفور كاتاليست، وفوستوك نيو فنتشرز، و Kingsway Capital

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ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي: منصة الاستثمار الرائدة عالمياً، وهو حدث سنوي تنظمه وزارة الاقتصاد برعاية صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي، رعاه الله، على مدار ثلاثة أيام، وتستعد شركة الاستراتيجي لتنظيم المؤتمرات والمعارض المنظمة للحدث لفعاليات الدورة العاشرة من الملتقى، والتي ستقام خلال الفترة من 24 إلى 26 مارس المقبل في مركز دبي التجاري العالمي، تحت شعار"الاستثمار من أجل المستقبل: استشراف سياسات الاستثمار العالمية".

يمثل ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي إحدى أهم الفعاليات المنتظرة من قبل رجال الأعمال، وأصحاب المشاريع، والشركات العالمية، حيث يُتوقع أن يستقبل أكثر من 20 ألف زائر، و150 وفد مشارك، و+400 جهة عارضة، من نحو 150 دولة حول العالم. لمزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل يمكنكم زيارة الموقع الإلكترونيhttps://www.aimcongress.com/.

شركة الاستراتيجي لتنظيم المؤتمرات والمعارض المنظمة للحدث: تعد شركة الاستراتيجي منذ إنشائها عام 2000، الشريك الموثوق به للعديد من الجهات الحكومية في تطوير وإدارة المؤتمرات والفعاليات البارزة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، ومن أبرزها ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي، القمة العالمية للتسامح، القمة العالمية للاستثمار في قطاع الطيران، معرض العقارات الدولي، أسبوع دبي للاستثمار وغيرها الكثير، لمعرفة المزيد عن الشركة يرجى زيارة www.strategic.ae .










More than 250 start-ups are gearing up to participate in the AIM Startup Pitch Competition, which will be held on the fringe of the 10th edition of the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM 2020), slated to take place at the Dubai World Trade Centre on 24-26 March.

AIM, the world’s leading investment platform, will be held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

The AIM start-up pitch competition offers a great opportunity for start-up exhibitors to showcase their businesses and pitch their entrepreneurial ideas to a jury of experts in the areas of business management, entrepreneurship and technology.

The pitching competition will enable start-up exhibitors to make the best use of the unique platform AIM offers them to connect and network with regional and international investors and businessmen during the three-day event. Winners will be rewarded with valuable cash prizes beside gaining key insights and advices to help them increase their chances of receiving seed funding for their start-up projects.

The promotional campaign has already started in many countries and concluded in the Czech Republic and Argentina. Next stop is Chile followed by many other countries starting from February onwards.

Dawood Al Shezawi, Chairman of Organising Committee of the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM 2020), said: “AIM offers an opportunity for participating start-ups to increase their early stage venture capital or receive seed funding to start a business or expand its scope, given the crucial role start-ups play in strengthening new industries.”

“Entrepreneurs represent a significant segment of the market due to their innovation skills and the ability to meet workplace challenges. Therefore, we are eager to conduct this competition with an aim to infuse the spirit of hard work and perseverance among them, “he added.

Al Shezawi pointed out that latest figures and reports show an unprecedented rise in the number of startups that are expected to ensure economic growth and sustainability, which in turn could support 9.7 billion people by 2050. Start-ups will help investors seeking new projects for investment, as well as governments looking for start-up projects to boost the economy.

He noted that these figures support other findings revealing that not only start-ups have been flocking to the local and regional fintech sectors due to their promising growth prospects but that the UAE has remained a preferred destination for their operations as well regardless of their industries.

AIM Startup Award includes five categories spanning growth, which selects a start-up that has achieved the highest growth rate amongst all the start-ups that pitched. The second category is social impact used to select a start-up that has the most impact on the society using a sustainable and scalable business model that serves the society. Participating start-ups will be selected on the criteria of the best use of innovation. This category is meant to choose a start-up that has leveraged the latest technology in its business.

The climate and environmental impact category is to select a start-up that has the most impact in healing or protecting the environment, while the fifth category is privacy and data protection, whose award will be given to a start-up that is achieved the most scale in helping people or companies manage and protect their private data.

According to H1 2019 MENA Venture Investment Report issued by MAGNiTT, there is an increase of 66% in total funding for 238 investments worth $471 million, compared to 2018, which saw cash flow of $283 million pumped by regional start-ups. In terms of sectors, FinTech maintains its top position as the most active industry with 17% of the deals made, followed by e-commerce at 12%, and delivery and transport at 8%. 

The report also shows that an increase of 30% was made by 130 institutions invested in MENA-based start-ups, compared to the same period in 2018, while the share of foreign investors from outside the Mena region amounted to 30% of the total investments registered in the period under review, like Endeavor Catalyst, Vostok New Ventures and Kingsway Capital.

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Annual Investment Meeting, world’s leading investment platform, that brings global economies together from 140+ nations, 150+ experts, and around 20K visitors, is gearing up for its 10th edition at Dubai World Trade Centre on 24-26 March, 2020.

Conceived and organised by Strategic Exhibitions and Conference, the three-day event is held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai, every year in Dubai.

For interest to attend or to exhibit, visit AIM 2020 website: www.aimcongress.com. You may also view event agenda and know about event features online.

Strategic Exhibitions and Conferences is one of the members of Dubai-based Strategic Holding, a conglomeration of six companies that develops and manages extensive portfolio of conferences and exhibitions. In a short span of 10 years, the company has ventured into real estate and education sectors, besides having its marketing consultancy and auditing agencies. It has offices in China, Russia, Germany and many countries in Asia and Middle East. For more details visit www.strategic.ae

The Arab world region, rich in natural resources; with enormous oil and natural gas reserves (32 percent of the world's known natural gas reserves are in the region) and phosphate (Morocco alone has more than half of the world's reserves). It is still lagging in terms of international trade.

The Arab world has also huge human resources, with a very young population. Suffering from unemployment and socio-economic problems, they are the main factor of change of this region, once was the beacon of a flourishing civilization. (read also Emerging Arab world and business opportunities in spite of the political turmoil)

Despite the distorted image reflected by the media, this region is witnessing a new reality imposed by enthusiastic and thirsty young people for the entrepreneurship. These people, constitute the pillar of a new generation of entrepreneurs who have succeeded in carrying out remarkable projects as described by an American entrepreneur, Christopher Schroeder in his book «Startup rising, the entrepreneurial revolution remarking the Middle East ».


Digital economy

While the Arab world is the scene of a popular uprising, the world economy is undergoing major changes towards digitalization and the fourth industrial revolution. Companies that are mainly based on internet and software, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb, Uber, Amazon, Alibaba…etc, have enabled unprecedented connectivity and access to information, thus opening up new horizons for economic models that did not exist before.


The Swiss economic model

On the other side, north of the Mediterranean Sea, behind the Alps, a small country in the heart of Europe, sits on the throne of global economic competitiveness. Switzerland, an industrial country, with export based economy and occupies a privileged place for world trade, thus serving as a trade hub.

RoAW: Rest of Arab World, GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council.


Bilateral trade relations

Trade between Switzerland and the Arab world increased in volume (exports + imports) from nearly 10 billion in 2010 to more than 23 billion in 2017 (most of it are exports) (figure 2) and this despite of the political on-going turmoil.

In view of these developments, partners of all kinds from both sides are looking to cross the walls in order to build bridges and increase their sales. However, the geographic, linguistic, cultural, regulatory and information asymmetry constitute obstacles to achieving the maximum potential of exchanges between the two parties.


Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs Platform

The Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs platform (SAE) was born from the experience of its founder, Ayman Abualkhair, having spent several years in the service of Arab-Swiss economic relations. Its mission is to reflect the tremendous investment opportunities in the Arab world, diffuse reliable information, promote business opportunities on both sides, and facilitate commercial links at the lowest cost, thanks to digital and innovative entrepreneurship models. Swiss Arab Entrepreneurs is the driving force for connecting entrepreneurs and businesses, in order to enable efficient exchange via an online platform.

Join our network



By Anna Gross

We all dream about “perfect” clients: easy to deal with, easy to negotiate with and easy to sign a contract with. Unfortunately, the reality is often a bit more complicated than that. Actually, there are numerous contracts for billions of dollars and euros lost annually around the world due to the poor communication with clients. Imagine, how much additional profit could have been made if we were able to strike deals with all the difficult and demanding clients? The first step towards better communication with any client is our understanding of the potential pitfalls.


Our dream and reality

We all dream about it: straightforward negotiations with a perfect client. A perfect client is someone who understands us practically instantly, in any situation, even when we express our thoughts a little bit poorly. 

It doesn’t always happen this way, does it?

As a rule, we take our time to prepare a neat presentation before we meet our potential client: we memorize the key points, search necessary statistics and arrange colourful slides. Yet, often, our clients are not inclined to admire our sophisticated narratives. What they do instead, they interrupt us after a few introductory phrases and ‘threaten’ to ruin our coherent presentation by their not-always-entirely-relevant questions. This is the moment when we realise that we are dealing with a not-so-nice client. Our perception of the entire situation may transform rapidly. We may begin questioning the entire endeavour or worrying about our chances to strike a deal. As a result, invisible tension hangs in the air, threatening our ability to find a way to the client’s heart and understanding.


Panic against your closing rate 

Let’s imagine the following situation. A certain salesperson, let’s call him John, had this subconscious fear of being asked too many specific questions so he could lose control over the process of negotiations. These ideas alone drawn him into panic and threatened to disconnect him from a potential client, every time a client would ask to specify something. John would instantly and subconsciously label such a client too peculiar, too invasive or simply not a nice person. After having analysed the situation, we have discovered that 65% of the clients were unconsciously labeled by him this way. Just imagine the potential loss of opportunities and money for his company!

When managers come to Gross Leadership with similar problems, we try to discover and understand why John or another person felt the way he did. We then eliminate the trigger and reframe the mindset, converting it towards a freer and more open setting. After such profound work is done, managers are able to boost their confidence, increase their closing rate and even succeed in striking deals with those clients whom they previously perceived as being unreasonably difficult.


Can we read people's minds? 

Often we do not know what our loved ones have on their mind, let alone clients we have just met for the first time. We know practically nothing about them, with the exception of a few professional references. While we are discussing any potential deal with clients, only 20% of their reactions are directly caused by our words and actions. The rest of their reactions are determined by the variety of stimuli, including their family circumstances, a missed bus or an unpleasant encounter with a stranger on the way to work this morning. In other words, our clients may have something totally different on their minds when they listen and react to our words than what we believe they should.


The tags we are using

The tags, by which we label people around us, may lead to the very surprising consequences. Judging people by their voices, clothes and looks may lead us away from the core realisation that our real client is just in front of us. 

The situation may get even worse if we prejudge our client in advance. For example, we can look at a client and unconsciously conclude that they remind one of our school teachers, with whom we had some unpleasant experiences in the past. Alternatively, clients may remind one of our relatives, in front of whom we always feel shy and quiet. At the moment as this, it is very important to comprehend our true feelings, and to understand clearly why we feel the way we do about this particular  client. 


Gross Leadership approach

In Gross Leadership, we apply high-intelligence methods that help us to analyze the patterns and memories from your past and to ensure that they will not overwhelm your present abilities to communicate with potential clients. This is very important, as our ability to approach our clients without any labels or associations from our own past, can help us greatly to win over our clients’ confidence and boost our direct sales.

And what do you think? Do you agree that some past memories and experiences can cloud our judgements of people we meet at present? Do you manage to take such memories under control during your meetings with new clients? 



“All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players…”

(W. Shakespeare, As You Like It)

We believe that each and every one of us is not only a leading actor but first and foremost a writer of our own destiny. Overwhelmed by life events, we may unintentionally forget that we are the sole playwrights of our own lives. We may even unwittingly drop or lose the thread of our unfolding life story. Then, we start questioning ourselves and let others do the writing for us. Doesn’t this happen to all of us occasionally? The best thing we can do is to resume the leadership as soon as we can: only we should write the play of our life! 

With the renewed confidence and new skills, we design new perspectives. Coaching and training are the best instruments we use to achieve this goal.


The members of the Board of Directors of the Federation of the Gulf Cooperation Council Chambers (FGCCC), at its fifty-second meeting (52) which was held recently in the Omani capital, Muscat, decided to appoint Dr. Saud bin Abdulaziz Al-Mishari as the Secretary-General of the Federation.

Dr. Al-Mishari is expected to handle many internal and external issues and special topics related to the Gulf economic development, the most important of which is the realization of the Gulf common market and the customs union.


Dr. Saud bin Abdulziz Al Mishari

Dr. Saud Al Mashari was the Secretary General of the Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce & Industry. His previous positions at the council were Assistant Secretary General for Legal and Administrative Affairs, and Assistant Secretary General for Executive Affairs.

Dr. Saud Al Mashari is a Member of various Committees in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and International Legal Associations i.e. Member, International Court of Arbitration, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris, France. Chairman, Standing Committee for Arbitration Centres, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Member of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Statistic (GaStat), Saudi Arabia. Member, Committee for Business Facilitation, Council of Economic and Development Affairs, Council of Ministers, Saudi Arabia. Member in the list of approved arbitrators at the Ministry of Justice-Saudi Arabia. Registered as a Member in the list of arbitrators and accredited experts at the GCC Arbitration Centre-Bahrain. Member of the Board of Directors of the National Centre for Palms & Dates (NCPD), Saudi Arabia. Member of the coordinating team with the United Nations Compensation Commission for Gulf War reparations (UNCC), Geneva-Switzerland. Member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce – (ICC), Saudi Arabia. Member of High Grievances Committee, Ministry of Labor, Saudi Arabia Member of the Task Force Committee for Trade and Investment at the B20 business group of the G20 nations. Member of the International Bar Association-London. Member of American Society of International Law, Washington, DC. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Energy Sector Training Board (ESTB), Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), Saudi Arabia. Member of the National Commission for Environmental Protection, Saudi Arabia.

Prior to his current role, Dr. Al Mashari served as Assistant Professor of Law at The Institute of Public Administration in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Director General - Legal Affairs Department and General Supervisor over Secretariat of the Board of Directors- The Supreme Commission for Tourism, Saudi Arabia. Legal Counsel at the Law Firm of Salah Al-Hejailan; In term Legal Counsel - Legal Department, Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Saudi Arabia and Legal Counsel – office of the General Counsel at Exxon Mobil Petroleum Company (Exxon Mobil), Fairfax, Virginia-USA.

He finished his Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree at King Saud University, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia in 1990. Master’s of Law (LLM), the American University, Washington College of Law, Washington DC, USA in 1993. Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD), Washington University-St. Louis Missouri, USA in 1996. Government Contract Management Program at George Washington University, USA in 1998. Finished his High School Diploma at Riyadh Private Schools in 1985 and completed his primary school at West Hill Primary School, Dartford, Kent, United Kingdom.



أصدر أعضاء مجلس ادارة اتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي في اجتماعه الثاني والخمسون (52) الذي عقد مؤخراً في العاصمة العمانية مسقط، قراراً بتعيين الدكتور سعود بن عبد العزيز المشاري بمنصب الأمين العام لاتحاد غرف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، حيث يعد الدكتور سعود المشاري من الكفاءات الإدارية الوطنية المميزة.

وسيضطلع الدكتور المشاري بمعالجة العديد من القضايا والمواضيع الخاصه الداخليه والخارجيه وذات العلاقة بالتنمية الاقتصادية الخليجية، والتي من أهمها تحقيق السوق الخليجيه المشتركه، والاتحاد الجمركي.

وقد عمل الدكتور المشاري قبل التحاقه بالاتحاد كأمين عام لمجلس الغرف السعودية، ومستشاراً قانونياً بالإدارة القانونية في شركة "اكسون موبيل البترولية" في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وكان الدكتورالمشاري أستاذاً للقانون في "معهد الإدارة العامة" في الرياض، ومستشاراً غير متفرغ بالإدارة القانونية في "وزارة الطاقة"، كما عمل الدكتور المشاري محامياً ومستشاراً قانونياً في مكتب "صلاح الحجيلان للمحاماة والإستشارات القانونية، وكان الدكتور المشاري عضو / قاضي بمحكمة التحكيم الدولية بباريس، ورئيس اللجنة الدائمة لمراكز التحكيم بالسعودية.


يذكر أن الدكتور المشاري حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في علم القانون من "جامعة واشنطن" في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيه، وماجستير في الإختصاص ذاته من "الجامعة الأمريكية في واشنطن" وبكالوريوس في الإختصاص ذاته من "جامعة الملك سعود" في المملكة العربيه السعودية، وهو خريج برنامج القيادة الإستراتيجية من "جامعة هارفرد" وبرنامج إدارة العقود الحكومية من "جامعة جورج واشنطن" في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

(عربي) (English)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) a annoncé la disponibilité immédiate de la région Moyen-Orient (Bahreïn) qui devient la première région AWS au Moyen-Orient et qui se compose de trois zones de disponibilité. Avec ce lancement, AWS propose désormais 22 régions et 69 zones de disponibilité à travers le monde desservant des clients dans plus de 190 pays.  

Le cloud est un facilitateur clé d'opportunité pour des organisations de toute taille au Moyen-Orient. Les développeurs, les start-up et les entreprises ainsi que les gouvernements, le secteur de l'enseignement et les organisations à but non lucratif peuvent utiliser les services AWS pour exécuter des applications et tirer parti de technologies avancées telles que des technologies d'analyse, de bases de données et sans serveur pour favoriser l’innovation au Moyen-Orient.

Pour afficher une liste complète des services AWS disponibles dans la région Moyen-Orient (Bahreïn), consultez le tableau des régions AWS. La tarification pour la région AWS Moyen-Orient (Bahreïn) est disponible sur la page détaillée de chaque service AWS respectif. 


Qu'est-ce que le sans serveur ?

Le sans serveur désigne l'architecture native du cloud qui vous permet de déléguer davantage de responsabilités opérationnelles à AWS, ce qui augmente votre agilité et votre innovation. Le sans serveur permet de concevoir et d'exécuter des applications et des services sans se soucier des serveurs. Cela permet d'éliminer les tâches de gestion des infrastructures, comme le provisionnement de serveur ou de cluster, la correction, la maintenance des systèmes d'exploitation et la mise en service de capacités. Vous pouvez en concevoir avec pratiquement n'importe quel type d'application ou de service back-end. Par ailleurs, tous les aspects nécessaires à l'exécution et au dimensionnement de votre application, à haute disponibilité, sont gérés à votre place.


Pourquoi utiliser le sans serveur ?

Le sans serveur vous permet de construire des applications modernes avec une agilité accrue et un coût total de possession diminué. La conception d'applications sans serveur signifie que vos développeurs peuvent se concentrer sur leur produit au lieu de se soucier de la gestion et de l'exploitation de serveurs ou de moteurs d'exécution, que ce soit dans le cloud ou sur site. Cette réduction des opérations nécessaires permet aux développeurs de consacrer davantage de temps et d'énergie au développement de produits de qualité évolutifs et fiables.


source: Amazon

(English) (Francais)

أعلنت شركة امازون المتخصصة بالحوسبة السحابية (خدمات أمازون ويب) Amazon Web Services (AWS) عن توفر فرع لها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط (مملكة البحرين) على الفور، وهي أول منطقة خدمات امازون السحابية  AWS في الشرق الأوسط وتتألف من ثلاث مناطق خدمة.
مع هذا الإطلاق، تتيح امازون ويب (AWS) خدماتها الآن في 22 دولة و69 منطقة متفرقة في ارجاء العال ، تخدم العملاء في أكثر من 190 دولة.
تعد الخدمات السحابية بمثابة عامل التمكين الرئيسي للمؤسسات من جميع الأحجام في الشرق الأوسط.
يمكن للمطورين والشركات الناشئة والمؤسسات، فضلاً عن المؤسسات الحكومية والتعليمية والمنظمات غير الهادفة للربح استخدام خدمات امازن للانترنت AWS لتشغيل التطبيقات والاستفادة من التقنيات المتقدمة مثل التحليلات وقواعد البيانات والخدمات الشاملة ادارة الخوادم (Serverless) لدفع الابتكار عبر منطقة الشرق الأوسط.

للاطلاع على قائمة كاملة بخدمات AWS المتاحة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط (البحرين)، يرجى الضغط على الرابط للاطلاع على جدول مناطق AWS. جدول الاسعار لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط (البحرين) الخاص بـ AWS متوفر في صفحة التفاصيل لكل خدمة معينة من خدمات AWS.


ما هي الخدمات الشاملة لادارة الخوادم (Serverless)؟

هي البنية الأصلية للسحابة التي تمكن من تحويل المزيد من المسؤوليات التشغيلية إلى امازونAWS ، مما يزيد من سرعة الحركة والابتكار لدى المستخدم. يسمح للمستخدم بإنشاء وتشغيل التطبيقات والخدمات دون الحاجة لاستثمار الوقت والجهد في متطلبات الخوادم. هذه الخدمة تلغي مهام إدارة البنية التحتية مثل توفير الخادم أو الكتلة والتصحيح وصيانة نظام التشغيل وتوفير سعة التخزين. حيث يمكن إنشائها للحصول على أي نوع من أنواع التطبيقات أو الخدمات الخلفية تقريبًا، ويتم التعامل مع كل ما هو مطلوب لتشغيله وتوسيع نطاق التطبيق الخاص بالمستخدم مع توفير ما يلزم.

لماذا استخدام الخدمات الشاملة لادارة الخوادم (Serverless)؟

تمكّن هذه الخدمة من إنشاء تطبيقات حديثة مع زيادة السرعة وتقليل التكلفة الإجمالية للملكية. يعني إنشاء تطبيقات بدون الحاجة للعناية بمتطلبات الخادم يمكن للمطورين التركيز على منتجهم الأساسي بدلاً من القلق بشأن إدارة الخوادم أو تشغيلها وأوقات التشغيل، إما في السحابة أو في أماكن العمل. يسمح هذا القدر المنخفض من الانشغال للمطورين باستعادة الوقت والطاقة التي يمكن توظيفها على تطوير منتجات كبيرة الحجم وموثوقة


ترجمة نقلا عن موقع امازن

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